President — Opal Watts, P.O. Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953; fax: 303-569-0121; e-mail:
Vice President — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Secretary/Treasurer — Paula Nall 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Fur Auction Manager — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Public Relations Director — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
NTA Southwest Regional Director — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Membership Options:
• Membership dues including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Paula Nall
515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731
I attended the DOW meeting in Colorado Springs on Nov. 13. A lot of discussion on the big game and fishing five-year plan.
More information was given on some of the problems and cooperation with the oil companies on Garfield Creek.
Note the following dates: Jan. 12, 2009, Feb. 5, 2009 and March 12, 2009. These DOW meetings will be held at the Denver headquarters and are very important to us.
It was good to see Claude Oleyar at the meeting.
Don’t forget the Stock Show and Fur Auction are coming up and volunteers are always welcome and greatly appreciated.
— Opal Watts