President — Rick Van Horn, 4185 N. Irving Street, Kingman, AZ 86409; phone: (928) 757-3860; e-mail:
Vice President — Mike Burris, 5452 E. Farmdale Avenue, Mesa AZ, 85206; phone: (480) 654-1411; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Mike Huffer, 7720 E. Beatrice, Scottsdale, AZ 85257; phone: (480) 970-5904; e-mail:
Treasurer — Mike Hull, P.O. Box 3355, Chinle, AZ 86503; phone: (928)674-9542; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Amanda Prosser, P.O. Box 4111, Chino Valley, AZ 86323; phone: (928) 499-2114; e-mail:
Fur Auction manager — Bill Strauss, P.O. Box 183, Seligman, AZ 86337; phone: (480) 375-1183
NTA Director — Cindy Seff, P.O. Box 762, Seligman, AZ 86337; phone: (480)390-0723; e-mail:
Scent Post — Winter/Duncan Davis, P.O. Box 86783, Phoenix, AZ, 85080; phone:(623)466-6799; e-mail:
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $35
• Oldtimer membership with subscription — $75
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $275
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ATA, Membership Secretary
Amanda Prosser
P.O. Box 4111, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Phone: (928) 499-2114
Letter of resignation:
I have given it my all because that is all I‘ve got. And if that is not good enough then one of you has to stand up and take the colors. My nomination would be Cindy Seff. She and George have given their all and it shows. The association as we know it would not exist without them. They have done an outstanding job and I thank them both enormously for their work.
I have been told by people that your heart is not in it, well that is true. When I was in the hospital for four days, the doctor said that your heart is only beating 25 beats per minute, so yes, my heart is not in it. I love trapping and trapping is my life. When I die, I hope they have animals up there so I can trap.
I have been told by different people that I have to delegate. Well, let me tell you this, if I see something that needs to be done, I do it myself and it that is not good enough well then someone needs to stand up and delegate, call people on the phone, e-mail, snail mail etc. I have done it all.
I know that I have been keeping people informed as best as possible using all of the three above to the best of my knowledge and ability. I know that I have lived up to my promise of 20 years ago when I told the then president, Bill Goodwin, I will make it to every fur sale and convention, I haven’t missed a one. Also, I have been Mohave Country Director since that time. I have given my all at every fur sale and convention for the last 20 years.
Grace and I are very much involved with the American Legion along with other clubs, but the fur sale and the convention have always been first. We have always put them first and have had to cancel other events with other clubs to make it happen. With the situation at hand, Mike Burris takes the helm and I can only hope there are no hard feelings. This is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do in my life, I have never quit anything in my life.
In closing, I would like to thank Mike Hull, Kurt Bonnewell, Amanda Prosser and John Henry for all of their very hard work and dedication. I can only hope that we can get this association going on the right track. The people that know me, know me. I have done my best and apparently, to some people, that was not good enough. I wish you all well.
Sincerely. — Rick Van Horn
Dear ATA Members,
This month, I have renewed the following members: Charles Krog, Steve Murdock, Mike Rodgers, Walker Family, Ron Day, Roy Hume, Ron Smith, Miles Killian, Mike Dunegan, Dave Bergma, Lewis Scott, Steve Cullison, Jerry Ilg, Rodger Brackney, Fern Brewer, Dick Tackitt, Billie Ray, Lee Hulsey, L G Brickneroff, Euegene Hays, Wilber Taylor, Robert Hayosteck, Allen Laudenslager, Walter Prychdnik, Jimmy Butler, Jeff Serdy, Stan Shepers, Clifford Dingee, Jerry Thorton, Kevin Walker, Michael Jones and Anna-Marie Scalf.
If anyone has any questions about your membership, please contact me. If you are a lifetime member and you receive a bill, just let me know and I will contact the T&PC and let them know you should not be getting a bill.
Please call me anytime, I will be happy to answer any question and it’s always nice to hear from you guys!
Thank you.
— Amanda Prosser
It is going to be convention season before you know it. As a reminder, the conventions for 2009 are as follows:
SE in Williamstown, NC on May 1 to 3
NE in Pittsfield PA on May 8 to 10
Western in Lewistown Montana Sept. 18 to 20
NTA 50th Anniversary National July 30 to Aug. 1 and Board of Directors beginning with Executive council July 26 to July 29 meeting will be held in Lima, Ohio.
Watch the NTA Web site for additional information.
The NTA is currently looking for anyone whom might be interested in sponsoring the plaques for the trap setting contests and or the traps for those plaques. We will need a sponsors for all three 2009 NTA Regional Conventions as well as the 50th Anniversary NTA National Convention. Anyone interested can contact our Convention Coordinator, Dan Skurski at 231-938-4432.
Please visit the NTA Web site for dates, locations, hotels, vendor booth spaces and other information regarding these conventions. All dealer questions should be directed to Dan Skurski at 231-938-4438. We will be posting the demo schedules as they are finalized.
If your state is interested in hosting a Regional Conventions for 2010, this can be discussed at the Regional Leadership Conferences. If you have an interest, please contact Dan at the number above for more information. Karola Owen, Vice President is planning to attend all regional conventions.
