New Jersey Fur Harvesters December 2008 Report

President — Curt Haberman, 500 Pennsylvania Ave., Somers Point, NJ 08244; phone: 609-927-5773; e-mail:

Vice President — Dick Webber, 577 Macopin Rd., West Milford, NJ 07480; phone: 973-697-1814; e-mail:

Secretary — Jay Mounier, 1765 Dutch Mill Rd., Franklinville, NJ 08322-2122; phone: 856-697-1007; e-mail:

Treasurer — Steve Decker, P.O. Box 197, Netcong, NJ 07857; phone: 973-448-0145; e-mail:

Membership Officer — Ron Diehl, 852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722; phone: 908-783-3090; e-mail:

NTA Director — Fred Stine, 149 Winding Brook Ln., Califon, NJ 07830; phone: 908-832-6998

Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.00
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30.00
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00
• Senior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $18.00

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
NJFH, Membership Officer
Ron Diehl
852 Berkeley Ave., Beechwood, NJ 08722


NJFH Members,

On Oct. 5, I attended the NJTA convention at Space Farms and once again I had a nice time. I saw a lot of old friends and met more new ones. I was set up next to Jack Allen so it made for a real great day! Jack makes some real nice muskrat and mink fleshing boards, which I would recommend getting from Jack the next time you have a chance!

The more I talk to New Jersey trappers, the more I’m impressed on the success the New Jersey trapper and snareman is having in this state. I think with all the regulations and obstacles we have in this state, we still have a lot of variety and amount of fur caught!

Oct. 25 and 26 was the trapping course in Hackettstown and once again it was a great class! The students asked great questions and really understood laws and the basics of snaring. We had 38 students and all passed with ease. We caught four raccoons, three muskrats, a ground hog and a skunk!

I think the class enjoyed all aspects of the class including the fur handling part of the class. I would like to thank Anthony Fonseca, Fred Stine, Steve Decker, Jeff Aimy, James Holowienka and even Dan O’Connell for showing up to help out and he also donated cake which got eaten by all! All these men gave up the entire weekend to make this class a success and once again, thank you!
I hope your trapping season is a fun and successful season and be careful out there. If a kid shows interest in trapping, go the extra yard to help him or her out!

If any new members or trappers have any questions and want to call me or any of our  officers, please do! I will try to answer the question or I can possibly point you in the right direction.

To all the new trappers, the best advice I can give is have patience and try different sets and above all have fun!

Have a nice and safe Thanksgiving.

— Curt Haberman


As the season opens, there are a couple reminders that I want to pass along. Remember that you are being observed as you go about your trapping and hunting activities. Sure, you’re being watched by law enforcement, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You are being watched by your neighbors, by other outdoorsmen, by the public and maybe most importantly by your own kids.

Keep the proverb “Well done is better than well said” in mind. You are leaving impressions of you, your trapping and hunting activities and all the rest of us behind in the minds and memories of those who see you when you are out and about. Think about what you are doing and what kind of impact it will have in the long run.

Remember to report your coyote kills as the law requires. You can call them in to your Regional Law Enforcement Office or you can report them to Andy Burnett or Joe Garris.

If you get a beaver permit and would like to get a copy of my beaver boarding guide, send me an e-mail at and I’ll shoot it right back to you. I can send it by fax or mail, but that involves extra work and a cost I’d like to avoid.

A lot of guys have heard that there’s money in raccoons. There are certainly plenty of ’coons. So what is the reasonable result? A record catch! Every farmer knows the expression, “High prices bring low prices” and a lot of ’coon trappers may learn it this year. Work hard, have fun and don’t put all your eggs (and effort) in one basket! There’s nothing that we can do about the weather or the world economy, but we can get the best price possible for our work and our fur by doing a good job of fur handling.

Show respect for the resource that you’re harvesting and for your own effort in catching it by learning how to skin, flesh and stretch your pelts so you get the best price possible.

You’ll probably get this before Thanksgiving and surely before Christmas. We wish you and your families the best at this holiday season. Be careful on the roads — driving around is the most dangerous thing we do. Cold water kills — so stay out of it!

Tomorrow is the Fur Harvesters Convention as I write this. The weather forecast is great and all of our plans are made for another great day! I’m expecting a big crowd who will go home happy. We’ll see! It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it when it all comes together and our members and guests have a good day. The staff of Wharton State Forest was very helpful to us in making the arrangements for the Convention — many thanks!

NJFH will be putting out its winter/holiday newsletter around the middle of December, so watch for it. May God bless you all!

— Jay Mounier

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