President — Hance Clayton, 4355 W. 49th St., Idaho Falls, ID 83402; phone: 208-524-6304; 208-521-8404; e-mail:
Vice President — Vince Harrison, P.O. Box 412, Ucon, ID 83454; phone: 208-524-0082
Secretary — Michelle Gutierrez, P.O. Box 405, Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-5931; e-mail:
Treasurer — Tammy Jewett, 1770 NE Beaman Rd., Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-6822; e-mail:
NTA Director — Dan Davis, 2741 E 200 N St.,Anthony, ID 83445; phone: 208-458-4303; e-mail:
Election Oversight Committee Chairman — Corry Hatch, 1917 One Mile Rd., Grace, ID 83241,
phone: 208-705-7068
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.50
• Family membership with subscription — $30.50
• Life Membership — $500
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Michelle Gutierrez
P.O. Box 405
Mountain Home, ID 83647
At this time, I suppose some are still trying to fill your stretchers. I am sure I don’t have to tell you that the early heavy snow fall in December made keeping traps in working order quite a challenge. The fur catch is low this year and the ailing world economy has drastically affected the fur prices and reduced the harvest. We along with a couple of surrounding states cancelled our fur sales for the month of January. The sale for the weekend of 13 and 14 of March 2009 is still on, so mark your calendars. The market, good or bad, will be established by the time of our March sale. Buyers have been reluctant to buy early due to prices not being established.
Myself and some other Idaho trappers pulled out early due to low catches. The bobcat population is down. From talking to trappers in Idaho and Nevada this appears to be a natural phenomena due to there being a low rabbit population and other food shortages. Trappers might want to suspend trapping bobcats for a couple of years until the population rebounds. Foxes are almost non existent in the upper Snake River area due to the mange. Mange has been found in coyotes as well.
Our annual convention will be the weekend of July 24 and 25 in McCall, Idaho, so mark your calendars and plan on having a good time. We will have a booth at the Idaho Spring sportsman’s and Outdoor show in Boise at the fairgrounds March 6, 7 and 8. We are looking for folks that want to man the booth and help with set up and dismantling the booth. Contact Michelle or myself if you will be available to assist.
Nominations are open for the President and one board member. Send, e-mail or call your nominations in to Mike Ingram for President and one board member, these must be to him by April 15.
Obey the trapping laws, respect your fellow trappers and practice ethical trapping. — Hance Clayton
I hope everyone has had opportunities to get out and catch some fur this year. If things have been as they are down here in southwestern Idaho, the weather and animal populations probably were a setback for some of you. But, it still beats sitting in the house and watching TV; at least in my opinion. As the season nears its end, I’d like to remind everyone we’ll be filling two officer positions within our Idaho Trappers’ Association this year. Hance’s term as president will be over and he has indicated he’ll not serve again.
I believe it’s critical for our success as an organization that we elect someone who will follow and address the legislative issues as thoroughly as he did. The environment is ripe on the national political scene for the antis to bring forth their agendas in full force. We can’t afford to let this key position go unfilled! Our rights and privileges as trappers depends on having unified and positive representation with the state and national political agencies. Also, up for election is one director position; another tremendously important job in managing how our association is run.
In accordance with our bylaws, nominations for these positions must be postmarked no later than April 1. You can also e-mail nominations if you have that capability. My home address is: Mike Ingram, 1705 E. 10th North, Mountain Home ID 83647. The e-mail address I use is Once the nominees have been accepted and their good standing with the association has been determined by the Board, a ballot will be sent to each association member. Instructions and deadlines for returning the ballots will be included in the mailing.
Please put some serious thought into nominating good representatives for these positions. I’m sure we’ll all face serious challenges to our way of life in the coming years.
— Mike Ingram