President — Ron Leggett, 7308 Monroe Rd.,
Boonsboro, MD 21713; phone: 301-432-8480
Vice President — Alfred E. Bradford, 4665 Back Shelltown Rd., Marion Station, MD 21838;
phone: 410-957-0183
Membership Secretary — Reed Muse, 3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048; phone: 410-795-8076;
cell: 410-790-6475; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — Jaime Glenn, 9 Jeanna Ln., Falling Waters, WV 25419
Treasurer — Ed Davis, 5122 Paw Paw Rd.,
Cambridge, MD 21613; phone: 410-228-8181
NTA Director — Morgan Bennett, III, 6838 Hunting Creek Rd., Hurlock, MD 21643; phone: 410-943-4623
Membership Options:
• Yearly individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• 3-year individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $70
• Lifetime individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Yearly family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $27.50
• 3-year family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $80
• Lifetime family membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $400
• Yearly junior (17 and under) membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
MFT, Membership Secretary
Reed Muse
3499 Niner Rd., Finksburg, MD 21048
Well, as you see, Ron and I are still very busy. But I am going to try to write a little more. This year’s convention at our new location in Fairplay .Was one of the biggest we have had in a long time . We have over 170 people at the crab feast Friday night and over a hundred people at the trap line on Saturday morning. The winners of this years raffle are:
#1 Bob Dunker
#2 Tammy Garlitz
#3 Dave Weize
#4 Susan Maxwell
#5 Norm Browning
Thank you to all of the members who sold tickets. Big thank you to Roger Ringgold for being top ticket seller again .And thank you to Anita Moore for handling the raffle again this year . And Mike Richardson for getting the prizes that he gets.
We need to thank Tommy and Mary Tucker for taking care of the convention again this year . And to all of the members and friends who helped at this years convention .THANK YOU. Next year convention will be at Tighmanton Ruritan Park in Fairplay ,MD Aug. 22, 2009.
And a big thank you to Ron and Betty Leggett for all of there hard work.
This year’s Trapping school had over 60 people attend this is great that we have this many interested in trapping . We need to thank Dan Tucker for heading it up again and Robert Colonna and all of the instructors for doing a good job.
This youth trapping day will be held on Nov. 1, 2009 at Burbage camp In Powellville ,MD contact Charley Burbage at 410-835-8610 or Alfred Bradford at 410-957-0183 for more info.
Our heart and prayers go’s out to our good friend from PA , Ron Zullinger for the loss of his father . May the lord look out for you and your family in your time of need .
Also need to thank all of the members who take the time to go to all of the youth events promoting trapping , Keep up the good work.
Trapping is already here. I hope everybody has a good year,and be safe,I hope the fur market is better them the stock market. If you are not a member of you state association you need to join and you need to join the NTA and FTA . You would not be trapping today with out them. So sign up a new member and Take A Kid trapping. — Alfred E. Bradford
District 8 had our first meeting with an attendance of three. Of course, it was still only September. We discussed MFT and trapping in general. Donald Moore brought in a bobcat he had mounted for show and tell. It looked very good. It had been trapped down south by his son, Patrick.
Next meeting will be Oct. 28 and it will be our election meeting. Come help us decide our new Director, Assist Director and Treasurer for the next two years. Attendance is a big disappointment. I have asked in this column three times for interested trappers to e-mail me to be put on the District 8 e-mail list and have yet to get the first reply. One youth from Denton, Md signed up at the Jr. Hunter Day, but I am unable to read his e-mail address. If he reads this, please e-mail me.
I had planned to attend the National Hunting and Fishing day at Schraders Hunting Lodge, but got caught up with other plans, so I was not able to attend.
We encourage any and all to attend out meetings. We hope to provide help to new trappers and supply fur buyer information and fur prices to all attending.
District 8 meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. thru trapping season at the home of Robert Calloway at 14313 Cherry Lane, near Tuckahoe State Park. Call Bob at 410-634-2501 for further directions.
E-mail Roger Ringgold to be added to the District 8 e-mail list at
Trap on. — Roger
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