Alabama Trappers & Predator Control Association November 2009 Report

President — Charlie Rath, 1501 Shelby Forest Lane, Chelsea, AL 35043; phone: 205-678-6146

Vice President — Mike Flohr, 297 Kingfisher Rd., Greensboro, AL 36744; phone: 334-624-3747

Secretary/Treasurer — Gary Kramer, 5525 Pearl Dr., Bessemer, AL 35022; phone: 205-426-7045

Recording Secretary ­— Danny Foster, 315 Ross Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36092; phone: 334-391-5027

NTA Director — Jackie Malone, 11153 Crocker Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405; phone: 205-366-9604

Membership Options:

• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:

ATPCA, Vice President
Mike Flohr
297 Kingfisher Rd., Greensboro, AL 36744


I am writing this article the Monday after our fall rendezvous. I want to thank everyone who worked to make the event a success. Attendance was down some from last year, but the bright side was that several dads brought their sons and daughters. The auction was a success with some spirited bidding.

New officers were elected. Scott Wilson was elected Vice President and Mike Flohr was elected Recording Secretary for the next two years. In addition, Bob Crane was elected as Treasurer to fill the vacant position for a one-year term. Randy Wense from Athens, AL will be serving on the Board as the representative from Northern Alabama. Thank you gentleman for volunteering to serve.

The ATPCA will try again during the 2010 Alabama Legislative Session to change the trap tagging requirements as required by The Code of Alabama. I will keep you updated on this situation as information becomes available.

As promised, here is the list of dates and locations for the 2009–2010 Cooperative Trapper Education Workshops: Decatur, AL Dec. 18–20, 2009; Greensboro, AL Jan. 8-10, 2010; Coosa, AL Jan. 29-31, 2010; and Greeneville, AL Feb. 5-7, 2010. We need trappers to volunteer for these workshops. You do not need to work all three days, please volunteer for one day. Give Mike Sievering’s office a call at 205-339-5716 so that his secretary, Phyllis, can put you on the list to help. Remember the future of trapping depends on the youth of today, become a mentor by volunteering.

The ATPCA Board of Directors met on Friday, Sept. 25, 2009, prior to the Saturday rendezvous. The following is the tentative schedule of ATPCA meetings for 2010: Spring Meeting will be held at Steve Phillip’s house on Saturday, March 27, 2010. A complete agenda will be available in future articles. Current ATPCA members will also receive a flyer on the event. Please note that the Board decided that if you are bringing furs to ship to NAFA, you MUST plan on arriving prior to 11 a.m. No furs will be processed after that time until the end of the membership meeting. NAFA personnel would like to have lunch with their fellow trappers and be able to attend the membership meeting.

Also, please have your paperwork filled out in advance to speed up the process. Your cooperation is appreciated.

The ATPCA Fall Rendezvous will be held at Fosters, AL. The tentative dates will be the end of September 2010. The date must be coordinated with a weekend when the University of Alabama football team plays an away game. I will try to give you the exact dates in my December 2009 article. If you would like to see the rendezvous closer to your part of the state, please give me a call to volunteer to host the event.

Membership renewal reminder, please mail the two copies of your renewal notice along with your money as soon as you receive it. If you procrastinate, you could miss an issue of the T&PC.

Be careful on the trapline.

— Charlie Rath

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