President — David Leibig, 1375 Warren Rd., Delhi, NY 13753; phone: 607-829-6813; e-mail:
Vice President — William Ballou, 4 Noth Street,
Camden, NY 13316; phone: 315-245-0960
Secretary/Treasurer — Dale Gamba, 12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033; phone: 315-626-3710;
Recording Secretary — Ed Hogan, 1900 SR 48,
Fulton, NY 13069; phone: 315-593-2196
NYSTA Newsletter Editor — Angie Berchielli, 3861 SR 85, Westerlo, NY 12193; phone: 518-797-3747
NTA Director — Jim Carmody, 237 Fonda Rd.,
Waterford, NY 12188; phone: 518-237-3071
FTA Delegate — Ray Van Hoesen, Rt. 3. Box 259,
Red Hook, NY 12571; phone: 845-758-2453
Executive Director — David Miller 11311 Gay Rd.,
Prattsburg, NY 14873; phone: 607-522-4707;
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 3-year individual with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• 3-year family with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $56
• Senior life member (65 or older) — $100
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NYSTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Dale Gamba
12320 Pople Rd., Cato, NY 13033
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of Meeting — September 11, 2008 — 12 members present
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of last meeting were read.
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Old Business — The Club still needs to inventory the contents of our trailer.
Bob Evans was going to contact the Peterboro Sportsman’s Club about a possible trapping course there.
The Club has received back 27 letters so far to turn in to the NYSTA — BOD. Al read the Club’s letter to NYSTA concerning the comment about not dignifying our club with a response. These letters will be delivered to the NYSTA.
New Business — We have been informed that NYSTA President Dave Leibig and Lobbyist Dave Miller will be at our next meeting. Members are urged o be there in mass, maybe we will get some answers to our questions.
Not much word on our friend Loren Sigmund, except he is still hospitalized. We all wish him and his family the best wishes and will keep them in our prayers.
Our Club sent a letter to the Nedrow Sportsmen’s Club to help them obtain an NRA Grant to help with the maintenance and rebuilding of their facilities.
Al has turned our own NRA grant application in to Ralph Meyers. We are applying for a gun safe, pop-up blinds, ammo, crow decoys and six cases of shotgun shells.
Our club will be holding a raffle for a Predator Calling Combo, including a shotgun, caller, light package and decoy, or your choice of an Aplaca blanket. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 or 15 tickets for $10. Please help sell them. Everyone will receive a book of tickets with the newsletter. If you need more, call Al at 682-2050. The drawing will be at the Northeast Sports Show, Jan. 25 at the Fairgrounds, Syracuse.
As always, we will be needing volunteers to help out.
The NYSTA elections will be held early in 2009 due to the new by-laws. Running for president will be Wayne Jones, vice president will be John Rockwood again and also Bill Ballou and Dale Gamba. The Club has voted to support Wayne and John once again. If you are tired of the way things have been run in the past and want to start to change them, you need to be a NYSTA member so you may vote. Please do your part and vote, even if it means signing the ballot.
Jessica Burns won the trap door prize. Thank you Bill Howe for donating it. Ed Wright and Gary Stoddard won the video donated by Keith Kutil. Thank you Keith.
The Club’s joint rendezvous with the Cortland County Trappers was held on Sunday, Sept. 14 at the Solon Sportsman’s Club. Everyone that attended had a good time, and we would like to thank the people that donated time and items to make it successful once again.
We would like to welcome a new member that signed up, Keith Chappell from the Bridgeport area. It was nice meeting you and we hope to see you again at the meetings.
County Reports — None.
If anyone would like to be our new Madison County Rep., we sure could use one.
There were also no other club reports.
Dates to Remember — The annual Fur Sale is going to be held Dec. 13 at the Pompey Rod & Gun Club, Pompey, New York. The commission will again be a flat rate of 10 percent for all sellers. Check in will begin at 8 a.m. and as always, the club will be recruiting volunteers to help out. Thank you.
Our annual Christmas Banquet will be held at Al’s Village Diner in East Syracuse on Sunday, Dec. 14 and will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. This dinner is completely no cost to all members and their families. All we ask is that you please call ahead of time and let us know if you will be attending, and how many there will be, so we have an accurate count for dinner as the chef needs to know. Contact Al Burns at 687-1080 o be put on the guest list. Thank you. It is always a good time and we look forward to seeing everyone before the holidays. Each person attending should please bring a small gift to exchange. That way everyone will go home with a gift.
The Northeast Sports Show is Jan. 23, 24 and 25 at the NYS Fairground in Syracuse in the Center of Progress Bldg.
