Vice President/Field Editor — Bill Healy, P. O. Box 187, Smithville, WV 26178; phone: 304-477-3301; e-mail: healybg@hotmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Gloria Stutler, HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141; phone: 304-354-9038; e-mail: buttercup26141@yahoo.com
State Organizer — Scott Whytsell, 448 Hattie Run Rd., Grantsville, WV 26147; phone: 304-354-6965; e-mail: swhtsell@frontiernet.net
NTA Director — John Thomas, HC 70 Box 43K, Sugar Grove, WV 26815; phone: 304-249-5690; e-mail: john52766@hardynet.com
FTA Director — Brian Casto, 6198 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, WV 25275; phone: 304-273-3055; e-mail: wvtrapper71@hotmail.com
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Adult membership with newsletter only — $15
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $16.50
• Lifetime membership — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and mail dues to:
WVTA Secretary
Gloria Stutler
HC 70 Box 140, Creston, WV 26141
The Convention committee has been hard at work getting ready for our WVTA Convention September 17th & 18th, 2010 at the Gilmer County Recreation Center in Glenville, WV. Let Janet Hodge know if you are interested and want to volunteer to work a few hours at the convention. To improve voter participation, Josh Bates will be moving the voting booth to the WVTA table in the main entrance to the vendor building. The booth will be open all day Friday and until noon on Saturday. Election news and candidate information will be in the Convention issue of the newsletter.
There will be several vendors present for you purchase your trapping supplies from as well as lots of demonstrations going on Friday and Saturday at the convention. Root Auction will be Saturday, September 18th, 2010. For more information about the convention, call Scott (304)462-7270 or Janet (304)462-5985 or log onto www.wvtrappers.com.
There will be beginner and intermediate trappers education classes again this year. If you are interested in taking a trappers education class, pre registeration is now being accepted for the Saturday, September 18th, 2010 classes. To register by phone, call (304)462-5985 or register by e-mail, info@wvtrappers.com.
The Ed Buck books are still available. All proceeds go to the WVTA Trappers Education Program. To get your copy of Ed Bucks books by mail, send $10.25 to WVTA 28 VanHorn Dr. Glenville, WV 26351 These books are also available at all WVTA events and also through our website.
The Fundraising table chairman, Michelle Byrd, would appreciate some suggestions of what you would like to see for sale on the fundraisers table.
WVTA is seeking a representative to the WV Wildlife Federation.
Scott Hartman will represent the WVTA at the River Heritage Festival in New Martinsville.
Some of our unfinished business includes an audit by the Executive committee. About 10 years ago, the board decided that audits should be done annually, but the first audit took 18 months and was quite expensive. The Budget and Finance committee suggested doing an internal audit every year and the WVTA have a professional audit every 5 years. The issue was not resolved and the board will consider the matter after the internal audit is complete.
Brian Casto represented the WVTA at the Charleston Hunt Show in January of 2010. WVTA voted to attend the Hunt Show again in 2011.
A reconditioned data projector has been purchased with the money from the education and general funds. It will be used in the trapper education classes, presentations at the convention and other public events.
A new lap top computer was also purchased for the membership secretary.
The board approved a donation be made to the Montana Trappers Association for help them defeat a state ballot initiative that would limit trapping.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend our 2010 WVTA convention. We look forward to seeing you all there.
— Glenda Schimmel