President — Larry Bowden; 605-745-5888;
Vice-President — Jeremiah Heath; 605-892-5153;
Secretary/Treasurer — Tuffy Halls; 605-890-2009;
WSDFHA Houndsman Coordinator — Brad Tisdall; 605-786-6101; sdmuleskinner@aol.com
Youth Education Coordinator — Bill Morrow; 605-890-1860; bptmorrow@yahoo.com
Youth Education Coordinator — Joe Bowden; 605-209-7377; bowden.jiw@gmail.com
Website Coordinator — Jim Halls; 605-484-0487; jimhalls@goldenwest.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Family membership without subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Individual membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $27
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Tuffy Halls
P.O. Box 25
Hot Springs, SD 57747
Our fall convention in New Underwood was fantastic! We had a great line up of demos, plenty of vendors and a good business meeting. As always Steve from the “Super Store” did an excellent job with our lunch.
The winner of our WSDFHA 2013 Henry Golden boy rifle was Caden Stoddard of Norris SD. Congratulations to Caden, he was one happy young man. Thanks to everyone for selling tickets. With a total of 563 tickets sold, after expenses we cleared $2250.70 on the rifle. The grubstake and Schnee boot raffle combined with the gun raffle raised over $3000.00 for WSDFHA.
I want to recognize the individuals and business who donated to our grubstake raffle. Black Iron Forge of Newell, Mercer Lawing, Welches Lures, Dakota Line, Gary Strader, Snare Shop, Hooiser Trap Supply, Murrays Lure, Ray Milligan, Gawes, Bowden Fur & Firearms, Fur Country Lures, Grizzly Rose Trapline, Dunn Knives and Fox Pro. Thank you for your continued support of WSDFHA.
Please remember these vendors who support WSDFHA when purchasing your supplies.
We had 15 kids attend the youth trapper education. They were all presented with the new WSDFHA trapper education certificates. Thank you to Joe Bowden, Jarod Luter and Jeremiah Heath for the trappers ed program.
The election of officers was held with most up for election retaining their position. The one new director is Jerry Spencer from Faith. I was re-elected as president.
During the open forum of our business meeting several members suggested that we send a letter to the SD GF&P commission concerning the overpopulation of mountain lions in western SD. I composed and e-mailed that letter to the commission for the October commission meeting. I will have a copy of it on our website soon.
That sums up the September 8th fall convention.
The weekend of September 14th was the SDTA 50th anniversary convention in Huron. WSDFHA had a booth there. We signed up quite a few new memberships, sold our logo caps and handed out lots of literature.
On October 26th we held a WSDFHA Coyote Calling Contest in New Underwood. Our board of directors has discussed the possibility of having a coyote contest for some time. The old timers (Ray Baker) said WSDFHA held coyote contest many years ago. It was quite a success and a good time was had by all. Jeremiah and Anthony Heath won 1st place with 5 coyotes. The highlight of the evening was Ray Baker and Tuffy betting as to how many coyotes would be checked in. Ray lost $10 and I hope he is over it by now! Handing over that ten dollar bill to Tuffy was sure hard on old Ray! Ever seen a grown man cry? Thanks to everyone who made this contest a reality.
WSDFHA has really increased our membership numbers which I believe is directly due to being more active. 2013 has been a great year for WSDFHA.
The board will be deciding on our 2014 fund raisers, conventions dates and events soon.
Respectfully. — Larry Bowden
If you missed the Fall Convention in New Underwood, you missed one of the best. We had a full slate of top quality Demo’s, several vendors and a lot of excited fur harvesters. We sure would like to see more hound folks attend these conventions. There are several in the west river and sure would be nice to meet you. If you were needing any trapping supplies you sure could have obtained them at a great price. Remember you save on shipping and can dicker on prices.
The saga of the $1000.00 average on South Dakota cats came home to roost the other day. I was sitting on the tailgate of my pick-up drinking a cold red beer, stirred not shaken, when my dog Buddy opened his eyes and I could see dollar signs rotating around like cherry’s on a slot machine. Now many of you have been at my shop and have met the Bud Dog and you realize he is above average in intelligence. I had seen this look on a fellow a few months ago at a meeting in Pierre. I told Bud Dog to get this nonsense out of his fool head or he was going to end up in one of those high flutin’ jobs over in Pierre filling news reporters with lies and providing false leading information to committee persons. Unlike that fellow in Pierre, Bud Dog understood and went back to sleep. It is amazing what can happen when intelligence and common sense occupy the same cavity. — Tuffy Halls