President — Steve E Colvin, 2000 SB Rd, Barboursville, VA 22923; 434-996-6067; e-mail stvcolvin@aol.com
Vice President — John Bedwell, 210 Fairway Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382; 276-620-5145; sinkthemink@hotmail.com
Membership Secretary — Diana Craig, 2714 Knollwood Dr., Staunton, VA 24401; 540-430-2161; ddcraig9@gmail.com
Recording Secretary — David Brugh, 240 Cherry Lane, Christiansburg, VA 24073; 540-230-4260;
Treasurer — Francis Richards, 10721 Thompson Lane, Spotsylvania, VA 22551; 540-840-5542
General Organizer — Glen Mabe, 211 5th St., Luray, VA 22835; 540-860-2634; e-mail 19612004@yahoo.com
Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd., Gordonsville, VA 22942; 540-832-2708; edcrebbs@yahoo.com
NTA Director — Larry Kline, 3707 Overview Drive, Fredricksburg, VA 22408; 540-891-4282; larrynta@aol.com
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to T&PC — $25
• 1-year membership without subscription to T&PC — $15
• 2-year membership with subscription to T&PC — $48
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to T&PC — $18
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $300
• Lifetime membership without subscription to T&PC — $150
• Organization membership — $40
• 2-year organization membership —$75
• Lifetime organization membership — $350
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Secretary
Diane Craig
2714 Knollwood Dr.
Staunton, VA 24401
I would like to thank everyone who helped with the convention at Augusta Expo. It was a success and went very well. Everyone seemed to be pleased with the location, so we booked it for again for July 11-13, 2014. Jeffrey Hart, our Dist. 4 Director, will be getting our volunteers together to man the upcoming convention, anyone that would like to volunteer please contact Jeffrey.
It is also time to prepare for the upcoming elections. If anyone would like to volunteer to chair the nominating committee and put together a group to take care of this, please contact me. With that being said, we will also need individuals to step up to run for all offices.
Big thanks to Tony Daniel for volunteering as our new Training Coordinator. Tony will need trainers, past and present, to help him move forward. Anyone please feel free to contact him for assistance, suggestions and scheduling classes.
Tony has the manuals, patches, certificates, etc. and will get you what you need promptly. It would be nice to see each district get at least one Basic trapper training course in by spring. Tony is easy to work with and I hope you guys will support him by putting on classes.
At this point it looks as if the fur market is still strong. This has sparked an interest from new-comers to the sport and guys from the past. All members should take advantage of this and help us grow our membership. If anyone needs VTA membership forms please contact any board member. I hope everyone has a great season, call anytime, 434-996-6067. — Steve Colvin
Dear VTA Members, The end of August is here and all the Grandkids are back in school. The VTA had a good Convention at Expo in Fishersville in July. I was disappointed that with most of the board members and district directors present at the convention, that a board meeting was not held. I do hope that someone is getting a Nomination committee together for next year’s elections. Our VTA membership now totals 531. I am still getting calls from members about those URGENT renewal notices from the T&PC. If the renewal notice you receive does not have the Virginia Trappers Association on it along with my name and address, please toss it in the trash. This problem has gotten worse, instead of better based on the calls I have been receiving. Also, and I have written this before, please send me the entire renewal page when renewing your membership. One tear off is for my records and the other with the top portion, goes to the T&PC. The very top of the notice is to include your e-mail address for the T&PC which is optional, and it does not have a selection check box on it, so please do not just send this part alone. Yes, some do. Please allow at least 2 to 3 months, before expecting a magazine after sending your check to me for membership or renewal. If you receive a renewal notice, do not wait until the expiration date which is printed on it. Please send after receiving it, or it can stop and restart your magazines. Thanks Have a great rest of the year. — Diana Craig
For those of you that don’t know, I took over District 1 director in July. I would like to thank Larry King for all the work he did as district 1 director. He did a great job for our district along with the help of some hard working members. I am looking forward to keeping our district growing.
I would like to thank everyone that showed up for the fish fry and family picnic in the month of August. They were both a success. We will possibly do more meetings like this in the summer months. It is events like these that help to keep our district strong. In the coming months we have a lot planned and I encourage you all to participate. The Bland Rendezvous is scheduled for October 18th and 19th. We will be having fur demos this year. We will also raffle off a Henry Golden Boy 22. We have always had a good turn out with this event. The fur sale is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st at the Wytheville livestock market. I invite all members to join us for our monthly meetings. They are held the second Sunday each month at 3:00pm at the Shoney’s in Wytheville.
This year we have a new law that has some trappers scratching their head and some wondering why we have it. In the Virginia game laws book you can find the new law on page 8; for more detail read page 52. It is important to know and understand this new law.
If anyone has any questions or suggestions for me, you can get in touch at 276-210-7105 or travisbandy@ymail.com. For any member changes or updates you can visit www.virginiatrappers.org or www.cotton45cproboards.com. — Travis Bandy
Labor Day weekend always sneaks up on me. I usually stay busy with my day job, and there is always work to do on this 17 acres. A few days ago I knew I had to get a report in, and started a couple of times. We had unexpected guest for the weekend, and it was nice, and it was even nicer when they LEFT!!! Some of my guys in our district have expressed a desire for reports, and I don’t blame them. After all that’s one of the duties of being a district director. I will be going this week to check on a meeting location, after not making it this past week, and by the time this issue of the ‘Trapper” comes out, I hope to have a letter in the mail to my district members. I want to see this place so I can plan accordingly. I have been asked to do a basic training course, and have had a little trouble getting in contact with the guys who expressed interest. On that note, I would like to say that anyone wanting to get a basic trapper class under their belt, can contact me, or Tony Daniel, or your director if you’re not in my district. A class can be held at your house, at a barn, or anywhere that can handle a few people. Access to a pond or stream is always nice, and a shelter to get under, in case of rain, etc.. We can always find a place. I want to thank all the people who offered their support at the convention, and also a big thanks for the Certificate Of Appreciation! That was totally unexpected! The Newsletter is coming up soon, so I’ll be getting some things ready for that. One more thing! A lot of us still have to get some traps boiled. dyed, waxed. I had a great conversation with Tom Teague at the convention about carbon steel, knives, and coil springs. When boiling traps, always keep the springs, long or coil, off the bottom of your boiling container. I always turn the traps upside down. Water boils at 212 degrees, and does not affect the springs, BUT, if the springs are contacting the bottom, there can be enough heat transfer to cause some loss of strength. Thanks. — Jeffry Hart