Wisconsin Trappers Association September 2012 Report


President — Virgil Schroeder, 3471 Earlwyn Road, Cottage Grove, WI 53527; 608-764-5218; virjo4t@msn.com

Vice President — Scott Zimmerman, W9209 Bobolink Rd, Reeseville, WI 53579; 920-927-3420

Secretary — Shawn Bazile, N11950 Cty Rd E, Tigerton, WI 54486; 715-881-0707; sundrop9@frontiernet.net

Bookkeeper & Membership Assistance — Steven Van PO Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575; 888-601-8727, Ext 105; accounting@wistrap.org

NTA Director — Scott McAuley, 621 13th street south, Wisconsin rapids WI 54494; 715-323-8955; gov-trap@hotmail.com

Sergeant at Arms — Doug Gorst, 3941 Cty Rd. E, Pittsville, WI 54466; 715-884-6452

Trapper Ed Coordinator — Nicke Shumaker, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; 715-754-2121; wctep@mwwb.net

Correspondence Course Director — Mike Widner, 1P.O. Box 26, Boscobel, WI 53805; 608-356-3621; muskrat_mike@yahoo.com

Historians — Mary Cassidy & Larry Vanderhoef; W 10513 County Road P, Plainfield, WI 54966; 715-366-2453

Web Site Coordinator — Brent Straka, 7936 Cty A, Lancaster, WI 53813: 608-732-3548

Future Trappers of Wisconsin President — Maegan Loka, W4260 Spring Creek Dr, Tomahawk, WI 54487; 715-453-4223; ftwpres@wistrap.org

Future Trappers of Wisconsin Coordinators — Dan and Nicke Shumaker, FTW, P.O. Box 28, Caroline, WI 54928; 715-754-2121; email: wctep@frontier.com


Membership Options:

• Three-year individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $80

• Individual membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30

• Individual membership without Trapper & Predator Caller — $15

• Junior (under 17) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $15

• Family Membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $30

• Lifetime membership (under 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $500

• Lifetime membership (over 65) with Trapper & Predator Caller — $300

• Husband and wife lifetime membership with Trapper & Predator Caller — $600

• Future Trappers of Wisconsin membership (under age 19) without Trapper & Predator Caller — FREE


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:


P.O. Box 305, Oregon, WI 53575-0305



Hello trappers.

It’s a little early to begin thinking about the trapping season. The weather has been hot, dry and muggy in my neck of the woods which doesn’t turn my thoughts to trapping either. However, it is a good time to be picking up supplies at the various rendezvous and conventions coming up. As I write this we are getting ready to leave for Owatonna, MN for the National Trappers Association Convention. There are always some tempting items for sale that I don’t think I can get along without. We also attended the FTA Convention in Evansville, Indiana in June. It’s always good to visit with trappers from around the country at the conventions.

Speaking of conventions, I encourage you to come to Marshfield September 7 and 8 for the WTA Rendezvous. Get in on some good demos and check out the equipment the vendors have for sale. Most importantly attend the Annual Meeting and vote at the elections on Saturday. See you there. — Virgil Schroeder


The date of the October Board of Directors meeting will be October 6, 2012. The meeting will be in Reedsburg at 9:30am. Due to having two prior commitments on that day I will not be able to attend. I will be seeking a WTA member to serve as my proxy to record and publish the minutes. Anyone interested please contact me for any questions. Thanks. — Shawn

Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, Horicon, WI

Wisconsin Trappers Association

Board of Directors Meeting – June 30, 2012

President Virgil Schroeder called the meeting to order at 9:30 am and the Pledge of Allegiance said. Roll call was taken with all Districts but 1, 5, 6 and 11 represented. Please note that District 11 Director, Mike Bothwell, went to the initially announced but incorrect location and unable to contact anyone returned home.. All elected officers were in attendance and quorum was declared.

