President — Charlie Rath, 1501 Shelby Forest Lane, Chelsea, AL 35043; phone: 205-678-6146
Vice President — Mike Flohr, 297 Kingfisher Rd., Greensboro, AL 36744; phone: 334-624-3747
Secretary/Treasurer — Gary Kramer, 5525 Pearl Dr., Bessemer, AL 35022; phone: 205-426-7045
Recording Secretary — Danny Foster, 315 Ross Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36092; phone: 334-391-5027
NTA Director — Jackie Malone, 11153 Crocker Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405; phone: 205-366-9604
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ATPCA, Vice President
Mike Flohr
297 Kingfisher Rd., Greensboro, AL 36744
This report will be short this month. I am writing this article the last week in August, so I will report on the results of the fall rendezvous in the November 2009 issue of the T&PC.
For those of you who have not heard, two ATPCA members received awards at the Fur Bearers Unlimited Awards Banquet at the 50th NTA Convention in Lima, OH. Jackie Malone received the Director of the Year Award and Mike Sievering, ADCNR received the Leadership Award.
The awards were given in recognition of their work in establishing the Alabama Cooperative Trapper Education Workshops and their support for traps, trappers and trapping. When you see these gentlemen, please take time to thank them for their hard work. Not bad for a State Affiliate with 100 members. Thanks Jackie and Mike for all your hard work.
At this time, we have scheduled four Trapper Ed classes for the 2009-2010 trapping season. Please consider volunteering to be a mentor at one of the workshops. If you cannot spare an entire weekend, we can still use you for a day. Help preserve our heritage, teach a new trapper, specific dates and locations in next month’s article.
Membership renewal reminder, please mail the two copies of your renewal notice along with your money as soon as you receive it. If you procrastinate, you could miss an issue of the T&PC.
Take care.
— Charlie Rath