Our next meeting is Thursday, Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. — Al Burns
The regular meeting of the Cattaraugus Co. Trappers Assoc. was held on Thursday, Sept. 18 at the Catt. Co. Coop. Extension building at 7:30 p.m.
John Milks reported that he has received about one dozen notes from the 4-H kids thanking us for providing their Fair trophies. John also noted that he got a very good deal on our magazine subscriptions that we provide for the schools.
We received a thank you letter from Senator Cathy Young for participating in her annual Trap Shoot, even though we did prove once again that we are TRAPPERS and not TRAP SHOOTERS.
There was some discussion about contacting the Little Valley Fire Dept. about them using our show name and the confusion it causes.
A number of businesses have contacted us wanting to advertise in next year’s show program. A motion was made and passed to raise dealer table rates up $5 for next year’s show. We talked about raising the price at the gate, but decided not to for now. Also, we should try to find some new attractions for our show next year in order to have more variety.
The tent straps on our demo tent didn’t hold during the windstorm at the last show so Andy is to purchase some heavier ones. For next year’s show, it was decided that all winners of prizes and raffles must come and pick up their own prizes.
Under new business, we decide to have our Fur Auction on Jan. 17 at the Hinsdale fire hall. Andy called the Erie Co. Trappers to make sure it didn’t conflict with their auction.
We held election of officers with the following results:
President — Andy Smieth
Vice President — David Allen
Secretary — Derwood Say
Treasurer — John Milks
Two-Year Director — Brian Davis
Federation Rep. — Derwood Say
Region 9 South Rep. — Andy Smith
Anyone wishing to join may call John Milks at 716-557-2523. — David Allen
A new committee was formed at our September meeting. John Stanley will chair our newest youth award honoring Sgt Daniel Shaw. Dan lost his life in an explosion in Iraq on Nov. 5, 2007. Dan and his family have been longtime members in our club, and since Dan was very involved with kids, we decided on a youth award to be given to one of our younger members who have shown their involvement in our club. Harold Leggett and John Mattewson volunteered to co-chair the committee. Details should be finalized by our October meeting, so we can give the award at our December Christmas party.
All of our recent t-shirt and hat order has been picked up or sold. John has already begun to take more orders. We hope to get another order out after the Christmas party. Our pay ahead policy is now in effect. You will receive a receipt when you order. T’s and hats are $10. Also available are sweats and denim. Tammy will make up an extra order sheet if you are using your own shirts.
Rich mentioned that the DEC Web site has some good furbearer profiles on their trapping section. Harold said he would check it out and print some up for the club. We talked about getting some more tails & fur scraps. Mike M. mentioned that he had some raccoon tails and Harold will check with Pollack furs. We will need of some tails for the spring Expo.
Rick went over the trapping regulations, especially the 220’s. The added new diagrams are helpful and Rick reminded all to actually measure your traps.
Some of our show & tell items included Andy & Josh Berry’s cubby made with hardware cloth for 220’s, built to the exact specifications laid out by DEC. Harold Leggett showed off his homemade items, a hefty cable stake puller and a “critter” hauler made from pipe, caps and rope which will assist you when lugging your catch back to the truck. Rick & Patti brought in some crafts made with the help of Netcraft, which included fish carrier bags, fish nets and wood carriers. They even made some hammocks…way back when. Check your Fur-Fish-Game magazine for Netcraft ads or go online. It is fun and you can make all kinds of handy items. Thanks everyone for bringing in your show & tells. November will be another open demo.
A thank you note was sent to Mark Adrian for donating several items to the club for our Herb Eble Award. Rick will organize it all, and as soon as we start getting some applications back, we can order what we need. Remind any kids you know that took the trapper training class this year to send in their applications. You can call (716) 337-2556 for more info , applications or donations you like to make.
Patti and Rick spent National Hunting & Fishing &“Trapping” Day with over 75 kids at Wood & Brook .
As usual, it was a very well run program for the kids, mostly scout troops who spent the night camping on the grounds. Other activities included shooting, fishing, worm harness making, reloading and archery. Canine Matz made an appearance and captivated the audience with his sniffing and protecting abilities. At our booth we had the kids fill out one of our question sheets on beaver facts. They were then entered in for our pelt giveaway. We gave seven pelts (raccoon and possum) to very excited kids. Everyone was impressed with our club pelt collection for a great hands on lesson. Our table of traps and fur handling supplies was looked over and many kids had their chance at checking out some of our tools used on the trapline. It was a day well spent.
