Cortland County Trappers of New York June-July 2014 Report

President — Bill Howe; 607-756-6763

Vice President — John Slocum; 607-849-6681

Treasurer — Art Manz; 607-863-5434

Secretary/Newsletter Editor — Les Wedge; 607-749-3292;


Membership Options:

• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $20

• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $32


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Cortland Country Trappers of New York

Secretary Art Manz

Box 14

Cincinnatus, NY 13040



The meeting was called to order by President Howe at 5:07 March 16. This meeting was held at the McGraw Sportsman’s Club.

Shirley Howe won the 50/50. Lance Smith won the Sarge Tackle hat donated by John Hahn (Sarge Tackle owner).

President Howe’s list of items to discuss:

– The Solon Sportsman’s Club will rebuild their clubhouse destroyed in a January fire.

– Our club raffle will be a Wolf Wildgame .50 cal. Muzzleloader. Tickets are available now.

– DEC Sportsman Education instructor training will be held March 24 at the Cortland DEC office.

– Fur prices at the Independent Fur Harvesters auction and North American Fur Auctions were discussed.

– Final arrangements/assignments for our exhibit at the Maple Festival were discussed.

Round table items:

– Les Wedge introduced a new Member, Eric Young, one of his recent trapper certification course students.

– Lance Smith said that George Warren, a fur buyer from Weedsport, passed away.

– Hugh McDonald suggested that our club make a donation to the Solon Club for their rebuilding effort. The club agreed in concept but would wait to see what they need or want.

– Butch Jenks said that he had visited club member Lee Stockton and that he was doing well.

– Eric young described the successes he and his brother had during their first trapping season.

Ray Nolan, Regional Director for NYSTA, discussed several items:

– The NYSTA website is being upgraded. Some changes have been made already.

– The proposed NYSTA bylaw changes and the upcoming election of officers.

– The NYSTA spring membership meeting will be held April 12th in Napanoch in Ulster County.

There was no demo this month and none are planned or next month since the bulk of the meeting will be devoted to a review of our Maple Festival experience.

Food for next month will be provided by John Slocum.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 to devour the meal provided by Hugh.

Respectfully submitted. — Les Wedge



The meeting was called to order by President Bill Howe at 5:00pm, April 20, 2014. The 50/50 was won by Shirley Howe and the trap donated by Howe’s Trapping Supplies was won by Dale Beckwith.

President’s List.

It is once again our turn to host the Federation Bill and Shirley cover the task nicely. Our caterer didn’t show so there will be no chow tonight. We are very happy with the results of the Maple Festival even though the workers got punished Sat with the weather. Bill thanked all who took the time and effort to make the weekend successful. We sold out of tails, honey sticks and believe it or not gun raffle tickets. After a discussion on the event the treasurer took; the receipts to deposit in the bank. Nice job folks.

We have a couple of options to purchase next year’s gun for the raffle. John and Bill will check them out. Bill will bring inventory of our remaining furs so we can decide on what we need.

Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.

Minutes were accepted as corrected. Hugh not John will feed us tonight.

John Slocum discussed the auction prices of furs and the effect of number of buyers on price of furs. Discussion on handling and prep of furs you wish to get a good price on. Another discussion on lack of info coming from the Solon Club. No one knows what it happening or when. We discussed the Rendezvous and how to plan for it. Where When and How seem to be hanging in the breeze. Art suggested we take McGraw’s offer and plan this years event right here at McGraw. We need to know what we are doing BEFORE September.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50PM.

Respectfully Submitted. — Art Manz


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