Virginia Trappers Association June 2011 Report

President — Steve E Colvin, 2000 SB Rd, Barboursville, VA 22923; phone: 434-996-6067; e-mail

Vice President — John Bedwell, 210 Fairway Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382; phone: 276-620-5145; e-mail:

Membership Secretary — Dickie Craig, 2714 Knollwood Dr., Staunton, VA 24401; phone: 540-886-3937; e-mail:

Recording Secretary — James G. Covais, 10401 Moore Ct., Spotsylvania, VA 22553; phone: 540-760-9694; e-mail:

Treasurer — Thomas Teague, 2920 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801; phone: 540-564-1930; e-mail:

General Organizer — Glen Mabe, 211 5th St., Luray, VA 22835; phone: 540-860-2634;

Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd., Gordonsville, VA 22942; phone: 540-832-2708; e-mail:

NTA Director — John Coakley, 1188 Turkey Knob Rd., Quicksburg, VA 22847; phone: 540-335-6088

Membership Options:

• 1-year membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 2-year membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $38
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

VTA, Membership Secretary
Dickie Craig
2714 Knollwood Dr.
Staunton, VA 24401


Hope everyone is having a great summer. By the time you read this the convention will be fast approaching. We have a lot of family fun lined up for youth and adult for more info you can call Art Foltz at 540-630-1756 or you can go to the VTA website at I encourage everyone to attend this event it will be a good one. To anyone that feels inclined we can always use sides for the T-Man dinner, donations for the VTA auction and volunteers.

Election time is hear again, The Board of Directors has passed a temporary resolution to allow nominees up to Aug. 1. This will allow plenty of time for people to step up to run for office. Please contact Cotton Jonas at 276-686-5305.

I also want to thank everyone that helped make the VTA Fursale run smoothly, with out you guys that volunteer year after year it would not be possible. It was so good to see so many new and young trappers with their catch of fur.

I have been talking with Charles Jenkins about documenting the history of the VTA hat. Charles has some information but he needs more, if any one out there has info or pictures about the hat please contact Charles at 540-635-8965.

The VTA has been very busy with training and other events. The Waterfowl Predator Management Program has been very successful again this year. Thanks to Todd Cocker President of Va. Waterfowlers for getting this together and handling all of the PR and many other aspects of this seminar. Todd and Ed Crebbs have done a great job with this.

I hope to see everyone at the convention. Please call anytime 434-996-6067.

— Steve Colvin


Well hear we go again, the flowers are in full bloom and the dog days of summer are just around the corner. I hope that everyone had a safe and successful trapping season. I didn’t get to trap as much as I would like but I definitely consider it a success. My daughter and I got to catch a few coons and rats. The time afield with her is priceless, the fur that we caught was only a consolation.

 I would like to thank everyone who took the time to contact me with nominations for VTA awards. There were many names thrown into the hat for all awards and I am very much looking forward to seeing them being presented.

 Things are going full swing with the convention. Art and his crew are working extremely hard to make this years convention a success. I look forward to seeing everyone. If you can make plans to be there I am positive you wont be disappointed.

 The VTA is teaming up with VA Waterfowlers Association again this year by presenting a predator control seminar at various locations across the state. Check out the VTA website for locations near you. I spent Saturday afternoon at gander mountain in Roanoke with Todd Coaker of the VWA at the seminar there. We had 15 individuals attend and they were very interested in all aspects of trapping. Few people realize that we still do this thing called trapping. Todd has been a great support for the VTA in the past few months with the Friends of the Rappohanac issue and I would like to personally thank him for his efforts.
I hope everyone has a great summer and remember to take a kid outdoors.



Dear VTA Members,

Today is April 29, 2011. Spring is here, ard so are the storms. I would like for all of us to pray for all the tornado victims across our country. So many people are hurting right now.

I understand that our District 10 Director, Russ Hale, has received orders for May to serve our country. We wish him well, thank him for his service, and pray for his safe return. Our District 3 Director, Greg Mason, thought he would be called up with the National Guard, but now does not have to go. We enjoyed Greg’s overnight visit with us in our home during our VTA Fur Sale.

Our VTA Convention is coming up in July, as well as our Board elections for 2012-2013. Info on the convention should be in the upcoming VTA Newsletter.

As your Membership Secretary, for 2010-2011, it has been in title only. I took on the nomination on the request of a fellow VTA member, thinking I would be taking simple minutes at meetings. It has been my wife, Diana, who stepped up for me and took on the work as your membership secretary. She has worked nearly everyday, taking in membership renewals, recording each membership on the computer, and making paper back-up copies with copies of members payment. She has sent out reminder letters, made phone calls, and taken phone calls from members with questions and solving your membership problems. She designed your membership cards and sends them out to you the day after receiving your renewal or membership request.

