The Winter 2007 issue is loaded with tips and techniques from predator calling pros such as Gerald Stewart, Gerry Blair, Randy Buker, Lance Homman, Dave Kaprocki, Ted Stotler and many more.
The magazine’s handy club listings and calendar of events will help you connect with fellow predator hunters, and profiles of top new gear items will help you make informed purchase decisions.
The Winter 2007 issue of Predator Hunting is available at newsstands across the United States, but also can be ordered directly from F+W Publications by calling (800) 942-0673 or online. The issue costs $5.95, which includes shipping and handling.
For a limited time, you can also still order the Early-Season (Fall 2007) issue. It is also $5.95 postpaid.
Below is the table of contents for the Winter 2007 issue. It is the best in predator hunting information you’ll find anywhere!
8 Cold-Weather Calling
Many predator hunters face a choice in winter: Deal with frigid temperatures or wait until next fall. We go hunting. By Dave Morelli
14 Let Deer Unlock the Gate
White-tailed deer managers have recognized that a predator-control program can benefit the herd. You can be part of the team. By Mark Kayser
20 Right On Target
Marksmanship is an acquired skill. Don’t leave shots at coyotes to chance. By Ted Stotler
26 The Last 100 Yards
Most hunters can bring a fox to the call at night, but many fail to coax the animals close enough to kill with a shotgun. By Dave Kaprocki
30 Bobcat Rules
Trying to predict the behavior of ‘cats can be frustrating. So why try? By Gerry Blair
36 Calling Gaffes
Here are 10 common predator hunting mistakes and advice to help you avoid them. By Randy Smith
42 Estrous Chirps
Female coyotes use special yips to excite males. You can use them, too. By Lance Homman
50 Gotta Love Texas
The Lone Star State is rich with opportunities to call predators. By Glenn Guess
56 Gliding and Gunning
A few enterprising predator callers propel themselves to super hunting on skis. By Bill Marchel
62 Go-To Grays
The bold, aggressive temperament of gray foxes makes them a favorite predator calling target. By Gerald Stewart
66 Freelancing for Predators
The World Wide Web has made researching a calling trip much easier. By Randy Buker
82 Misadventures and Memories
The moments we remember the most are those that don’t happen exactly as planned. By Wayne Newstead
6 Editor’s Call
A pair of howling coyotes turn a predator-calling stand against a hunter. By Paul Wait
48 Furbearer Behavior
Mange is a nasty affliction that can decimate coyote and red fox populations. However, predators always seem to bounce back. By Serge Lariviere
70 Gear Guide 2007
Discover the latest in game calls, decoys, rifles, shooting supports and predator hunting videos.
74 Clubs &?Organizations
Use our guide to find predator calling clubs across the nation.
76 Calendar of Events
Find predator hunts and calling contests right next door or far from home.