President — Bob Newberry, 5595 Waddletown Rd., Bland, VA 24315; phone: 276-688-3670; e-mail:
Vice President — Mike Perdue, 9150 Poor Mountain Rd., Bent Mountain, VA 24059; phone: 540-929-4412; cell phone: 540-589-4508; e-mail:
Membership Secretary — Norm Mullins, P.O. Box 802, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609; phone: 276-963-0642; cell phone: 276-971-1856; e-mail:
Recording Secretary — James G. Covais, 10401 Moore Ct., Spotsylvania, VA 22553; phone: 540-760-9694; e-mail:
Treasurer — Thomas Teague, 2920 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801; phone: 540-564-1930; e-mail:
General Organizer — Bud Jenkins, 33423 Seacock Chapel Rd., Ivor, VA 23866; phone: 757-859-6868
Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd., Gordonsville, VA 22942; phone: 540-832-2708; e-mail:
NTA Director — John Coakley, 1188 Turkey Knob Rd., Quicksburg, VA 22847; phone: 540-477-3440; cell phone: 540-335-6088
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 2-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $38
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Secretary
Norm Mullins
Box 802, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0802
Well, here we are another trapping season over. I certainly hope everyone had a safe and successful season! I certainly did. There was lots of excitement most everyday at my shed. One teenager longlining and going to school (Steven R.) and two 12 year olds (Kyle and Blake) collecting skunk essence while I sit in the easy chair.
The D-1 Fur sale was yesterday at the Wythe County Livestock Exchange with 69 lots being offered for sale. I don’t have a correct tally on the prices as of yet; but I saw some very competitive figures with other sales in the past few days. We had six buyers with us for the sale.
Well the VTA had a very successful day in Richmond Feb. 27 at the VDGIF BOD meeting. The 72-hour check on fully submerged bodygrippers approved and passed on to the next level. Otter season west of Blue Ridge approved and passed to next level. Ban on fox trapping (Not Approved) put off until more meetings can be had between VTA and the mounted fox hunters and VDGIF. Traps with teeth modified so that use of these traps in water will still be allowed, then approved and passed on to the next level.
Many thanks to Steve Colvin, Mike Perdue and Winston Marshall for attending the meeting in Richmond and getting these issues taken care of for the VTA. I also would like to thank all who sent e-mails, letters or made phone calls to their VDGIF representatives. I would like to thank Ed Crebbs for working with our Web-host Wayne Dunn to get our VTA Web site up-dated. Now, I would like to ask each director and executive BOD member to send a report on your part of the state.
If I can be of assistance to anyone please feel free to let me know. Until next time, let’s make 2009 a banner year for our association!
— Bob Newberry
Greetings from Southwest Virginia,
Well, another season has come to a close. I hope everyone had a good season. My overall catch was down on everything except bobcats and coyotes. I didn’t get to trap as much this year due to bad weather and work schedules. Plus the new addition to the family required me to stay at home a little more. I’m not complaining. Since I heard the market had just about hit rock bottom, I didn’t push it as hard. I just didn’t want to waste the resource.
I do have some good news on the regulatory cycle. Winston Marshall, Steve Colvin and myself went to Richmond to hear the proposals and we all spoke on behalf of the trapper. Without getting into too many details, the trappers had a great day. More details on this will come out soon.
Currently we are getting ready for some outdoor shows, trapper ed classes and some other events. I do have a favor to ask. There are not very many people showing any interest in running for office. That is not a good sign. We need members to run for office and continue to move this association forward. It is easy to complain about things when you’re not doing anything, but if you’re going to do it, step up and run for office. Stand up for what you believe in. I feel trappers have a great future in front of them, but it will be challenging. We need some new blood and new leadership.
Until next time.
— Mike Perdue
ATTENTION ALL VTA MEMBERS — The 2009 VTA Officers election is fast approaching. The positions that will be decided by election are; President, Vice-President, General Organizer, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Recording Secretary and NTA Representative. The duties of each position are listed in the Association bylaws; available on the VTA Web site If you don’t have access to the Internet and would like information on elected positions, please contact me by phone at 804-448-0853.