As each membership request or renewal comes in, it is recorded, your membership card sent. Then all membership requests and renewals are written on the Trapper & Predator Caller submission forms and these forms and all the checks are held for a once a month mailing into a postage-paid envelope addressed to the T&PC. This envelope is placed in a larger envelope with a letter saying how much the deposit is and how much the check is to be written to the T&PC and placed in their envelope.

Then the Treasurer is to write the check and send the T&PC envelope ASAP in order to reach the T&PC by the deadline date for that month. Diana is very organized, and works very hard to make sure the envelope gets done and sent to our Treasurer way before the due date in order for members magazines to come on time. This envelope, after reaching the Treasurer, has been as much as 1 to 2 weeks late getting to the T&PC, and I want you to know, we are still trying to work out this problem
Nominations are now open for our VTA election. Nominations must be in by August 1, 2011. We need other VTA members out there to step up, either for our Board election, working our VTA booth at the Expo Sportsman Show in February, the VTA Fur Auction in March, and/or our up-coming Convention in July.

It has been a pleasure for Diana and I to have met so many VTA members. I will not be seeking the nomination as your VTA Membership Secretary. Diana has been requested by a fellow member to take on the nomination herself. She has not decided as of yet, and will probably wait until after the Convention, to see if anyone would like to take on this position. I hope we have done this ofice justice. We haven’t been perfect, but hope we have pleased most of you. Many thanks to Steve Colvin, our VTA President, for a job well done, and for hearing our many concerns time and time again. Look forward to seeing most of you at our Convention. Yours Truly.

— Dickie Craig


The Treasury has been stable this year following a big spending year in 2010. The VTA Board authorized the purchase of a brand new enclosed cargo trailer for the trapper training program; the purchase of two brand new Dell laptop computers to modernize record keeping for the membership secretary and treasurer; large orders of merchandise to boost VTA apparel profits. The Virginia Trapper is a big expense, which resulted in the membership authorizing a $5.00 increase in annual dues effective on 01/01/2011. Also, the current VTA board handled several expenses that were for services rendered for the previous VTA board. Some of the larger expenses included the external financial audit resulting from a treasury officer change, back-pay for the VTA website domain, and back-pay for the NTA affiliation and liability insurance.

Currently, the VTA board is working to reduce the cost of The Virginia Trapper through increased advertising efforts and limiting each issue to 12-pages or less. The board has contacted an individual to potentially handle the required external financial audit a few weeks prior to the completion of my treasury term on 12/31/2011. This individual has expressed interest to assist the VTA in filing the necessary paperwork to complete the 501 C-3 status. This is important to provide tax incentives and charitable contributions for those interested in donating land, valuables, and monetary contributions to the VTA. The board plans to have this finalized by the end of the current year.

The VTA convention planning has been in full swing the past few weeks, and the work is shaping a good convention. Ads have been obtained in Trapper’s World, Trapper’s Post, and the PA Trappers Convention Booklet. Also, information can be obtained through the calendar of events section in various magazines. A Trapperman dinner on the evening of Friday, July 15, 2011 is open to anyone to attend, and donations will be accepted. Saturday, July 16, 2011 will have a board meeting at 12:00 P. M., a membership meeting at 4:00 P.M., a VTA plate dinner at 5:00 P.M., a VTA auction at 6:00 P.M., and a live blue grass band between 8:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. Kids activities will be available throughout the convention, which includes free face painting, free snow cones, and free cotton candy. Other activities will be provided by the Game Department and the Soil Conservation Commission.

The VTA plate dinner on Saturday will include a chicken leg quarter, beans, potato salad, a dinner roll, drink, and a piece of cake for dessert at a cost of $10 per person. A kid’s meal will include a hot dog, chips, drink, and a piece of cake for dessert at a cost of $3 per child. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance through mail. Send a check payable to the VTA to Winston C. Marshall, 7939 Featherchase Court, Chesterfield, Virginia 23832. Pre-paid tickets will be available for pick-up at the gate on Friday, July 15.

The VTA is conducting two raffles this year. One raffle will be drawn at the convention on July 16 and includes three prize levels: 2-night stay at Shenandoah Crossings, $400 taxidermy services, and VTA apparel. These tickets are $2 each or 3/$5. A separate raffle will be drawn on December 1 and includes a custom made bear trap with VTA markings as the single prize. These tickets are $5 each. Send a check payable to the VTA to Steve Colvin, 2000 SB Road, Barboursville, Virginia 22923.


Well trapping season is over its time to get those NASTY fur shed ship shape. I like to work on my gear now because most things are still fresh in my mind. I like to go over each trap and make a list of all equipment I will need for the up coming season. The snow will be flying in no time.