Secretary’s Report – Secretary stated the meeting was being recorded and asked for any proxies. The previous BOD minutes were published in the May/June Trapper and Predator Caller as well as the Wisconsin Trapper magazines. Any corrections deletions or amendments would be entertained at that time.

Motion to accept the Secretary’s report as published made by Dan Shumaker. Seconded by Dave Louis. Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Virgil distributed the balance sheet prepared by Steve Van. Virgil stated it appears we are spending more than we are taking in. Discussion on if it was a cash flow issue or a spending issue. Long discussion ensued on accounting and balance sheets.

Motion to accept balance sheet as printed made by Mark Peters. Seconded by Bryce Larson. Motion Carried by majority.

Discussion on the Profit and Loss statement ensued after distribution of statement. Lengthy publications discussion was stopped and moved to New Business. Bryce will look into the costs. We were reminded the goal of the WTA is to educate and promote trapping not to bankroll. The BOD will need to construct long term goals for future finances.

Motion to accept the profit and loss statement as printed made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Scott McAuley. Motion Carried.

On July 16 an individual from West Virginia will be accepting the position vacated by Shawn Rossler.

President’s Report – Virgil reported on opposition to foothold and bodygrip traps in Dane County. A discussion on the Constitutional right to trap ensued. He stated we’ll discuss the Wolf bill later. A lengthy discussion on being proactive rather than reactive as an organization followed. Virgil also reported on his discussions with the DNR Secretary on the Wolf bill in relation to trapping.

Vice President’s Report – Scott stated he has been trying to make it to a few District summer rendezvous. The Hawthorne Glen School in Milwaukee is looking for furs, skulls or mounts for education. This is an urban school whose students have no or very little exposure to the outdoors. He sent a letter to the Sierra Club with his disapproval of their opposition to bodygrip traps.

Personnel and Finance – Bryce announced there was nothing new to report

WCTEP Report – Nicke stated there was a data entry person, down in Madison, who is processing the students and classes with the vacancy of Shawn Rossler. The wolf season and everything else wolf related has John Olson swamped right now.

Correspondence Course Report – Nicke distributed a handout from Mike Widner on the status of the Correspondence course. He has 126 graduates so far this year and continues to work on and incorporate the new manuals both instructor and student into the program. He continues to work on a solution to the “online” course and a copy of his recommendations was distributed.

FTW Camp Report – Nicke reported there were 24 students and expressed a big thank you to all instructors and helpers. It was held at MacKenzie this year and it was, so far, the camp with the highest catch recorded. Transportation was an issue along with a high cost of lodging but it has very good facilities. The camp did receive a $1000 donation from the Friends of MacKenzie which was greatly appreciated. Discussion on the level of sponsorship remaining the same for the camps and while the costs are increasing. It was noted that Sterling Fur is very appreciative of the plaque they received. The FTW President and Vice-President are up for election this year and the kids will be selling water at the rendezvous again. She wanted to get the trailer approval clarified from the January meeting. The trailer approved at the January meeting for WCTEP supplies is being used for WTA merchandise and has become property of the WTA. A discussion on increasing camp costs revealed the need for an increase in the camp fee.

Motion to increase the camp fee to $100 per camper made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Bryce Larson. Motion Carried.

Discussion and commitment for financial support being available from individuals and/or districts if hardship could be proven followed.

FTW Report – Maegen thanked the WTA for allowing the FTW to sell tickets during the Spring Banquet. She has been working on ideas for the Fall Rendezvous and attended the summer rendezvous for Districts 1,2 and 3.

NTA Report – Scott reported several trappers have been contacted for filming on TV reality shows. The NTA does not support these shows due to not being allowed any input as to what may or may not be televised. Tuesday, July 31 at 2pm will be the vote for the location of the 2014 NTA convention. We were given a $500 check for promotional advertising to be used outside of Marshfield from the Marshfield Chamber. Marshfield realizes the WTA and its conventions are really good for the local economy.

