President — Hance Clayton, 4355 W. 49th St., Idaho Falls, ID 83402; phone: 208-524-6304; 208-521-8404; e-mail:
Vice President — Vince Harrison, P.O. Box 412, Ucon, ID 83454; phone: 208-524-0082
Secretary — Michelle Gutierrez, P.O. Box 405, Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-5931; e-mail:
Treasurer — Tammy Jewett, 1770 NE Beaman Rd., Mountain Home, ID 83647; phone: 208-587-6822; e-mail:
NTA Director — Dan Davis, 2741 E 200 N St.,Anthony, ID 83445; phone: 208-458-4303; e-mail:
Election Oversight Committee Chairman — Corry Hatch, 1917 One Mile Rd., Grace, ID 83241,
phone: 208-705-7068
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25.50
• Family membership with subscription — $30.50
• Life Membership — $500
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
ITA, Secretary
Michelle Gutierrez
P.O. Box 405
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Hi to all trappers. I am writing this to tell all we are getting closer to the fur sales in Filer, Idaho. I hope everyone has their traps and equipment ready for the upcoming season. Good luck.
Our membership is growing at a steady rate. We ask all to recruit their neighbors, friends and family members. If anyone has questions or concerns, please call me at 208-587-5931 or you can go to our Web site at Our numbers need to keep growing.
I will be sending a newsletter to our current members with the upcoming fur sale information. Please read it carefully.
In closing, I know everyone is gearing up for a great season, but please take time to help a new trapper and pass on your experience and knowledge.
Good luck and I will see you soon.
— Michelle Gutierrez