Please work to make sure your Presidents and or Board of Director’s works with your NTA Director to fulfill their responsibility as a Director by setting up a booth at your state’s convention or rendezvous this year and signing up members to the NTA. We need to keep the NTA strong by maintaining and increasing our membership.
The dates for the Leadership Conferences are as follows:
Midwest: March 28 and 29, 2009 — Signature Inn, 101 S Veterans Parkway Normal, IL, 1-800-822-5252, Room Rate: $69+tax, Reservation date cut off: Feb. 15, 2009.
West: April 4 and 5, 2009 — Super 8 Motel, 4250 Koval Lane Las Vegas, NV, 1-702-794-0888, Room Rate: $60+tax, Reservation date cut off: March 16, 2009.
Southeast: April 18 and 19, 2009 — Comfort Inn, 4965 Montevallo Road Birmingham, AL, 1-205-314-2400, Room Rate: $77+tax, Reservation date cut off: March 18, 2009
Northeast: April 25 and 26, 2009 — Fairfield Inn & Suites, 101 Saratoga Village Boulevard Malta, NY, 1-518-899-6900, Room Rate: $93+tax, Reservation date cut off: March 26, 2009.
The leadership conference will be attended as follows: Western-All Executive Council, Leistico and Roberts; SE-Smith and Roggenkamp; NE- Owen and Roggenkamp; Midwest-Kaatz and Roggenkamp.
As a reminder, all Directors and Affiliate Presidents as well as members that have plans to attend the conferences need to make sure and get reservations early to assure availability. The conferences will be on Saturday of the weekend listed. Friday is listed as an arrival day and no activities will be taking place on these days with the exception of the Western Leadership in which FBU will be having their annual board meeting. An important topic will be on a program that has been developed by President Kraig Kaatz to monitor National Wildlife Refuges. That will assist us to affect change in a positive way for trapping as refuges re-write their Comprehensive Conservation Plans (C.C.P.s’).
Everyone who attends the regional leadership conferences will be receiving a copy of this program. There have been many long hours put into the research and accumulation of the information contained in the program. USFWS staff and personal have worked to assist in compiling and formulating a process that they feel is appropriate and important to assure trapping will and can be included on the refuges. We will need the help of our affiliates if this is going to reach its full potential and we ask that whomever an affiliate determines to be their point person, that they have Internet access and are willing to check their e-mails regularly.
Updates on other activities NTA is involved in as well as what is going on at political level at a national and state level. This is also your opportunity to discuss pertinent issues going on in your own states.
The Executive Council is working very hard to be certain that the NTA has proper representation in Washington, D.C., with a new administration in place we need the best representation possible at this level. The EC decided to exercise the 30-day notice included in the DNIA contract. It is unfortunate, but new challenges offer new opportunities. The EC is working diligently to provide protection to keep our rights to trap. The Executive Council has put out a request for proposals for the vacant DNIA position you can refer anyone interested to the NTA Web site to apply for the job.
There was a problem with the winter issue of the American Trapper and we now have a plan in place that will resolve these problems for any future issues. The winter issue did not reflect the quality expected for the NTA’s publication. We encourage all of you to share your trapline experiences and knowledge by writing an article for publication in the magazine, members like to hear about other trappers’ experiences.
Remember this year is election year for President and General Organizer. A sample ballot for the 2009 election was included in winter issue of the American Trapper. The nominees that have accepted are Kraig Kaatz and Bruce Hutton for President; Todd Roggenkamp for General Organizer. Please send your ballot in this summer when you receive them. Every vote counts!
It is time to think about the NTA Awards Banquet. We are in need of nominations for the many different awards that the NTA presents each year. The categories are: Trapper of the Year-East & West, Benefactor Award, Pioneer Award, Leadership Award, Director of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, Congressional Merit Award and Conservationist of the Year Award. We would request that all nominations be submitted to Karola Owen, Vice President prior to July 1. All qualifying nominations will go to the Awards Committee for review.
There has been a request to review and possible utilize the short version of the Myth Video that was a segment on the PBS Series “Spot Light On.” We are reviewing making these copies in-house.
NTA has the opportunity to have a booth and an invitation to attend the Wildlife Management show in Saratoga Springs, NY on May 4 to 8, 2008. President Kaatz is contacting the event coordinator for more information.
President Kaatz has been asked and will be attending the Alaska Spring Fling.
Gary Lestico NTA legal counsel, updated us with the following info on the ME lawsuit; AWI has sued the State of Maine for issuing licenses to trap and when trapping occurs the lynx, which is an endangered species, is accidentally caught. AWI, by way of a restraining order, was trying to stop trapping this season. The restraining order was denied with certain emergency rulings put in place regarding where traps are set. A trial has been set to be held in April 2009.
