Washington Trappers Association, Inc., March 2011 Report

President — Bruce Vandervort, 5338 US Hwy 101, Humptulips, WA 98552; phone: 360-288-2466; e-mail: brucevandervort@hotmail.com

Vice President West — John Consolini, 17030 Marmount ST SE, Monroe WA 98272; e-mail: itrap4you@yahoo.com

Vice President East ­— George Brady, P.O. Box 535, Pateros, WA 98846; phone: 509-923-2326;
e-mail: cascadeb@televar.com

Executive Secretary — Ralph Dobson, 711 196th Street NW, Arlington, WA 98223; phone: 360-652-2132; e-mail: rlph.dobson@gmail.com

Treasurer — BJ Thornily; 63 Redmond Rd., Republic, WA 99166; phone: 509-775-2936;
e-mail: bobbiemike@yahoo.com

NTA Director — Bob Maier, 38 Francis Dr., Walla Walla, WA 99362; phone: 509-529-9568;
e-mail: bob_maier@hotmail.com

Membership options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 18) with subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Associate (non-trapper) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $15.50
• Senior Citizen (over 70) including subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
• Lifetime membership — $250
• Lifetimer subscription to Trapper Predator Caller — $10.50
Dues entitles members to all newsletters, meeting notices, discount entry to workshops and the annual rendezvous. All monies are used to protect your right to trap.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

(A non-profit organization.)
PO Box 3687
Arlington, WA 98223



Not to much to report this month as I find myself kind of between things. I’ve been pretty busy this month trying to help our legislation along. Because of the lag time between me writing this and it being published anything I tell you about it will be outdated. There are two trapping bills in the House HB1137 and HB1138. We are supporting HB1137. Hope you heeded the special mailings and legislative alerts we sent out as it is critical for your legislators to hear from you on this. I might know by next month better what their fate is.

There is also a bill not trapping related I have been talking up. That is HB1124. It is a bill to open hound hunting for cougar statewide. Kind of an expansion of the pilot project that has been going on in NE WA. I testified at a hearing on the bill but again to early to say what will happen.
WSTA is operating some fur pickups for NAFA to fill in while NAFA finds a replacement for George. We’ll have two on March 26th in Western WA. You should have received a mailing on them but if you have lost it give me a call and I’ll fill you in. We’d like to hear from you anyway in advance so we know what to expect in the way of fur. Better to call my home number as my cell is out of service about 75% of the time out here. Leave me a message if I’m not around and I’ll get back to you.

Ralph has set the date for the Spring Business Meeting. It is at Mt Si Senior Center, North Bend, WA Saturday, the 14th of May

Ralph will send out a mailing when it gets close.

Hope you are having a good trapping season. For myself it has been lousy. I didn’t take a trip out of state this year so I have been struggling with these damn cage traps. Can’t say I rate them very high. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had got my fix of trapping out of state. Oh well, too many thing going on to take off this year.

See you down the trail.

— Bruce Vandervort

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