Editor’s Call – August 2007

Paul mug color.jpgEditor’s Call

By Paul Wait

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It

The Trapper & Predator Caller launches an exciting new bi-weekly e-mail magazine

In 1999, when I was hired to edit The Trapper & Predator Caller, my job was to present the best magazine possible to you every month. It still is.But earlier this year, my job description expanded. I’m now in charge of The Trapper & Predator Caller, The Trapper & Predator Caller and The Trapper & Predator Caller.

No, my keyboard isn’t sticking, and you’re not seeing in triplicate. As of July 5, we’re now publishing three distinctly different versions of T&PC.

Obviously, you’re looking at our traditional print magazine, which has been North America’s trapping authority since 1975. And if you log onto the Internet at www.trapperpredatorcaller.com, you can view our interactive Web site.

If you’ve visited since March 1, you know about T&PC’s online message boards, a place hundreds of trappers and predator callers from all over the world share tips, tactics and ideas about all things fur. If you’ve logged on recently, you might have participated in a T&PC opinion poll or followed breaking news stories affecting the fur-harvesting community. Maybe you perused the site’s feature archives, read at our online column pages or renewed your magazine subscription. The T&PC Web site is not a carbon copy of what appears in the magazine. Far from it. In fact, we’re developing several Web exclusive interactive features that will only be found online. We’ll also unveil sweepstakes and prize giveaways soon.

But I’m most excited about the newest version of T&PC, which we have aptly named “EXTRA.”

T&PC EXTRA, a free bi-weekly e-mail magazine showcasing breaking news, highlighting industry events, delivering legislative bulletins, fur market updates and of course, trapping and predator calling tips, was delivered to more than 3,100 e-mail addresses in July. Our goal is to provide up-to-the-minute, must-have information, but also to give you quick-hitting snapshots about trapping, predator calling and the furbearers we pursue.

In the first edition, we recapped the Fur Takers of America convention, compared raccoon prices from recent international fur auctions and broke the story that Iowa trappers and predator hunters will have a bobcat season this fall.

Upcoming editions of T&PC EXTRA will showcase the National Trappers Association convention, reveal time-tested coyote calling tactics you can use this fall and chronicle the history of a famous Adirondack trapper.

As much as we would like to, we cannot automatically send T&PC EXTRA to you. You must request it.

However, signing up to receive T&PC EXTRA is super easy. And it is absolutely free. Simply log onto www.trapperpredatorcaller.com, go to the upper right corner of the Web page and enter your e-mail address where it says, “Sign up to receive free news and updates.” I promise to keep producing the best T&PC possible for you. All three of them.

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