The first major wild fur auction of the year took place earlier this week, and the results should excite trappers and predator hunters. In fact, Fur Harvesters Auction, Inc. says this season could be “one for the record books.”
“Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. just concluded its largest and most successful opening fur auction,” an FHA news release states. “In keeping with tradition, North Bay once again was the first to hold an international wild fur auction starting off the season and setting the market with strong levels on all species.
“We had a very large number of buyers attending from China and there is no question who is driving the market. Chinese buyers dominated all day. Buyer attendance was the highest on record for our season opening sale. It is evident that this season is shaping up to be another one for the record books.”
Here is the price breakdown:
This is great news, $60.00 average fox? Holy cow! I need to get more traps out!
I have not seen any prices like this in the Arkansasn/Missouri area, the closest I seen was the otter a large otter around here sold for around 60. but beaver for 12 to 15, coon for around 6 for a large coon, I feel the Trappers in this area needs to send our furs off and just take the gamble. but if the prices were this good then Thank GOD the prices are coming up. Maybe this will help get the younger generations interested in keeping the heritage.
Also I did not see any Bob cat prices. I have kept my fur in the freezer this year.
I’m curious about bobcats too. Anyone know what they are going for this year, or the projection for them?