CANDIDATES NEEDED — The election doesn’t take place until September 2009 however, all nominations must be received by the nominating committee prior to May 1, 2009, to have their name placed on the ballot. If you are interested in one of the officer positions, please let us know so we can add you to the candidate list. Each candidate needs to provide a brief biography for publication in the Trapper & Predator Caller subscription and/or The Virginia Trapper Newsletter. If you want to nominate someone else for a position, please let us know the nominees name and position you’re nominating them for. The committee will contact the person to confirm their acceptance of the nomination. Nominations can be submitted by phone 804-448-0853, email or postal mail to Art Foltz, 225 Hollyside Drive, Ruther Glen, VA 22546.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE — The nominating committee is comprised of two District 7 members (Mike Brookover and Phil Ballard) and two District 8 members (Art Foltz (chair) and Jim Longo). The committee’s duties are; to prepare the slate of candidates for the Board of Directors, ensure all candidates are qualified (members in good standing), mail ballots to VTA members and count and certify election results.
ELECTION PROCESS — The nominating committee will mail ballots to all voting VTA members by Aug. 31, 2009. Ballots must be returned to the committee no later than Sept. 25, 2009, by mail using ballot return envelope or delivered in person to a nominating committee member at the 2009 VTA Convention. The nominating committee will count the ballots and certify election results no later than Oct. 15, 2009. The new officers will assume duties on Jan. 1, 2010.
— Art Foltz
Once again, I declare the past season a success. However, my definition of success is based not on numbers (thankfully) but on qualitative measures like enjoyment of the time afield and the memories created with Dad, no body parts required mending, our animals were humanely caught and dispatched and we were good shepherds of the land used and to wildlife populations. All this and meager pay for our harvest to boot. What more can you ask for?
Though the season has come and gone, my thoughts remain in the trapping mode. What can I do to improve next year’s harvest, how can I improve sets and fur handling skills and where can I expand the trapline? A couple of trying days on the line this year identified the need to tune our traps and Mother Nature expressed the need for some fur shed maintenance chores. While not as exciting as checking the results of your sets, I still enjoy the off-season duties. This is when I reminisce about the adventures of the last season and laugh at some of the events that weren’t one bit funny at the time.
Another plus for the off-season is that the monthly district meetings/cookouts get back into action. Hearing the trapline “war stories” from others is interesting and often quite comical. I do admit to a degree of envy from some of their adventures and catches however, Dad and I racked up enough good times to satisfy us until next year. The demonstration segment of the meetings fulfills my desire to continually learn about the trade. Last year’s demos provided some valuable techniques that we were able to incorporate on the line this year and improve our harvest.
Our next district meeting/cookout is tentatively scheduled for April 19, 2009, at 2 p.m. After the meal and official business, we’ll be conducting trade demonstrations for continuing education for the new and experienced trapper.
A flyer with site directions will be sent to all district members, however the event is open to all trappers or trapping-interested persons. If you would like to attend, contact me at or 804-448-0853 for details and directions.
— Art Foltz
Greetings all.
Another season has come and gone. Now it’s time to get some things in order while the memory is still fresh. Make notes of what needs to be replaced, parts to order, lure to order, etc.
I recently received the 2009 District 10 membership roster. I’m happy to say our roster is 10 members stronger than it was at this time last year. Great job everyone on the recruiting effort. Let’s raise the bar and try for an average of one-a-month this year.
Our monthly meeting for April is April 19 at the Hampton Bass Pro Shops Conference Room from 2 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Bass Pro Shops is located at 1972 Power Plant Pkwy, Hampton, VA 23666. Our agenda will be 2010 Convention planning, toothed-trap discussion (forming a district consensus on them), fur price comparison and whatever else surfaces between now and then. Come on out and when the meeting is over you can get whatever supplies you need for spring gobbler hunting. Hopefully, you’ll have bagged one already by the time the meeting occurs and be after tom II.
I will update everyone on the results of our D10 Trapper Training conducted on March 21. I’ve heard we have a truly unique fox set demo arranged for this. Aside from that, this report has to be submitted before the training has occurred. I will also update you on some fur price averages after they are sold.
There’s been a lot of exchange regarding the issue of traps with teeth and the pending legislation to potentially eliminate them from use. Honestly…I had no idea they were still legal for water trapping. I have never seen one other than at antique trap displays. I do not know of any suppliers that offer them still and I do not personally know any trappers who still use them (or so I think). Anyway, we are faced with another need to rally. I’m not going to take a stance or speak on behalf of the district here because I don’t know what the district majority’s stance is. It is my understanding that this issue will be brought to vote by paper ballot through the VTA. After which, the VTA will take a stance and make a recommendation to VDGIF in accordance with that stance.
If you have any ideas or suggestions to better our district, I want to hear from you. You can e-mail me at or . Please be sure to put VTA in the subject line, so I do not delete it as spam. For those who would rather pick up the phone, my cellular is 757-869-9822.
‘Til next time.
— Rob Brewer