President — Otis Latham, P.O. Box 61, Mesa, CO 81643; phone: 970-268-5554; e-mail:
Vice President — Penny Hardrick, 652 Aldrea Vista Court, Palisade, CO 81526; phone: 970-464-5059
Secretary/Treasurer — Cheryl Oleyar, 1362 Hillcrest Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909; phone: 719-471-0739; e-mail:
Fur Auction Manager — Greg Ashmore, 38967 Country Road 24, Hugo, CO 80821; phone: 719-743-2552; e-mail:
Public Relations Director — Opal Watts, PO Box 29, Dumont, CO 80436; phone: 303-569-2953
NTA Representative — Otis Latham, PO Box 61, Mesa, CO 81645; phone: 970-268-5554;
Membership Options:
Membership dues including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller – $25
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA Secretary/Treasurer
Cheryl Oleyar
1362 Hillcrest Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
As promised, I am back in the saddle again. And I will try dearly to keep up with my reports. First off, I would like to personally thank everyone who helped in the Stock Show and the Fur Auction. Don’s crew did a wonderful job of promoting tanned fur products once again and made a few dollars to boot. Greg and crew did a great job putting on the fur auction. Who would have thought the prices would go from doom and gloom to what they did? The new computer program for fur auction had a couple of glitches, but overall did what we asked of it. There were little minor problems that we can work out this coming year. Stephen, I hope we didn’t ruin you from wanting to do the program again next season. We threw a lot at you in a short time, and you didn’t let us down. From myself and the Fur Auction Committee, thanks. Buyers/sellers, a thank you from us all. Without you, we wouldn’t have a fur auction. Hats off to everyone. Just goes to show we are still a coyote sale.
There was some new business at the spring meeting. Cheryl will post the minutes in her column so I wont go into those. We do have some business items that need to be addressed, and will get to those throughout this coming year. Myself and Marvin Miller will be attending the Western NTA Leadership Conference in Las Vegas in March. Marvin will be trying to break me in as the new NTA Director for Colorado. I will also be attending the NTA Nationals this year. The Western NTA Convention will be in Rock Springs, WY this year. Dates are June 18-20 at the Sweetwater County Fairgrounds in Rock Springs. If you can attend the Westerns, they are always a good time. And there is always plenty of vendors to get your yearly supplies. It’s close this year, guys and gals. Make time to go.
Kevin Herrman is preparing for the fall rendezvous. He has the paper work well underway, and the ball is moving. It will be in New Castle this year. And will be on Garfield Creek State Wildlife Area. Marvin also worked with the Law Enforcement Office of the DOW to help them with their In-Service training of all the officers in understanding trapping, past and present. This is good for both the association and the Division as we are finally working together on some things.
Note to members: The Board of Directors will be looking into raising your membership dues. This is because the T&PC will be raising the rates of the subscription. They will vote on it at the Fall Meeting.
I hope everyone had a great season, and you were paid well for your efforts. A lot of guys/gals now have the hindsight they should have spent more time afield after seeing what the fur market is. We can all pray for spring and warmth now. And get out of this snow and cold that has been relentless this year. If you have any questions, feel free to call or drop me an e-mail. Shoot straight. Later amigos!
— Otis Latham
Our fur auction was held on Feb. 11 and 12, and it was another successful year. Fur prices seemed to be up compared to what we were hearing before the sale. We had a good selection of fur and the numbers were fair. The bobcats at the sale were semi heavy to heavy ’cats mostly from west of I-25 into the mountains. We had a good selection of coyotes coming from all different parts of the state. Below is a summary of the raw fur at the sale.
Listed by Quantity, High, Low and Average
Badger — 27, $31, $1, $15.29
Beaver — 70, $23, $3, $13.33
Bobcat — 65, $470, $120, $227(Semi-Hvy. Hvy W. I-25)
Coyote — 1,245, $55, $2, $26.70
Ermin — 44, $4, $3.75, $3.88
Gray Fox — 11, $28, $14, $20
Mink — 17, $20, $8, $14.78
Muskrat — 336, $9.25, $0.60, $5.10
Pine Marten — 59, $35, $20, $28
Racoon — 302, $27, $2, $13.82
Red Fox — 107, $30, $4, $20.03
Skunk — 93, $9, $2, $6.62
Swift Fox — 54, $16, $4, $11.59
Along with this raw fur, we had a lot of tanned fur, antlers, bears and miscellaneous carcass goods, too many to list in this column. I would like to take this time to thank everybody for the time and work they put in to make this sale a success. It takes a great amount of time and work to make this sale run as smooth as possible, so thank you to everyone who helped throughout the sale. I look forward to next year’s sale, and hope to see all of you there. If you have any questions concerning the sale, feel free to give me a call at 719-743-2552. Thanks again.
— Greg Ashmore
Gary Crawford attended the February DOW meeting for me. There was nothing that concerned us and I will be at the March 11 DOW meeting in Denver.
I have been told that our anti friends are surfacing again, so I will be especially watchful. I would appreciate any information anyone has.
— Opal Watts
Membership Meeting Minutes
Feb. 7, 2010
President Otis Latham called the CTA Membership Meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. on Feb. 7, 2010, at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Hugo, CO. A quorum was present.
The Minutes of the Sept. 6, 2009, Annual Meeting were read and approved as corrected.
Treasurer Oleyar gave a report of the General Fund. The 2010 membership fees for Fur Takers of America and the National Rifle Association were approved for payment, as well as donations to a couple other organizations.
Secretary Oleyar asked for Minutes of previous CTA meetings, as many are missing. She reported that The Trapper & Predator Caller subscription rate for CTA members increased from $11 to $12, effective Feb. 1. CTA currently has 190 members, compared with 200 members a year ago. She asked that information about all CTA-sponsored events be posted on the CTA Web site as soon as the dates, times and locations are determined.
Vice President Hardrick sent a report on the investment accounts. The Treasurer distributed the 2009 Financial Reports of the General Fund, Fur Auction, Stock Show Booth and Raffle to board members. They are available to members upon request (contact Cheryl Oleyar). There are two applicants for the two CTA scholarships to the NRA Whittington Center camps.
Kevin Herrman (SW) has applied for the special use permit for the Rendezvous site at Garfield Creek. He is researching food concession alternatives.
Kandy Herrman moved that Miss Rodeo Colorado provide the CTA with her coat measurements and fur choice (coyote, fox or natural beaver) by July 15 so the coat order can be placed with the manufacturer before his busy season. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Fur Auction director Greg Ashmore reported the new computer program is paid for. Gary Crawford moved that buyer and seller information from the Fur Auction be kept confidential. The motion was seconded and adopted. This will be printed on the Fur Auction fliers next year.
Kandy Herrman moved that CTA donate a gun to the NTA Western, the gun to be purchased with Fur Auction funds, and the cost not to exceed $400. The motion was seconded and adopted. Opal Watts moved the CTA pay President Latham’s lodging and airfare to the NTA National Convention in Marshfield, WI, Aug. 5-8. The motion was seconded and adopted.
New business included a discussion about increasing membership dues. This matter will be decided at the Annual Meeting during the Rendezvous. Elections of Regional Directors at the last Annual Meeting were not held in the order prescribed in the bylaws, and will be corrected at the next Annual Meeting. Without objection, President Latham appointed Kandy Herrman, Cheryl Oleyar and himself to the Bylaws Amendment Committee. The President will consider appointing a Finance Committee. Marv Miller was appointed Historian.
The meeting adjourned at 1:07 p.m.
— Cheryl Oleyar