President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645 phone: 970-268-5554; e-mail:
Vice President — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Secretary/Treasurer — Paula Nall 515 E. Strohm,Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Fur Auction Manager — Alan Nall, 515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731; phone: 970-774-3380
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, P.O. Box 29, Dumont CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953
NTA Southwest Regional Director — Marvin D. Miller, 29156 Summit Ranch Dr., Golden, CO 80401; phone: 303-526-9207
Membership Options:
• Membership dues including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Paula Nall
515 E. Strohm, Haxtun, CO 80731
Was the rendezvous site awesome or what? I still can’t give enough thanks to the Maverick Ranch and the Gutierrez family. The consensus from everyone was that it was one of the better rendezvous we had in awhile.
I guess I better cut to the chase on the report.
We had a few changes in officers this election year. Penny Hardrick is the new Vice President. Cheryl Oleyar is our new Secretary/Treasurer. Greg Ashmore is the new Fur Auction Manager. I welcome the new officers aboard, we will try and make it as painless as possible for you. I appreciate you three willing to take on your new roles. I feel very confident we can and will get some things accomplished as the year progresses.
Also, I have agreed to serve in the footsteps of our friend and leader Mr. Marvin D. Miller as the NTA Representative. God knows I have huge shoes to fill in that position.
Rendezvous time was also award time. And we gave out plenty of them to people who deserved them no doubt. Trapper of the Year went to Kevin Herrman. Wildlife Professional of the Year went to Dick Hane. Work-Horse of the year went to Bill Curns and Junior Trapper of the Year went to Ben Gutierrez. We also gave some appreciation awards. The Gutierrez Family for all their years of service and feeding us. We all need to take the time and drop them a note of thanks.
But, as always, all good things must come to an end, and they need to rest. Debbie Watts for her years of service as our Fur Auction computer lady. She was the one always tucked away in the back for hours on end, inputting all the lot numbers from the auction. Debbie, we sure appreciate everything you have done for us and you will be missed. And for the Godfather of the C.T.A., Mr. Marvin D. Miller, what we gave you does not even come close to covering what you have done for the C.T.A. and the N.T.A. in your lifetime. The leadership that you brought to both organizations will be greatly missed. I
feel blessed to have been able to work beside such a wonderful person who shares the same passion. I will continue asking you for help and ideas in both of my positions. Marvin, thank you for everything you have done, hats off to you pardner.
We did have some new business at the meeting. It was approved that we send $1,000 from the raffle account to help the Montana Trappers Association fight their battle with Footloose. That money will be given at the appropriate time. Also, there was a regulation change in small game regulations. Grey fox and swift fox were added to the night hunting provisions. Thanks to a couple of employees within the State of Colorado they caught that over-sight and made sure those two species were added.
The N.T.A. Western National in Lewistown, MT was well represented by Colorado trappers.
I think we all had a good time, even Marvin with his little truck episode on the way home outside of Cheyenne. Next year, you all need to plan to attend it in Rock Springs, WY. They are sure a fun event to go to. I’m sure I have missed some items that I needed to hit on, who would have thought I’d start losing it in my 40s. You all have a great big game season, and fur season is just around the corner.
Until next time, adios!
— Otis Latham
Minutes of Annual Meeting, September 6, 2009
President Otis Latham called the Annual Meeting of the CTA to order at 10 a.m. on Sept. 6, 2009, at the Rendezvous site near Kim, Col.
Secretary/Treasurer Paula Nall read the minutes of the previous meeting and presented the financial report.
Officers’ reports:
President Latham reviewed the DOW’s reclassification of seven species and requirements on tagging bobcats. Next year’s Rendezvous will be at Garfield Creek, south of New Castle. Lawyer Ken Holsinger said in a summary report that it would take $250,000 to try to overturn Amendment 14. The matter was referred to the oversight group.
Vice President Marvin Miller thanked the Gutierrez family for handling all the Rendezvous arrangements. Marv made the motion that the NTA Representative’s airline ticket be reimbursed, but no other expenses. The motion was adopted. Marv has served as the NTA Representative for 30 years, and moved Otis Latham serve as the next NTA Representative; the motion was adopted.
Secretary/Treasurer Paula Nall reported that problems with members’ subscriptions to The Trapper & Predator Caller are being dealt with as they come to her attention.
Board of Directors’ Reports:
Region 1 (NW) Director Jim Hooks reported he was well received at Miner Days.
Region 2 (SW) Director Kevin Herrman said he and Kacy did a demo for the 4th Grade and distributed 50 NTA packets.
Region 3 (NE) Director Don Clifford reported the booth at the stock show did well, with three scholarships given out. He is trying to get a second booth for the next stock show. Moyle Mink gives a 2.5 percent discount to CTA members and the same to NTA members.
Region 4 (SE) Director Spencer Bridges referred an Australian group interested in beaver trapping to Bent’s Fort, which puts on demonstrations year-round.
Region 5 ( Metro) Director Gary Crawford said there wasn’t a Sportsman’s show this year. A University of Oklahoma student wants skunk skulls for a study; Marv Miller has her number.
Public Relations Director Opal Watts reported Commission meetings are the first of every month, so her report is a month old by the time it is published in The Trapper. Because of the shortage of DOW officers, municipalities might eventually join in overturning Amendment 14 as wildlife problems increase. Opal will sponsor a Catch-A-Calf contest with $400 from the education or raffle fund.
Fur Auction Director Alan Nall said the fur auction gave $5,000 to the general account to help pay for lawyer’s fees and donated $2,000 to the NTA. Greg Ashmore will be the new Auction Manager. Nall expressed his appreciation for everyone who has helped make the auction a success.
Raffle Manager Dick Hane helped Miller put on a wolf seminar again. Proceeds from the last raffle paid for Brian Fairchild and Patrick Boddicker to attend Whittington Center, at a cost of $1,900. The raffle account has $6,000; sales have been slower this year.
As new business, Marv Miller moved CTA send a donation of $1,000 from the raffle account to help the Montana Trappers Association fight Footloose. The motion was adopted.
It was announced Mike and Ellen Goodson (Cox Furs) sent a $200 donation.
Nominations were made and the following were elected to serve two-year terms: Vice President – Penny Hardrick; Secretary/Treasurer – Cheryl Oleyar; Region 1 (NW) Director – Jim Hooks; Region 4 (SE) Director – Spencer Bridges; Region 5 (Metro) Director – Gary Crawford.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
— Cheryl Oleyar
One more great Rendezvous in the bag! You remember I planned to retire from NTA/CTA. In Ohio, I got a great plaque with western motif for 30 years of NTA service. It is on the wall at the left of my desk. At the CTA awards, Bill Curns, who talks more than I do, was more eloquent than I ever heard him. He presented me with a box for a Nikon Coyote Special scope.
It was light and when I opened it it was full of money! Then Odie handed me a Savage Model 11 .223 Remington with the scope on it, a case for it and then a plaque for 33 years of CTA service. Bill said it was the first time he ever knew me to be speechless. I was pretty choked up. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, it was and is wonderful.
I turned the VP job over to Penny Hardrick and we know she will be great, and the NTA Director over to Odie Latham and he already did a good job in Lewidtown at the Western.
— Marvin D. Miller