Now is the time to get a jump on next year’s trapline. Here’s how to find your next best spots. [Read More]
Trap Line Blog
Don’t Rule Out Cage Traps
There is a cage trap for just about everything from chipmunks to coyotes. They are easy to set and bait, and they help trappers be selective with what they keep. In today’s crazy fur market, it doesn’t hurt to be able to keep only the best fur, and release the rest. [Read More]
Patient Trapping
How to use low-maintenance sets on travel routes and wait for fur to pile up. [Read More]
Snares That Care
Fence snares placed in the right locations are undoubtedly one of the most effective means of protecting valuable protein that needs protecting — domestic or wild. [Read More]
The Management Trapper: Starting Out on the Right Foot
For those just breaking into trapping for any reason, but particularly those with the ultimate goal of managing the furbearers on their property, learning from seasoned trappers should be priority number one. [Read More]
Tag Team Trapping
Taking on a trapline partner might be just the ticket during these difficult days and a way to energize lagging spirits. Sharing the success or frustration, exchanging methods and time in the pelting shed are all great. [Read More]
Trapping Girl, Inc.
Learn how this steel-setting entrepreneur is making a positive impact in the trapping industry. [Read More]
Find Unique Ways to Sell Your Fur
Not sure what to do with this season’s catch? The author discusses a few clever ways to still make some cash. [Read More]
A True Story of Wolf Attacks and a Farmer’s Thoughts
A farmer details his experience with multiple wolf attacks and what happens when their numbers go unchecked. [Read More]
Bucket List Trapping: Ursus Americanus, the Black Bear
This trapper’s 2020 trapping season started a little different than most years. He was setting steel for a massive Northern black bear. [Read More]