Mouse Musk Oil has been a work in progress for a few years now. This bait is basically a liquid form of whole mice with a very natural, mild, appealing odor. [Read More]
Tag Archives: Lure
North American Trapper: The Madness Lure
This time-tested canine curiosity blend is a mixture of pure skunk quill, coyote glands, beaver juice, asafetida, civet oil and other essential ingredients, making it a must-have for your predator sets. Great for coyote, fox, bobcat and more. [Read More]
Lure Sense
With all of the lure and bait choices available today, how do you choose one? The author breaks down what you should look for to make sense of all those scents. [Read More]
Scent Thief Steals a Furbearer’s Ability to Smell
Created by a longtime trapper to help catch more coyotes, Scent Thief has been proven to temporarily block an animal’s ability to smell by calming its olfactory receptors. Learn how it can work just as well on your trapline. [Read More]
Is the Set Location or the Bait More Important in Trapping?
By Jack Spencer Jr. There are two common theories I often hear from trappers when trying to explain trapping success. Is it the magical location or the tempting bait we trappers purchase or make on our own that produces catches? … [Read More]