Dave Roberts Office Manger made a list of proposed changes to the Employee handbook that the Executive Council has approved. In addition changed the employee evaluation from a 3-point to a 5-point system and will increase the evaluation to two times per year. The office has a new employee, Aimee Carlisle. In regards to NTA finances, the NTA cash calendar is within a $1,000 of the net profit of last year’s calendar with consideration we started a month later; the Merrill Lynch account value has dropped severely; and the lapsed member mailing has made a profit and increased the membership by approximately 100. The latest fundraiser is offering an incentive of a stainless steel coffee mug that has the 50th anniversary logo on the side for a $20 donation. Please consider supporting this effort to receive your collectors mug.
In an effort to keep the staff cross-trained and skilled, we have paid for some continuing education classes at the local community college, which includes classes in advanced Excel Spreadsheets, Web Design using Adobe Dreamweaver, beginner class in QuickBooks and QuickBooks Non-Profit. Due to declining membership, we are exploring ideas for a membership drive and some of the incentives that we might use. Also encouraging each of you to look at your state’s numbers and offer any suggestions you have for increasing membership. We realize that these are “tough times,” but we need to keep our membership level at least even. The account report has been redesigned. The negative numbers seen last month were simply the result of transferring money as directed by the Finance Committee from one account into a CD and money market savings account. The 2009 IFTF grant is finished and has been forwarded to Keith Kaplan for review as suggested by Helmut Rothe. The NTA is planning the 2009 sweepstakes and are accepting donations from anyone interested in sponsoring an item.
Conservation Director Jim Curran is working with an individual to make a commemorative bear trap for the NTA 50th Anniversary. Curran will be attending the North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, March 16 to 21 in Arlington, Virginia. Jim has had daily correspondence from the American Wildlife Conservation Partner (AWCP). With the new administration in Washington, DC all of our conservation partners are actively seeking support for existing programs that are important to sportsmen. Support letters to the USFWS for new delisting package for the Gray Wolf in the northwest have been submitted. At the present time, all federal actions that were started under the past administration have been put on hold by the new administration. Jim attended the Annual BMP meeting of the Technical Work Group in New Orleans and represented NTA along with Tom Krause. Discussion was held regarding a draft white paper on the many attributes of snaring, descriptions of snare components and definitions. A subcommittee of the TWG has been working on this document for over a year.
Tom Krause has been our representative on this snare document. When provided to the State Agencies, it is hoped it will be useful for the States that are drafting snaring regulations to use common terminology in describing legal snares and their parts. There was common agreement that a simple method was needed to field test breakaway performance. In States that have required breakaway regulations with pound specifications, a simple method of testing will be recommended. It is not a major problem with commercial snares as they can be tested in a laboratory, however, trappers that construct their own snares need to be able to test and conform to their state’s regulations. The last high priority species still lacking a BMP is mink. Jim is on the ad-hoc committee for mink and last year they recommended more testing of bodygripping traps. One problem is that all bodygripping traps are being tested in Canada and they haven’t tested them on mink since mink were not included in their agreement with the EC. The only killing trap Canada has approved for mink is a powerful Belisle 120 Super X, which has the potential to break human fingers. They have requested and received a commitment to at least develop a computer model to test the standard #120 Conibear, with double-strike technology. This was done with the standard #120 Conibear in the marten BMP. Also included is testing of cage traps for muskrats, tests in New Mexico and Kansas for swift and kit fox and badger test in Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. A total of 15 BMPs are now printed and available online.
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies has presented to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service a recommendation to eliminate CITIES tags on bobcats and river otters. It appears the FWS is in agreement, and the current target date to eliminate CITIES tags for these two species is now 2010. Many states may still require their own tag however it will no longer be a federal requirement. We are waiting to see if the current Washington administration allows this to go through. The delisting of the bobcat from Appendix 2 of the Endangered Species Act is a separate issue from the CITIES tag requirement. Another attempt to remove the bobcat will be made at the next convention which is in 2012. There is no current plan to delist the river otter as the pelts can be confused with the sea otters which is also listed.
Kaatz will attend the Fur Takers of America Convention in Arkansas sometime in June. Executive Council member Sam Smith attended FwTH meeting and advised several of the speakers might be favorable to our cause.
The USSA is putting together a ‘Meet & Greet’ with some of the new politicians details of this will be forthcoming.
Members of the EC has sent out e-mails to various directors and trapping leaders providing information or asking for information. Most are prompt in responding, there are too many individuals who do not. We ask for a simple response so we know that you’ve seen the e-mail. Without your response, we have no way of knowing if it has been received or acted upon. In the last month, President Kaatz has sent out many e-mails with notice that some of the National Wildlife Refuges are in the planning stages for coming acceptable usages and has received nothing from many people. Please take a few moments to acknowledge receipts of your e-mails. This will help us to improve our communications.
The link to the NTA Web site is: Stop by and visit for current information as well as contact info for your national organization.
I will finish this newsletter off with the request that if you are not a member of the NTA, please get yourself signed up. You can send your $30 for your year’s subscription to the NTA, which includes the American Trapper magazine to: National Trappers Association, 2815 Washington Ave., Bedford, IN. 47421.
I am only a phone call away so don’t hesitate to contact me with concerns or comments.
Catchcha Next Time. — Cindy Seff