New Jersey Fur Harvesters November 2008 Reports

President — Curt Haberman, 500 Pennsylvania Ave., Somers Point, NJ 08244; phone: 609-927-5773;
Vice President — Dick Webber, 577 Macopin Rd.,
West Milford, NJ 07480; phone: 973-697-1814;
Secretary — Jay Mounier, 1765 Dutch Mill Rd.,
Franklinville, NJ 08322-2122; phone: 856-697-1007; e-mail:
Treasurer — Steve Decker, P.O. Box 197,
Netcong, NJ 07857; phone: 973-448-0145;
Membership Officer — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722; phone: 908-783-3090;
NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln.,
Califon, NJ 07830; phone: 908-832-6998

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.00
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30.00
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
• Senior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NJFH, Membership Officer
Ron Diehl
852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722


NJFH Members,
Once again September was a very busy month for me and the New Jersey Fur Harvesters. Sept. 13 and 14 was the Sportsmen Jamboree in Millville. Jay and I manned the booth both days, but had help on Saturday with Steve Decker and Ron Deihl. It was a very hot and humid weekend, but we once again answered many questions from the public and even talked to some politicians. The meeting was held on Saturday and had a decent turnout even in the hot weather. I would also like to thank Steve Leeds for helping me set the booth up Friday night, which was a great help!

On Saturday, Sept. 20, Ron Deihl and I set the booth up at Island State park for the Trail Blazers event, which they called the “Camporee.” I don’t think Ron and I were ready for all the questions that 1,400 Boy Scouts (and Cub Scouts) had asking us. We were set up from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and was constantly being asked questions from the scouts and the parents! It is unbelievable how few adults know what kind of animals live in this state! I know after doing this Trail Blazer event it is important to do more of these events in the future to educate the youth and the public of how important it is to have trapping in this state and the rest of the country! I think they were very happy we showed up and it took a couple of days to get my voice again. Thanks Ron for working hard that day!

Sept. 27 and 28 was the Tuckerton Decoy show in Tuckerton. Both days had good turn outs (probably not as good as last year) and once again we did a lot of talking. Ron Deihl, Steve Decker and I manned the booth Saturday and Steve, Rick Kern and I manned the booth Sunday. Needless to say, we had many laughs and had a good time talking to many people. We also sold quite a bit of NJFH merchandise and sold many of the furs. The important thing is we let many people know there is still trapping in the state and we do it responsibly and with respect to the animals and in the end it benefits the public with no cost to the tax payers!

The shorter days and cool nights really got me thinking about trapping. I am already getting the “itch” to hang some snares, but first we have to take care of some NJFH business. The weekend of Oct. 25 and 26 will be the trapping course at Hackettstown, which looks like it will be another full class. On Nov. 2, there will be the NJFH convention at Atsion! This convention should once again be a full day of demos and plenty of vendors to get all your trapping supplies. The convention is also a great place to meet fellow trappers and members of the NJFH. Be sure to mark it on your calendar and I hope to see many of you there! Be sure to VOTE! — Curt Haberman


Fall Meeting — NJFH held its fall meeting at the South Jersey Sportsmen’s Jamboree on Sept. 13. Around 10 members attended. Andy Burnett, NJ Furbearer Biologist, reported on some of the many irons he has in the fire — species specific restraining devices (still under review), regulation changes (beaver permit relocations, coyote calling season adjustments), Regional Fur Resources meeting (upcoming). Andy also fielded a number of non-fur Division inquiries.

The busy schedule of events for Sept/Oct was discussed and planned. Problems with magazine subscriptions were received and we promised to do our best (within our ability to do anything) to find a solution. The convention permit has been approved and received. Details of convention planning were considered.

Prospects for a good fur harvest look very positive but the uncertainty of the news from the financial pages makes predictions of prices even more unrealistic than usual. What will be, will be! Enjoy the experience, don’t buy any new trucks unless you can pay for them by means other than the fur check!

Convention — Our 11th annual convention will be held at Atsion Recreation Area in Wharton State Forest on Nov. 2. As usual, this is the first Sunday of November, after all of the Trapper Education classes and before the start of the season. This is a great opportunity to stock up on supplies, traps and snares that you need for the season. There will be plenty of vendors with everything you need. Food will be provided by Martin’s Custom Catering — it’s good and good for you! Ron Diehl has lined up a full day of demos by New Jersey sportsmen who know their stuff and know how it can all be done right here. There will be the big Fur Harvesters auction in the middle of the day with bargains for everyone and (hopefully) a lot of competition on some of the outstanding fund raiser objects — one of a kind items I think everyone will be interested in. Bring lots o’ money!! Our raffle item this year is a beautiful piece of artwork depicting a winter beaver scene hand-painted on a stretcher board. It is signed by the artist and includes a dated Fur Harvesters emblem logo for those of you with a collector’s outlook. Chances were selling well at the Fall Meeting and the Decoy Show. You can still get tickets at the NJFH booth at the Convention right up to the time of the drawing. The Atsion Recreation Area is right on US 206 between Hammonton and Red Lion (get off of the NJ Tpk at Exit 7 for 206 South). It’s within a couple of hours of everybody in the state and it’s real easy to find. The state DOT has even put up a big marker for us this year — they have a giant red crane doing a bridge project right on Atsion Lake. If you miss it, you shouldn’t be driving! It’s really going to be a great day. Come early (8 a.m.) and stay late (4 p.m.??). There’s a playground for the kids. The lake has been lowered for the bridge project so bring your metal detector and do some treasure hunting in the swimming area. Something for everybody! I sure hope I see you there.

Award winning display — In case Curt is too modest to mention it, NJFH won a yellow ribbon (third prize) out of all the hundreds of displays at the Tuckerton Decoy and Gunning Show. A real achievement not only for the guys who were at the show, but also for the builders of the booth years ago. We’ll be looking for a blue ribbon next. Maybe the judges at our own convention will be more favorable toward the club! — Jay Mounier

Hi to all,
By the time you are reading this you will have about two or three weeks until the opening of our season. Now I know you been waiting all summer and daydreaming of that line you’re going to run, but do yourself a favor and wait until the fur is good and prime. You owe it to yourself and the animal to have a top quality pelt, so you can get top dollar.

We had a few events this past month where we set up our booth, the Trailblazers event with the Boy Scouts, the SJ Sportsman’s Jamboree and NJFH fall meeting, and the Tuckerton Duck and Decoy show. Then it was a few trappers’ education classes, and last but not least it will be our own 11th annual convention on November 2. All of which would not have happened without volunteers. So don’t be shy — get involved! It’s a lot of fun.

Don’t forget to check your address label. The date following your name is your expiration date. Is it time for your renewal?
If you know folks who are interested in trapping or just curious, take them along and get them involved. See you at the convention. — Ron Diehl

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