FTA Report – Dan reported that he and Scott went to the convention in Evansville. He said that the northern fur was a surprise hit at the convention. Most trappers there had never been in contact with the heavier and denser fur from Wisconsin in comparison to their local furs.

Lunch break was at 12:12pm with lunch provided by District 7 and the skills of the lovely and talented Mrs. Warmka.

Fall Rendezvous – A gate survey was discussed. Confirmed there will be an amp system for music and the kids will have their slurpie machine. Discussion and ideas presented for volunteering and events.

FTA Convention 2013 – Chris is contacting host hotels at this time. Banquet is Friday and will be held at the Legion Post five blocks away. We are in charge of the auction just like at the state convention. The FTA takes care of the trap-setting contest. A logo is needed so anyone with an idea can submit it to the FTA. The dates will be June 27-30, 2013. Also they are in need of events for the ladies at the FTA convention.

Chris also said they are in need nominations for the WTA awards.

Motion to go into closed session made by Scott Zimmermann. Seconded by Rich Kirchmeyer. Motion Carried.

Motion to return to open session made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Scott McAuley. Motion Carried.

Motion to have Vice-President Scott Zimmermann schedule a meeting and an election for District 6 made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Mark Loka. Motion Carried.

October BOD Meeting – The October BOD meeting will be hosted by District 9 in Reedsburg on October 6, 2012 at 9:30am.

Raffle Report – Dave Louis distributed a detailed raffle report on costs, prizes and methods along with a raffle regulations flier.

FTA 2014 Convention Bid – An agenda item that turned into a non-issue due to Pennsylvania taking the bid.

Publications – Motion to use the Trapper’s Post magazine in lieu of the Trapper and Predator Caller as the publication for the membership to be taken to the General Membership meeting in September made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Shawn Bazile. Motion Carried.

Bryce will do the follow up for presentation in September.

Wolf Season – Scott McAuley will testify at the wolf hearings. The DNR has not yet released the wolf regulations but problems with some of the proposed rules were discussed. At this time the Wolf specific Trappers Ed classes will be voluntary not mandatory, also proposed jaw size restrictions, cable restraint requirements and dates of seasons conflict with the current general trapping rules.

Motion to allow Scott McAuley to speak for the WTA BOD at the NRB made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Rich Kirchmeyer. Motion Carried.

Motion to donate $500 for each FTW camp for this year made by Dave Louis. Seconded by Bryce Larson. Motion Carried.

Discussion on check requests and timelines followed. It was agreed we need to confirm we have claims based policies for all events not just umbrella policies or per event policies.

Beaver Management Task Force – No progress due to the wolf harvest discussions using all resources at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Rich Kirchmeyer. Seconded by Dave Louis. Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 4:16pm. Respectfully submitted. — Shawn Bazile



Time sure flies when you’re busy. It’s hard to believe that Fall is right around the corner especially with all the heat we’ve been having this year. Great news though! So far we are sitting at 702 graduates for the year. We are right on schedule to meeting or exceeding our 1000+ graduate milestone again. Thank you to the instructors who have taken time out of their busy schedules to hold one or more classes to date or helped out with the camps. Rosters are being received, processed and cards issued in a timely manner even without an assistant in Madison. There has been a data entry person temporary filling in with the duties of trapper ed classes. I’m not sure of her name, but she has been doing a fantastic job. The only thing that would hold up processing was if there was missing information on any of the Student Registration Forms. Just be sure that all information is filled in and that every student has a DNR Customer ID # prior to coming to class.

We are still planning to use the blue manual for the time being until we can get Manual Training Workshops set up. Unfortunately with everyone’s hectic schedules these workshops are not moving along as quickly as we had hoped. If you are an active instructor and haven’t returned your manual comments sheet please do so. Your comments are important to us and will help to better plan for these workshops.

Our new Furbearer Assistant arrived on July 23rd. Her name is Geriann Albers. Once she is settled in, the wolf topic settles down and we get caught up with a few other things, then we can focus on time to organize the manual trainings.