Art has the convention at full speed. I’m sure he and his district will put on a great show.

Steve and I are working on donations for the convention. If you have anything that you would like to donate to the VTA please get in touch with me.

The VTA election is this year. We need people to step and run for office. If you want to make a difference in the VTA please fun for office.

I’ll see you at the convention.

— Glen Mabe


Hello Everyone:

I would like to lead off by giving thanks to the members of the Virginia Trappers Association (VTA) in their support with the news of my deployment to Afghanistan. The VTA has worked very hard with me in keeping the District 3 events going and being a success. Special thanks go out to Ed Crebbs and Mike Perdue on the basic trappers class in Bedford VA this past April, I would have loved to have been their but I was going thru Pre Deployment at FT Pickett and was unable to attend. With that being said The good Lord has Blessed me by keeping me here State side and sending a soldier in my place, It seems the military is sending soldiers that has no family if at all possible.

I was looking forward to going due to I have been in the military since 1982 and fill It is my duty. All Trappers need keep in mind that the freedom we have in this Great Country and the State of Virginia has been paid for from the past and current soldiers that has fought and are still fighting to keep the freedom we have today. I would like to add just like America, Military and the citizens keep this our daily freedom that we take for granted from falling apart, and not just the Officers and District Directors of the VTA the members support, voice and actions keep the freedom of trapping that we have in this Great Commonwealth. On A change of note the VTA will be at the upcoming 2011 Long Island Family Fun Day on the 25th of June in Stray Stone Virginia (Campbell County) I would like to ask for two District 3 Members to assist in this event.

Also keep in mind keep a young trapper interested in trapping this summer from making box traps for rabbits to prepping traps the upcoming season, and we all know that it is in our best interest for beginning trappers to trap in a safe, humane, ethical, and legal manner. We also know that not enough young people are becoming involved in trapping. Let’s keep it going. Hope to see yall at the next event. I can be contact thru E-Mail ( Phone (434)480-1609

Thank you and have a Blessed Day.

— Gregg Mason


VTA Fur Auction was held at Expoland in Fishersville on March 12. A lot of fur was offered. Prices were good on some items and low on others.

The VTA Convention is coming soon. This is a good time to get supplies and see demos.

There will be a basic trapper training class at Highland Welding in Highland County on August 27, 2011. Pre-registration is required. More info later. Call Bill Price at 540-886-8014 to register or if you have questions.

— Billy Price


District 8 conducted two meetings since season close. The first was held on March 6 and was blanketed by a constant and cold rain, however the attendance was better than average with 24 in attendance. I attribute the great showing to the outstanding fur grading demonstration provided by Francis Richards. District members suffered through the bad weather to have their fur inspected and graded prior to the VTA Fur Auction. Additionally, we had numerous guests attend the meeting and provide input to various trapping issues. Jerry Sims from the DGIF briefed the Hunting/Trapping Regulatory Review Process and emphasized the need for trapper input during the public comment period. VTA President Steve Colvin discussed trapping regulation changes sponsored by the VTA and upcoming fund raising events.

VTA Training Coordinator Ed Crebbs briefed the Association calendar of events and need for members to support VTA sponsored events. Darrell Ferrell, Izaak Walton League (IWL) Vice President requested the district provide a trapping demo during the September Dog Mart. Todd Cocker, VA Waterfowlers’ Association Executive Director briefed upcoming VAWFA and VTA workshops conducted at Bass Pro Shops and Gander Mountain stores in Virginia. The wet grounds and crowded indoor spaces didn’t seem to dampen any appetites either as the group consumed 7 pounds of barbeque, 25 hot dogs, and numerous side dishes and desserts.

The second meeting was held on April 17 and had a smaller showing but good discussions and great food; lasagna, turtle stew, wings, salads, and more. The upcoming VTA election and call for award nominations led the topic discussions. Blanche Conley briefed the NAFA fur collection process and Francis Richards showed excellent examples of poorly handled fur resulting in worthwhile pelts. Darrell Ferrell provided the IWL Dog Mart date of September 24 for the district to provide trapping demonstrations and offered the site for the district to hold our September meeting.

The VTA Convention coordination is coming along nicely; all demonstration slots are filled, vendors confirmed, Trapperman Dinner organized, and activities planned. The final Convention Program Guide is published on the VTA web site and will be printed in The Virginia Trapper newsletter. We thank everyone involved in pulling this event together.

Our next district meeting is scheduled for June 5, at 6706 River Road, Fredericksburg. A meeting announcement with site directions will be sent to district members and guests; however, the event is open to all trappers or trapping-interested persons. If you would like to attend, please contact me for details and directions.

— Art Foltz,, 540-630-1756.

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