President — Steve E Colvin, 2000 SB Rd, Barboursville, VA 22923; phone: 434-996-6067; e-mail stvcolvin@aol.com
Vice President — John Bedwell, 210 Fairway Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382; phone: 276-620-5145; e-mail: sinkthemink@hotmail.com
Membership Secretary — Dickie Craig, 2714 Knollwood Dr., Staunton, VA 24401; phone: 540-886-3937; e-mail: ddcraig9@gmail.com
Recording Secretary — James G. Covais, 10401 Moore Ct., Spotsylvania, VA 22553; phone: 540-760-9694; e-mail: jcovais@comcast.net
Treasurer — Thomas Teague, 2920 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801; phone: 540-564-1930; e-mail: thomasteague@verizon.net
General Organizer — Glen Mabe, 211 5th St., Luray, VA 22835; phone: 540-860-2634;
e-mail 19612004@yahoo.com
Training Coordinator — Ed Crebbs, 175 Waldrop Rd., Gordonsville, VA 22942; phone: 540-832-2708; e-mail: edcrebbs@yahoo.com
NTA Director — John Coakley, 1188 Turkey Knob Rd., Quicksburg, VA 22847; phone: 540-335-6088
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• 2-year membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $38
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Secretary
Dickie Craig
2714 Knollwood Dr.
Staunton, VA 24401
Fellow Trappers,
The VTA convention was a great success. It was nice to see everyone and my family enjoyed the fellowship of everyone there. I would like to thank JR Bowling, Eugene Wirt and all the others that pitched in to help.
District 7 and 8 will be hosting next years convention. Art is very close to nailing down a sight for next years convention. If anyone has thoughts or suggestions please call Art at 540-630-1756.
I would like to welcome David Brugh as our new recording secretary, his contact info can be found on the VTA website at www.virginiatrappers.org. We are still in need of directors in districts 9 and 10, If anyone is interested, please call me.
The VTA has started The Eddie Maxie Fallen Trapper fund. This was the idea of Theresa and Tracy Tyree. I have only known the Tyrees for a short while, but I must say they are the most giving and caring people I know. If we had more people like them the world would be a better place. This fund is designed for us trappers to donate too, to help us take care of our own. It could be used to help with medication, Insurance deductibles or flowers to a member we have lost. If anyone is interested you can send a check to Winston Marshall our treasurer.
It was so nice to see Eddie Maxie and Ken Eanes and Linda Eanes at our convention. We all need to keep them in our prayers as they continue to recover.
We recently lost a couple of trappers. Garry Casey of Ayelett Va. I did not have the pleasure of knowing him, but from what people have told me he was a great individual. We also lost Wilson (Joe) Adams from Pamplin Va. I remember Joe and his brother John as far back as I can remember. He will be sorely missed by many. John submitted an article on his brother Joe that will be published in our next newsletter. Please keep their families in our prayers.
On the 24th of July I was accompanied by Scott Painter to the annual Va. Hunting Preserve assoc. annual meeting. We were welcomed with opened arms and fed some really good barbecue. We had a great time meeting all those fellows. They showed a great interest in trapping and hope they will follow up with further participation in the VTA. We also signed up two new members there. Thanks for your help Scott.
On July 24th, we also completed our 4th and last Waterfowl and predator management workshop. They started slow but in the end they turned out great. I would like to thank Mr.Cocker, president of the Va. Waterfowelers assoc. He came up with this Idea and got with Ed Crebbs in conjunction with VDGIF and made this program a success. Special thanks to Mike Brookover for filling in for Ed at the last event. Thanks Guys.
We have alot going on in the VTA, and we will continue to work hard for you. Check out our website for upcoming events. Feel free to call me anytime at 434-996-6067.
— Steve Colvin
Hello VTA members! As your Interim Recording Secretary, I thought I’d introduce myself. My family and I live in Christiansburg. I have been an avid outdoorsman all my life and have been trapping for the last seven years. I am amazed at how, with each passing year, my interest in trapping continues to grow. From my first attempts at fox trapping as more of a curiosity and challenge to today where I run a wildlife control company, I continue to want to know more about trapping and the animals we pursue.