An instructor newsletter was sent out to all instructors, apprentices and helpers a couple of months ago. If you did not receive one let me know. Maybe your address has changed and it was returned. If you did receive one and haven’t returned your instructor update form please do so ASAP or bring it along to the Fall Rendezvous. The Instructor Database is in need of housekeeping and to date I have only received about ¼ of the updates back from instructors.

I don’t have much to report on the online Trapper Ed topic. At the moment it is still a big mess.

If you have any comments, questions or complaints let me know or bring your concerns to the rendezvous and I’ll answer them the best I can.

If you need class materials brought to Marshfield, call or email by Monday, September 3rd so I have time to get them packed up. Take care and see ya down the line. — Nicke Shumaker



Future Trapper Fall Rendezvous Events

The Future Trappers are getting ready for another busy rendezvous weekend. The Fall Rendezvous is the biggest fundraiser for the FTW and where we need the most help from all of our members throughout the entire weekend. Just stop by the booth and we’ll let you know when and where you can help out.

FTW Booth – The FTW Booth/Headquarters will again be set up where it was last year, outside in the alley between Dealer Buildings 2 and 3. There will be FTW merchandise, soda, water and slushies to sell. If you have any merit pins that you earned you can pick them up there as well. If you’re not a member, sign up. The FTW is fun and FREE to join for anyone up to 18 years of age.

Garbage and Aluminum Can Pick-Up – FTW members are asked to help with garbage and aluminum can pickup in the early evenings once the vendor buildings close. If you have a 4-wheeler, a small trailer and a parent or adult to bring along it will help get the job done faster and is more fun for all involved.

FTW Field Trip – The FTW will be going on a field trip to the Wild Wood Zoo on Saturday morning. The zoo is only a short distance from the fairgrounds and is FREE to the public. The FTW would like to invite anyone who is interested to come along with us. Stop by the booth or watch for signs for further details of the exact time and place of departure.

FTW General Meeting – The FTW will be holding a general membership meeting at 1PM at the FTW Booth. We will be having election of officers and discussing next year’s events. Up for election this year are the President and Vice-President. These positions are for 2 year terms. If you are interested in either of these positions please attend the meeting. For a list of officer duties you can look in your FTW Handbook or contact the FTW Coordinators for more information. We are also still looking for District Representatives for Districts 1,5,6,8,9,10 & 11 if anyone is interested.

Thank you to those who helped out at the Spring Banquet, your own District Rendezvous or those who attended any of the camps this summer. See ya soon! — Nicke Shumaker



By Kelsi Shumaker

This year’s Future Trapper Basic Camp was held June 18-22 at the MacKenzie Center in Poynette. I attended camp as a helper and helped out wherever needed. I thought camp was very fun! We played a lot of Ghosts in the Graveyard and Wall Ball throughout the week. We met up with old friends, met a lot of new people and made new friends. If you’ve never gone to these camps, I think you should because they can be very interesting.

Here’s a little rundown of how the week went.

Monday – We arrived at camp, settled in and got to know each other. Once everyone arrived we went over camp rules and went through the furbearers. Bill Porter showed us Basic Dryland Equipment and Dan Carroll showed us Basic Water Equipment. We went over safety and survival and then went to bed, or at least we were supposed to.

Tuesday – After we ate breakfast we learned about trap prep, adjusting and fixing traps. We moved on to learning about and making weasel boxes, cubbies, sifters, muskrat floats and stools and drowning slides. DNR Warden Paul Nadolski came in on his DNR motorcycle and went over trapping rules and regulations. We went over demos for coon, K-9’s, weasel, fisher, mink and muskrat. We took a tour of the DNR Game and Pheasant Farm. It is the biggest pheasant farm in the state. We got to go into the hatchery, learn about the hatching process and looked at some baby pheasants. We drove around the grounds and looked at the rest of the pheasants and the various types of pens for the birds of all different ages and sizes. As we were driving around the game farm we were scouting out areas to make our sets too. Bob Nack, the Pheasant Farm Supervisor, showed us areas where coon were a problem and places where they were getting into pens and killing the birds. When we were done and got back to camp John Gillen gave a Beaver Demo. We so wanted to go and set traps out but we just ran out of time. So instead we practiced making sets until they were perfect. Bill Porter was a meanie. He would check our sets after we had them made. He would check to make sure they were bedded in good and solid. If not, “Nope” …… ”Snap” …. ”Do it again. The animal is going to find your trap.”