Some changes are coming in regards to our auction & fur demo. No dates are selected as of yet, but we are hoping to have our demo at Elma Conservation in January and our auction to follow at S&S. We will let you know as soon as the dates are set.
The club purchased some Remington calendars at the last Federation meeting. We will sell them for $3 and we hope to have them by the November meeting. Also, a reminder that we have the NYSTA Lottery calendars available now. They are $20.
For club correspondence, send mail to E.C.TA. 12580 Jennings Rd. Lawtons NY 14091. Our meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Hamburg Rod & Gun Club on Hickox Rd. Anyone interested in trapping is welcomed. Our next meetings are Nov. 11 and Dec. 9th.
Note: Our Christmas party will be on Dec. 9. Bring a dish to pass and a wrapped gift. Please return videos.
The trapping season is nearly upon us. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. The association has been pretty busy the past month or so, here’s an update..
The NYSTA convention Labor Day weekend went well. Attendence seemed to be good, and the weather cooperated. Nice to see old faces as well as meet some new people. We had our usual booth, and I want to thank everyone who stopped by. I’d also like to thank those members who took the time to man the booth. We had an auction off the beautiful red fox blanket that was donated by Mike Smith at Unadilla Valley Raw Furs. Unfortunately, the reserve on the auction wasn’t met so the club has decided to list it on eBay. I was glad to see some more signatures on our petitions for trapping regulation changes. These petitions will be sent out and hopefully we’ll see some changes. The bear trap that we donated to the NYSTA auction ended up selling for $250. I know the Legislative fund can use the help. The general membership meeting was brief. W found out that due to the new bylaws, elections will be held in January. I know the John
Rockwood and Wayne Jones will again be running for President and VP. These guys are great assets to NYSTA, and I truly hope they prevail in the election.
The Oswego County Trapper Assoction had their rendezvous a couple weeks back, and it was a good time as usual. My hat’s off to you guys for a great job in putting this on.
Our September meeting was just the other day. We had a nice presentation from Bob from the Adirondack Wildlife Museum in Vails Mills, NY. Once again, we’ll be sponsoring a trapping display at the museum. I urge you to check it out. We also had 2 ECO’s visit the meeting to answer any questions we had. No new trapping regulation changes for the upcoming season, but we did get an update on the youth hunting bill. It’s good to see kids getting out hunting, fishing, and trapping. Doug Lansburg donated some trapping books to be raffled off, and Kurt Beauregard was the lucky winner.
Before you know it, it will be time to sell your fur. Don’t for get our January 3rd fur sale in Ballston Spa, as well as February 7th and April 4th ->The New Location is the VFW Post #4915 located at 131 Mohawk Street, Herkimer, NY. Call Mike Vickerson (518)835-8014 for information.
I think that’s all for this month. Keep your feet dry. — Brandon Hemmerich
Our meetings are held at the Leatherstocking Club,St Rt 104, new haven,NY. Coffee is ready at 7:30 p.m. The meeting starts at 8 p.m. Our meetings for 2008 are 10/7 and 12/2.
Hello fellow trappers and friends,
Wow, what a great convention we had, the weather was perfect and we had a great turnout. We had 30 plus students complete the trappers training class, Pat Arnold and helpers did a fantastic job. A lot of people have mentioned that they feel we have the best convention around and that’s a reflection of the people in our organization. id like to thank everyone involved for your time helping, donations, and support.
Without you we wouldn’t be able to do it!
We will be voting for Election of officers this October meeting. After that we will elect 4 directors for 2 year terms. I hope everyone can make it to this meeting.
Trapping is less than a month away and I still feel giddy about it at my age. I know im not the only one either that feels that way. The excitement and anticipation of new areas and season ahead are in my thoughts. Memories of previous catch’s as a youth, going to trap some of the areas you did when you first started. Some have changed and some seem like they’re locked in time, like revisiting and old familiar friend. I could go on forever and I think a lot of us have the same thought’s
Good luck. — Anders Anderson
The newsletter was accepted as given.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
Old Business: The convention was discussed what needed to be done and who was doing it. Demos New ideas to try ,food raffles and such.
We received a new banner donated by Ray Woolson and Laurie Jones- Woolson.
New Business: The NYSTA BOD meeting held the Thursday before the convention in Herkimer, was reported on by John Rockwood.
The Conservation Field days were discussed at Selkirk state park.
Rodney Woolson donated 2 fox sized mounts for us to use as fund raisers we will sell tickets on this till a soon to be set date.
The meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted. — Charles L Lamb Jr SEC
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