President — Russ Carter, 287 David Road, Baxley, GA 31513; (912) 367-4887; cell (912) 256-1721;
Vice President — Mike Gibson, 291 Kersey Road, Elko, GA 30125; (478) 952-2105
Correspondence Secretary — Steve Rainey, 1923 Beattie Road, Albany, Ga 31707; 229-449-9533;
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Randy Zerwig, 35978 GA Hwy 23 N, Metter, GA 30439; (912) 685-6222; cell (912) 682-7256;
Legislative Director — Lee Riley, 331 Lake Drive, Pine Mtn, GA 31822; (706) 977-8108
NTA Director — Rusty Johnson, Route 1, Chula, GA 31733; (229) 382-2499; cell (229) 445-1388;
Executive Director — Travis LeMay, P.O. Box 1564; McDonough, GA 30253; (678) 395-1708;
General Organizer — Kelvin Mosley, 515 Cleon Moseley Lane, Reidsville, Ga 30453; (912) 237-7696; cell (912) 585-6769;
Membership Options:
• Regular membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
GTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Holly Zerwig
P.O. Box 613
Metter, GA 30439
Well as I write this the 2013-2014 trapping season has drawn to a close. Folks who had fur at the auction, probably didn’t do as well as they thought they would each time they saw those otters and bobcats in their traps early in their season. Oh well, if you’ve been around this sport any length of time you’re well aware of “not counting your chickens before they hatch”!
Answered a beaver complaint the other day that led me thirty-five miles away from the house in the rain. Only to find when I got there, that the landowner had recently had an excavator clean out the ditches from end to end! I forced myself to walk the two miles or so of ditches just so I could say positively that there were no beavers nor beaver sign. What I did see was a fair amount of coyote sign, which would have made the ride worth it, but I doubt the landowner would have wanted to pay what it would have cost to drive seventy miles round trip to check beaver traps.
With all of the rain we’ve had this winter and early spring the results of beavers in the drainage ditches are starting to show up out in the fields. When the farmers try to go to work we’ll probably be hearing from them!
The red bud trees, the plum bushes and the pear trees are all blooming across the countryside. Spring is on the way.
Time to go through the gear and see what you’ll need for next year. The eternal optimists, no matter how things ended up this year, trappers are always looking forward to and planning for next year. That’s the way the original mountain men were and we’re no different.
I was telling someone at the competition that you’re always hearing someone say, “I used to trap…”. What in the world does that mean? Must not have been a real trapper!
Oh well, to each their own, and besides that just makes more room for us!
Hope to see everyone at the Spring Fling at the Zerwig’s the first weekend of April. — Steve Rainey