Wednesday – Right after breakfast we were shown proper and humane dispatch for the animals. Then we could finally go and set out traps. We split up into groups. Dan Carroll and Junior Prudlick took a group, Bill Porter and Bob Barnett another group, Larry Boettcher and Nicke Shumaker another group, and John Gillen took the last group. John was only able to stay for a couple days so after he left then John Olson, George Porter, Dan Shumaker and Scott Zimmermann took his place where needed. Russ Warmka also came to help during the week. We put dryland sets out all over the game farm. After lunch we went to put water sets out. We attempted to go to Mud Lake which was somewhat close to camp. We had a lot of kids at camp but not as many instructors as in other years so we didn’t have that many vehicles to get us around. So we had to make a few trips just to get everyone out in the field. That was kind of a mess because some of us were already done setting traps and were bored and there were other kids still waiting back at camp to still set traps out. We need to get a big van or two for camp so then we can haul everyone around together at one time. The water trapping was educational and we learned how to make different types of sets, but the conditions weren’t so good though. It hadn’t rained in quite a while so the water was really low and very mucky and muddy. We did get some sets out though and while we waited for the other groups some of us decided to swim in the lake, pond, beaver ditch, or whatever you wanted to call it just to cool off a little. That wasn’t such a good idea though because one kid got a huge leech on his leg. It was gross!! Once we all finally got back to camp we learned how to utilize carcasses. Camp was VERY HOT that week and after supper we were able to cool off and have some fun and we went swimming at the Poynette High School pool. Some kids who weren’t able to set out water traps were given the option to either go swimming or set out water sets at a different area by Rowan Creek that Larry and Nicke scouted earlier in the day. So some kids stayed back and set traps others swam. When we came back it was back to Wall Ball until it was dark and then Ghosts in the Graveyard again.

Thursday – We watched a dog-proof demo and then we went out to check our traps. We caught two coon and an opossum. The DNR crew from the game farm still had their traps out as well and ended up catching a coon in a body grip trap through the top of the net of one of the pens. They caught him right where he was going in to the pen. I guess he won’t do that again. Lucky for the birds. We went to Mud Lake to check our sets and then we all went to Rowan Creek to put out water sets for coon and mink. When we got back to camp we skun out our catch. Then we watched a fleshing beam demo. Later at night we were able to go and tour the MacKenzie Center Zoo. The animals were quite active and really cool. Maybe it was because it was closer to evening.

Friday – Friday was a very crazy day. It was the day when we were supposed to be packing up and going home and it was the busiest day ever!! We went to go and pull all of our sets. We ended up catching 3 muskrat at Mud Lake. One boy caught two on one float. Then we went to Rowan Creek and cleaned house there. We caught 2 big coon in sets along the creek, but the first trap that was checked had two tails, at least that’s what Lennin thought at first until he got closer. Following the tracks around the set you could see where the mom raccoon was and that two baby raccoons had been playing on the bank and both went into the hole and backed out at the same time and both baby raccoon were caught in the same trap. That was neat to see. A true double catch for that boy. By the time we had all of the sets pulled and got back to camp it was already getting late. We had to sort out all of the equipment and get it into the right trucks and trailers. We didn’t have time to skin the animals we caught so we saved them for Dryland Campers to skin out. We cleaned up the grounds, ate lunch, waited for the parents to arrive, thanked our instructors, said our goodbyes and off we all went with our goodie bags that we were given and our equipment that we built. We got a lot of stuff to take home.

