President — Reginald Murray; (918) 694-8190;
Vice-President — Billy (BJ) Johnson
Treasurer — Janice Johnson; (918) 650-2205;
Secretary — Jennifer Murray; (918) 367-9060
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $18
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $23
• Junior membership (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $11
• Regular Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Lifetime membership (over 70) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $150
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
FTOA Secretary/Treasurer
Marilyn McGovern
Rt. 5, Box 46
Idabel, OK 74745
Hello to everyone from Bristow, Oklahoma.
As I write this letter, we are about half way through the 2013 – 2014 fur bearers season. I hope that each of you has been able to get out and make a good harvest, in light of the adverse weather that has kept all my own targets “denned up” so far. We currently still have deer archery open until January 15 and waterfowl season open until January 26. Good luck to those like me who are still looking for those elusive game animals before the closing of the hunting seasons. I hope each of you are having much better luck on your trap lines this year. If I can manage to “keep up” with my current harvest trend, I should have every opossum removed from Creek County before the close of season this year, making me the “Possum King” for the 2013 – 2014 fur bearers season. I just can’t seem to keep those “grinners” or “trash gators” out, but that’s a part of trapping and I wouldn’t change the adventure.
We are continuing to strive to bring you as much communication and information as possible, as we receive it, or are capable of implementing it. We have installed a “discussion board” or “forum” for FTO members at If you are a member, please feel free to join in. Membership will be checked before registration on the forum or the Fur Takers of Oklahoma Facebook page is approved. Please check the website often, as this report might not be seen until after the March 8, 2014 Fur Auction is completed.
Please keep in mind that we have a fur auction scheduled for March 8, 2014 in Okmulgee at the Okmulgee County Fairgrounds. More information about this can be found on the website at Please contact Jennifer Murray, Secretary at 918-367-9060 to reserve your seller number.
In preparation for this auction, we considered several factors in the determination of this time, date and location.
• First of all, being on March 8, 2014 will allow the fur sellers a full week at the end of season to prepare for the auction, without having to “rush” to get all of their goods ready for sale.
• Secondly, this date falls short of the 10 working days as per regulations before a “hold over permit” is required.
• Third, this date allows for any out-of-state buyers & sellers to be in attendance if they wish to attend, without having to be in two places at one time.
In preparation for the fur auction, I would like to personally thank a few people for their advice, counseling and guidance which will no doubt assist the FTO in having what should be an excellent “first auction”. Those people are as follows:
• Mr. Leon Melton
• Mr. Billy (B.J.) Johnson
• Mrs. Janice Johnson
• Mr. Glen Johnson
• Mr. Charlie McAmis
• Mr. Joe Stanbro
• Mr. Sam McGill
• Mrs. Jennifer Murray
• Mr. Roy Gentry
• Mr. Justin Masterson
• Mr. J. D. Casey
• Mr. Vence Meneely
The FTO would also like to give a special thanks to Ms. Glenda Walls for everything she does to promote trapping in Oklahoma, and to the youth that can be in attendance at the 2014 Youth Trappers Campout in December. We look forward to working with her in the future to promote trapping, and ensuring the tradition of fur harvesting is passed on to our youth. She can be assured, that the FTO will not change an event date, time or plan to which she has involvement in, without first consulting her about the proposed changes in activities.
The FTO is planning to host the Spring Meeting in April or May. You can find the Event & Meeting notices on the website at We look forward to seeing each of you in attendance. As plans are finalized, we will get a list of events posted on the website, so that visitors will have an idea of what they can expect to see and participate in. For more information, updates and all other FTO events, please visit the website at
The FTO has both a Facebook page, and a discussion forum that members can participate in. You must be a member in order to register to register for participation on the discussion forum, but the Facebook page is currently open to the public. “Guest” and “non-members” will not be able to participate on the discussion forum. This is done to protect the privacy of the membership.
There should be some vendors in attendance at FTO events, from which you can resupply if you need to. In stating that, I would like to thank the following vendor in advance for past participation, support, and willingness to promote the FTO and events to all of their customers: Thank you Mr. Brian Seaton of Davenport Archery in Prague, Oklahoma.
In closing, if you are not receiving your quarterly email reports and updates, please contact us at to ensure that we have your valid email address and mailing address on file. Remember to take a child or twelve out with you on outdoor activities to make great memories. I know for a fact my own kids enjoy it.
Thank you & be safe. — Reginald Murray