Vice President/Field Editor — Bill Healy, P. O. Box 187, Smithville, WV 26178; phone: 304-477-3301; e-mail: healybg@hotmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Gloria Stutler, HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141; phone: 304-354-9038; e-mail: buttercup26141@yahoo.com
State Organizer — Scott Whytsell, 448 Hattie Run Rd., Grantsville, WV 26147; phone: 304-354-6965; e-mail: swhtsell@frontiernet.net
NTA Director — John Thomas, HC 70 Box 43K, Sugar Grove, WV 26815; phone: 304-249-5690; e-mail: john52766@hardynet.com
FTA Director — Brian Casto, 6198 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, WV 25275; phone: 304-273-3055; e-mail: wvtrapper71@hotmail.com
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Adult membership with newsletter only — $15
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $16.50
• Lifetime membership — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and mail dues to:
WVTA Secretary
Gloria Stutler
HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141
Check the date on your newletter label. It indicates when it is time to renew your membership.
New fur auction rules made by the fur committee and approved by the board of directors on January 8, 2010.
1) No outside buying or selling of fur on the recreation center grounds. Those persons wishing to consign fur may do so, howeve, they may not sell to a dealer outside on the grounds. Fur Harvester’s pick up will continue, but will be done off the Recreation Grounds.
2) Deer and Beef hides can continue to be sold outside the building, on the recreation center grounds. A list of buyers for those items will be available at the consignment table.
3) Due to the high volume of consignors at the March sale, the WVTA will offer an express lane for those having 20 or fewer items to be graded. When completing the consignment sheet upon initial arrival, the secretary will ask the number of items the trapper has to be graded. This should help consigners move through the line more quickly. We will have three graders and their apprentices, plus the two senior graders have volunteered to grade for the fur express lane.
WVTA board of Directors meeting and family picnic was held June 5th, 2010 at the Gilmer County Rec Center Picnic Pavillion in Glenville, WV. Next board of directors meeting will be Friday, September 17th, 2010 @ 7pm during the WVTA Convention at the Gilmer County Recreation Center in Glenville, WV.
The Convention Committee has been hard at work to make this years event another success. Remember to let us know if you can volunteer to work a few hours so we can put you in our schedule. The WVTA Convention dates are September 17th, & 18th, 2010 at the Gilmer County Rec Center in Glenville. Root auction will be Sat. Sept. 18th. 2010. Vendors will be set up during the weekend selling trapping supplies. Demos for trapping, snaring, skinning, and fleshing. It’s still not too late to get your name on this years ballot if you are interested in running for a position. Positions open include the President, State Organizer, NTA director, and several board of directors positions.
Again this year, we’ll have both the Beginner and Intermediate Trappers Education classes with plans of incorporating an advanced class within the next two years. If you are interested in taking a Trappers Education class, pre registeration is now being accepted for the September 18th, 2010 classes. To register by phone, (304)462-5985 or register by e-mail info@wvtrappers.com. Thanks to a generous donation by WVTA co-founder and lifetime member, Tom Batten, we have been offering over 50 trapping related books for auction on e-bay. The money received from these auctions goes to the Trappers Education fund as well as the Ed Buck book sales.
For more information about the convention, contact Janet 304-462-5985, or Scott 304-462-7270 or log onto www.wvtrappers.com. Looking forward to seeing all of you at our convention. — Glenda Schimmel
— Media Committee chairman