Before we knew it a week was already over. Like I mentioned before, camp was really fun and I hope I get to see these kids again either at the Fall Conventions or other camps. Some are a little crazy but then again I am too sometimes. But we all had fun and learned a lot. I hope everyone that went to camp continues to keep trapping.

Thank You! to everyone who was a part of the Future Trappers Basic Camp 2012.


Brookelynn Barnett, Breena Byerly, Gage Krause, Joe Radtke, Nathan Barron, Luke Fair, Caleb Lewis, Maddie Riske, Isabelle Bartman, Isaac Hustad, Jake Marty Hunter Schultz, Wyatt Bartman, Bryce Jozwiak, Mason Marvin, Codi Schutz, John Benson, Adam Katze, Brent Miller, Hunter Walters, Ryan Bulgrin, Hannah Krause, Landon Prey, Joshua Westenberg


Alex Johnson, Lennin Kerchefski, Ruger, Gage Shumaker, Kelsi Shumaker


Larry Boettcher, Dan Carroll, John Gillen, John Olson, Paul Nadolski, Bill Porter, George Porter, Junior Prudlick, Dan Shumaker, Nicke Shumaker, Russ Warmka, Scott Zimmermann


APHIS, Junior Prudlick, Blackie’s Blend, Mike Schmelling, Bryce Larson, Paul Grimshaw, Clarks Willowtree, Porter’s Trapline Lures, Cumberland’s, Russ Warmka, Dan Carroll, Schmitt Enterprises, District 1, Smokey Reds, District 2, Sterling Fur, District 3, TA Duke Trap Company, District 5, Tomahawk Live Trap, District 6, Tom Florin, Don Dombrowksi, Trapper & Predator Caller, Earl Klippel, Jr., Trapper Ed Incidental Fund, Friends of the MacKenzie Travis Bartman, Fur Harvesters, WI Deer Hunters Assn. Northwinds Chapter, Groenewald Fur & Wool, Wisconsin Trappers Association



We recently had another excellent turnout for our Summer Rendezvous. Thank you to the variety of vendors who showed up, the volunteers who helped out throughout the day or gave demos and to all who attended. A rendezvous is quite successful when everyone works together to get the job done. We ran out of buttons at 221 and there were still more people that signed the board after that and those who wished not to.

Here is a brief overview of our general meeting:

A motion was made and second to have a booth at the Langlade Fair July 25-29.

If you will be volunteering at the Fall Rendezvous for at least 4 hours and would like a volunteer shirt you need to have your shirt size in to Chris Bezio or Dave Louis by mid-August.

A motion was made and second to donate any leftover food or soda from the District Rendezvous to the FTW Dryland Camp in August.

A motion was made and second to donate $500 to the WTA Spring Banquet for a table sponsor.

Our District 4 Summer Rendezvous next year will be July 13, 2013 in Mountain. It is later than usual but the Community Center is already booked by the local Fire Department for 4th of July activities on our regular weekend.

A motion was made and second to have 3 guns on our District Raffle next year. Keith Thoreson will again look into guns and see what we can get for the price range agreed upon. Porters will donate a hand carved Brown Trout to the raffle as well.

We have 2 extra guns left over from this year’s gun package purchase. A motion was made and second to sell tickets and raffle these guns off at the Fall Rendezvous to generate additional funds for our district. We have already gotten the OK that we can do this.

Meeting was adjourned.

We will be having a booth at the Oconto Fair in August. The Clarks’ will be taking care of this fair.

Thank you to Mike & Crystal Sharman and George & Bill Porter for donating some much needed items for the district. Mike & Crystal donated 2 nescos and George & Bill donated money towards shelving in the trailer.