I would like to publicly acknowledge the self-less contributions you veteran trappers have provided me in the way of knowledge and skill, specifically Mr. Bob Newberry. It would be difficult to count the number of novice trappers that have gotten their start in his fur shed. My interest in serving in this role is in this very same spirit of giving back. All of us can strive to provide some encouragement to a new trapper, help the VTA organization grow, educate our elected officials on the merits of trapping, and continue to help non-trappers understand the conservation value of what we do.
Thank you for this opportunity. If there’s anything I can do for anyone, please do not hesitate to contact me.
— David Brugh
The proposed bylaws affirmed by the Board of Directors and sent to the General Membership for ballot vote failed to obtain a quorum. The bylaws require 50 percent of the voting membership to return ballots for a quorum; we received 147 ballots of the 276 required.
Without a quorum, the ballot count was cancelled and all ballots destroyed. We thank those of you who took the time to read the bylaws and cast your vote and apologize that your efforts were in vain. Obtaining a 27% return is alarming. Besides the time and expense to send ballots, I don’t believe we can rely on the ballot system to obtain a quorum. One of the proposed changes in the bylaws was to provide a third option to reduce expenditures, obtain a high number of votes, and expedite the process.
I submitted a recommendation to the Executive Board to continue improving the bylaws by researching prior records and incorporating previously approved membership resolutions. Once the draft bylaws are finalized by the committee, they’ll be sent to the Board of Directors for affirmation, published for General Membership review, and submitted for membership vote at the 2011 VTA Convention.
— Art Foltz
Hello Everyone:
I would like to lead off by saying that the VTA Annual Convention in Dublin, VA went very well due to the great weather. Along with the great weather, we had a great outcome of fellow trappers along with new trappers that are just coming onboard. Also, there were a lot of young trappers that spoke highly of the upcoming trapping season. I would also like to thank all of the vendors that provided a vast amount of trapping supplies needed. The 2010-2011 Trapping season is just around the corner and it is time to prep all the land traps with the cleaning, dyes and wax. Just a reminder, now is a good time to gather the dry dirt you may need to get through the late trapping season when the ground is frozen solid. I would also like to remind everyone that on Aug 14 that the VTA will be at the Campbell County Fair at William Campbell Middle/High School in Naruna VA.
We are hoping to see some District# 3 Trappers there and I am planning to have a District #3 meeting some time in Sept 2010, I need to have response from the members thru E-Mail (mason63@jetbroadband.com) or phone (434)480-1609. In closing, I would like to add Claude Parks from District #6 to our prayer list as he is currently being hindered by kidney stones, we all wish him well. Have a great finish of the summer as we move toward another great trapping season.
Thank you and have a Blessed Day.
— Gregg Mason
The VTA Convention was on July 9-11, 2010. There was good food and great demos. The dealers had trapping supplies, books and DVDs. This was a good time to get ready for the trapping season. Congratulations to J.R. Bowling and District 2 for a job well done.
New proposals for trapping law changes were discussed at the membership meeting. Some of these will be presented to the VDGIF for consideration.
An increase in dues was discussed and will be reviewed. More on this later.
District 4 Advanced Trapper Training Course is Aug. 28, 2010. For info contact Billy Price, (540) 886-8014.
— Billy Price
I hope September brings us some cooler weather. Normally, we like to start our trap preparation late-July to early-August however; this year’s summer heat was too unbearable to think about boiling/dying/waxing traps. If the heat doesn’t let up soon, I’m thinking of a nighttime operation to get back on schedule.
Due to my travel schedule, our next district is postponed one week. The meeting will be held on September 19th at 2:00 PM. Since this is our last meeting prior to the start of the season, we’re planning to conduct fur handling demonstrations; skinning, fleshing, and hole repair. Repairing hides is my specialty however; I’ll call on others for the skinning and fleshing demos. As with all of our meetings, VTA Officers and local DGIF Wildlife and Land Managers will be sent an invitation to attend. Additionally, we extend the invitation to all trappers and trapping-interested persons. If you would like to attend, please contact me for details and directions.
The 2011 VTA Convention planning is progressing well. We’ve selected the site; Orange County Booster Park behind the county airport. We had hoped to hold the event closer to Fredericksburg but the cost of suitable sites took them out of the running. The Orange County site and facilities are fantastic.
Tentatively, the dates of the convention are July 15-17. Once the dates are confirmed, we’ll contact vendors for attendance commitment. We’re looking forward to hosting the event in our neck of the woods.
— Art Foltz