Vice President — Bill Crowder, P.O. Box 510, Madison, FL 32341; phone: 850-973-6540; e-mail: wildbillc@shareinet.net
Secretary/Treasurer — Carol Lokken, 7047 Spinnaker Blvd., Englewood, FL 34224; phone: 941-475-1206; e-mail: beachbum5253@comcast.net
NTA Director — George Dykhuizen, 8110 Casa De Meadows Dr., Englewood, FL 34224; phone: 941-697-7634; e-mail: principal1@embarqmail.com
Membership Options
• Family membership, including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Associate membership (without magazine) — $15
• Lifetime membership (without magazine) — $100
• Lifetime membership with two year subscription — $125
Complete membership application on first page of association section, and send dues to:
Carol Lokken
7047 Spinnaker Blvd.
Englewood, FL 34224
Hello fellow trappers! I hope everyone is having a good off-season. Hopefully everyone who sent furs off to auction was satisfied with the prices they received. The fur market looks like it will rebound well, as prices seem to be coming up nicely. Maybe it will still be on the way up for next season!
Thank you to all of the members who sent the surveys back in. We used many of the ideas sent in to plan this years and future rendezvous, as you will see in the schedule. We have also put together our first annual Trapper Training seminar. It will be a three day, hands on, intensive weekend of trapping instruction that will cover all aspects of both ADC and fur trapping. Trappers who successfully complete the course will have the option of being put on a list to be made available to our Fish and Wildlife Commission, the Florida Cattleman’s Association, and the Florida Farm Bureau. We hope this will lead to a broader, more positive image of trapping in the agriculture community. We hope by being affiliated and visible to these organizations we will be able to have their support our heritage, and try to get laws changed to better manage the fur bearer and predator populations. Please tell as many people you think would be interested in taking the class about it. We hope to use the class for education, as well as getting our membership up.
To those who have not heard yet, on June 23, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has seen fit to ban all fox run pens in our state. I attended this meeting, and was disgusted at the amount of animal rights people who showed up to speak, and told only outright lies. These people are the very reason that we need to support as many trapping organizations as possible. Our association contributes to both of the national organizations, Fur Takers of America and the National Trappers Association. Please do the same yourselves if you are able to.
On the way home from the Fish and Wildlife meeting, my wife and I stopped by a furrier located in Orlando, Florida. I never knew there were any in this state. Their name is LaBelle Furs, and they have been owned by the LaBellman family for 91 years. They offer a complete line of quality fur products, as well as cold storage for your fur garments, as well as doing custom work such as coats and other fur garments. Their phone number is (407)422-3565, and their website is www.labellefurs.com. To all of our Florida trappers who are looking to get a fur coat, or other garment made, give them a look. I hope everyone has a great summer.
— Cody Sikes
Hi folks. It’s been a hot and busy summer. I’ve been busy running traplines here in north Florida. Nuisance and predator control keep Rosa and me very busy. We are looking forward to hosting the Trapper Training Seminar (which you will read about in an upcoming column). Our mission is to have professional trappers available here in Florida to help control the problem critters. See you in September at the Rendezvous.
— Bill Crowder
We hope y’all are having a great summer. It’s been hot in SW Florida. I’ve been busy helping coordinate our Trapper Training Seminar and our Annual Fall Rendezvous. As you are reading this, we have just finished with the Trapper Training Seminar and we promise to include all details in an upcoming column. As this point, our efforts turn to the Rendezvous. Details will be included in the Association news. Please take a moment to check out our Raffle items. If anyone wishes to purchase raffle tickets, please contact me.
Our website is finally refurbished. Take a look! Check us out at www.floridatrappers.org! We have donated $100 to the US Sportsmen’s Alliance, $500 to the National Trappers Association, and $500 to Fur Takers of America. It’s a great feeling to be part of something bigger than us, who help us in our endeavors to keep trapping strong in America!
— Carol Lokken
“Out trappin’ coyotes” — John Whitfield
The NTA has seized a great opportunity to educate the public about the positive aspects of trapping. Alan Probst, host for TV’s Sportsman Channel, has agreed to do a series of feature programs on trapping that will reach more than 28 million households across the country. The series will consist of thirteen half-hour shows with 65 reruns guaranteed for a total of 2,340 minutes of trapping scenes and commentaries. The shows will be designed to promote trapping in a positive manner and the NTA will be given advertising spot announcements presented by Alan. The Sportsman Channel does a super job of promoting outdoor sports and trappers everywhere will benefit as arrangements for the show unfold.
We’ll keep you posted!
— George D. Dykhuizen
31st Fall Rendezvous
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Trimble County Park
Mount Dora, FL
Time: 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast: 8:00 AM Coffee, orange juice, donuts
Lunch: 12:00 Noon Beans, Burgers, and Dogs compliments of the FL Trappers Association
Meat market Bill Crowder & Bo Carlton
What, where, when, who, how to sell
Bait and Lure Making Bill Weeks
Nuisance Animal Removal John Whitfield & Gary DePalma
Including start up and business practices
Fur market and outlets George Dykhuizen
Where and when to sell your fur
Open forum
A great time to share your knowledge, ideas, and questions
Business Meeting
Auction/Fund Raiser Dave Enfinger – Auctioneer Extraordinaire
Ronnie Braxton & Terry Mayne – Assistants Extraordinaire
Raffle drawing
Please mark this date on your calendar and join us for a day filled with fellowship, fun, and friends.
Bring items to donate to our annual auction and plan to buy some useful and interesting “stuff”. Association promotional items and raffle tickets will be available for sale.
Our Rendezvous is open to the public and all guests are welcome!
Please respect Trimble Park rules: No firearms, alcohol, or pets allowed in the park.
Camping is available with water and electric hook ups. There are bathroom and shower facilities in the camping area. Trimble Park will take camping reservations after August 11th. Please tell the office that you are with the FL Trapper’s Association. We cannot reserve specific sites but they will try to group us together. Many of us plan to camp Friday and Saturday night.
From I 75:
Exit 329(Inverness/Wildwood) to SR 44 toward Wildwood/Leesburg
SR 44 to Leesburg to US 441 (Rt 500) toward Taveres/Eustis/Mt. Dora
SR 441 past the Mt. Dora cutoff and you will see a sign “Orange County”
2 miles past this sign you will see a sign “Trimble County Park” (right side of road)
Turn right on Dudley Rd. left on Dora Dr., right on Earlwood Ave.,
Bear right on Trimble Rd.
From the east:
SR 441 (Orange Blossom Trail) towards Mt. Dora
After passing thru Apopka, there will be a “Zellwood Diner/Truck Stop” on your right
2 miles past the diner/truck stop you will see a sign “Trimble County Park” on your right.
Turn left on Sadler Rd., right on Sloewood Dr., right on Dora Dr., left on Earlwood Ave.,
Bear right on Trimble Rd.
Come into the park and follow the main road straight in (not the boat launch entrance), past the camping area road.
Pavilion #1 is at the end of the road on the right.
There is ample parking.
Please direct all questions and concerns to our Officers.
Hope to see y’all there!