District 4 is again responsible for gate duty at the Fall Rendezvous. If you could lend a hand anytime from Thursday night-Saturday afternoon it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again to all who help out and support our District. See you in Marshfield. — Dan



The WTA Rendezvous in Marshfield is coming up in September, and District 9 will again be cooking and serving vendor lunches on Saturday, September 8 as well as helping out with bartending duties. If you feel you can help us out, please call Denny Knuth at 608-524-2255 and add your name to the list. ANYONE WHO HELPS OUT WITH OUR DISTRICT 9 DUTIES IN MARSHFIELD WILL GET A RENDEZVOUS T-SHIRT. Be prepared to mention your T-shirt size to Denny! We sure appreciate the help!

I will, of course, be running the Trapperman Feed again on Friday, September 7 at the Marshfield rendezvous. I will be happy to hear from anyone who can help us out or bring food or beverages for either event.

See you in Marshfield! — Patrice Rhodes, District 9 Director



Annual Summer Rendezvous

Saturday August 18 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM


Albany American Legion

300 North Water Street

Albany, WI 53502


I hope everyone is surviving the summer and doing well. First, I would like to announce there will be a Trapper’s Education Class at Albany on August 11th and 18th. Anyone interested should contact Larry Meyer (see state website).

Second, I would like to announce that the District 10 Summer Rondy will be held at the American Legion in Albany, WI on August 18th. The rondy will start around 8 AM. Vendors will be present so you can stock up on trapping supplies for the upcoming season. Tailgaters are welcome. There will be demonstrations throughout the day. (Demonstration and topics and times will be posted on the day of the rondy). Food will be available to purchase from the American Legion. The business meeting will be at 1 PM. In addition, District 10 elections will be held at this meeting.

A raffle will be held on the day of the rondy at 3 PM. The 50/50 coon raffle will be held also at this time. Anyone wishing to donate items for the raffle should bring those items to the meeting. Tickets will be sold only on the day of the meeting. Prizes include donated items plus a number of quality traps provided by District 10.

I hope to see everyone at the District 10 Rondy on August 18th. If you cannot make it to that meeting then perhaps we will see you at the state rondy in Marshfield in September 7th and 8th. — Mark Peters, District 10 Director



Greetings from District 11;

Well we are heading into August and I hope everyone has had a safe and happy summer. It’s tough to get motivated for trap preparation when it is over 100 degrees outside but at least I got an inventory done. My cabin up north is almost complete so possibly by next year at this time I will be a member of District 1.

Now on to some changes in our District. – The Milwaukee County Director is now Frank – The carpenter. Frank stepped up to fill the vacancy. The new Waukesha County Director is Jan Cegielski after Doug Gartzke had to step down. Thanks Doug for all of your help and support, now let’s all step up and help out the new county directors. The Milwaukee County Sports Show was a hot topic at the Rondy and Arnie Groehler said that he would be glad to be the coordinator for that event. If you have ideas or wish to help out please contact Arnie. Hank and Crystal Subliski have retired from the North American Fur auction pick up. If you wish to send your furs to NAFA, then please contact John Hansen at 262-994-5679 or at 262-878-5079. He lives a short distance from Hank and Crystal so contact John for the pick-up. If you choose to ship your furs to Fur Harvesters then contact Dan Sabish at 262-483-7769.

Now for a few words from Tom Weiss our Secretary / Treasurer and a friend of mine that has volunteered to help out our District for several years.

Tom Weiss your secretary/treasurer here. I am announcing that next election I will not run or accept the nomination for this office.

Having served under 3 different leaders and some doing a fantastic job, I have come to realize that it’s the STP (same ten people) club and am appalled that we dont have more volunteers

I want to thank all that have started to come forward and start to join in.

It seems that maybe new leadership all around may benefit this district and sorry to say I am tired of beating my head against a wall. Making calls for volunteers to take care of ticket sales and brat stand. I had hoped more would step up from the three counties I called each member, but still ran short for help.

Mike and I have asked for input and have received a minimum in that area, asking you to make calls to volunteer any time to help this district. But alas none of that has happened and with that all being said. This is your organization so with new leadership I hope you make it strong again like in the old days.

Respectfully. — Mike Bothwell and Tom Weiss

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