President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763
Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681
Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-5434;
Secretary/Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership without T&PC — $20
• Individual membership with subscription to T&PC — $32
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Cortland Country Trappers of New York
Secretary Art Manz
Box 14
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
The meeting was called to order by President Bill Howe at 5:00pm July 20, 2014. Bill introduced our new member Lou Giacco to the membership, welcome aboard. John Slocum won the 50/50 and Art won the trap donated by Howe’s Trapping Supply. Our gun raffle tickets are still available, take some and sell them.
IFH rendezvous is Aug 17, at the Pompey R&G Club. Remember to support them. Motion made, 2nd and carried that we purchase a dozen 160’s and donate them to the IFH Rendezvous for their use.
We will have to get tables from the Maple Festival and take them to Solon for the Rendezvous. Greg has been in touch with Toby Edwards and will try to get him to set up a tent at Solon for $150.00. Toby does this and hopefully he will still do his skinning and handling of furs demos at our event. He is the best at what he does. Greg will stay on it. Food at Rendezvous will be handled by Solon cooks. No new info on the Solon rebuilding project.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
Discussion on chairs for Rendezvous. McGraw will lend us enough. We just have to get them and return them. Greg and Gary D will get together on the project. Thank you gentlemen. Club authorized Shirley Howe to replenish our paper goods stock and purchase coffee for the meetings.
Discussion held on Les Wedges update on his condition. Rich Beckwith led the club in a prayer and blessing for all of us. Thank you Richard.
John Slocum has provided the food for today and as usual it’s super.
Bill Howe has the demo for today and it includes cable restraints, anchors and all sorts of stuff to keep Art’s mind occupied. Greg will do a demo at the Rendezvous. Rich Beckwith will bring food for August. Discussion on donating to the McGraw Club for their hospitality. We will wait until we are done using their facilities. Dick Firshing discussed bills floating around Albany this year. Most are the usual every year stuff that goes nowhere but still should be watched. Dick made a quick sale and donated $10.00 to the Club. Nice. John S. reminded all to donate to our Chinese auction at the Rendezvous.
Butch will have a Trapper Education Course on Sept 6. More info: 607 656 9606.
Ray Nolan: I cannot do justice to the complete report from the State, NTA and other local stuff that Ray brings to the meeting. Questions and answers are invited. Discussion on DEC Camps and trapper training being done. The need for mentors for kids is there. Got Time??? Motion made and carried that we take an ad in the NYSTA Convention Book we will take a full page. Dave Miller is doing a super job for us and we all know we need it. Motion made a carried that we take 10 raffle tickets for the support of Dave in his quest to keep the Legislator informed about us and us about them. Discussed Fisher season progress or lack thereof. Check DEC web page for lots of info. Check NYSTA web page for info, Ray is working to improve it for us. JTI working on Fisher stuff. Lot’s of work being done. Discussed NYSCC attitude towards trapping and fact that we have vote in council. NYSTA only has 1800 members but there are 9,000 trappers out there. Where are they? Discussed the poaching of turtles in Canada.
Time for Howe’s demo and John’s crock pot.
Motion to adjourn at 7:00pm carried.
Respectfully submitted. — Art Manz