New Jersey Trappers Association November 2008 Report

President — Marty Scanlon, 22 E. Westfield Ave.,
Roselle Park, NJ 07204; phone: 908-688-7351
Vice President — Jim DeStephano, 173 LaRue Rd., Newfoundland, NJ 07435; phone: 973-697-2981;
Secretary — Connie Henderson, 902 Primrose Path, Newton, NJ 07860; phone: 973-948-7556
Treasurer — Bill Guiles, 73 Beechwood Rd.,
Belvidere, NJ 07823; phone: 908-453-3536
Field & Ed. Director — Bob Connors, Jr., 902 Primrose Path Newton, NJ 07086; phone: 973-948-7556
NTA/FTA Director — Marty Scanlon, 2145 Keller Crescent, Union, NJ 07085; phone: 908-688-7351
Publicity Director — VACANT
Membership Director — Jim DeStephano, 173 LaRue Rd., Newfoundland, NJ 07435; phone: 973-697-2981
New Jersey State Federation Representative & Delegate — John Shamro, 440 Pittstown Rd.,
Pittstown, NJ 08867; phone: 908-713-1300

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Senior (65 & over) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
• Senior lifetime with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $150

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
Box 115, Newfoundland, NJ 07435


By the time you read this, most of the season will be about to open, or be open already. I hope everyone has a safe and productive season. While most of us have a “real job” no one minds getting a few dollars back to help with the gas bill. Also it is nice to be able to take that “special someone” out for a nice dinner and night on the town as a reward for putting up with all those early mornings and late nights.

Marty and I were in Trenton for a meeting with Lisa Jackson, the head of the D.E.P.. While nothing in particular effected trapping, it was still important that we were there. The main point of the meeting was that there is a hiring freeze in effect for all parts of the state government. And that means that Fish & Wildlife will have to do just as much as always, but as people leave they can not be replaced. This is going to mean more and more reliance on volunteers. So if you can help, do so. That means you can offer to teach hunter ed, trapper ed, help stock fish, you name it. Most of us do something as our livelihood that could help the Division, so call. The only part of Fish & Wildlife that can hire is law enforcement. Can you imagine the pressure on those people to justify their jobs? I do not envy them. That means be careful, and stay legal. If in doubt, do not make that set. Everything all of us do reflects on all trappers. Also everything we say can come back to bite us. Words we use can be twisted and be used against us. So when talking to non-trappers, think about the expressions you use, and what other people may interpret those expressions as meaning.

On another note, we had 27 people take the trapper ed course. All of them passed, and they will be out there this season. I hope they have a good time and stay with it. However historically most will trap only for a year or two. However all of them will remember what it was like to look forward to checking their sets. All of us wish them well. For if they do not stay with trapping, they will always remember the anticipation when running a line. No anti will ever be able to convince them trapping is cruel.

Remember our fur sales. Jan. 10 and 11, 2009. And March 21 and 22. As always at Space Farms, Beemerville, NJ. Fur is taken in on Saturday and sold on Sunday. Checks are issued as soon as the fur is sold, no waiting months for a check. If you need directions call 973-697-2981. If you need to sell before or after our sales, call me and I will give you the numbers of some of the buyers at our sale.
That’s enough for now. Remember, be safe, and take a kid with you. They are our future! — Jim DeStephano

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