President — Randy Barrows , 88 North Road, Milton, Vermont 05468; phone: 802-893-4258; e-mail:
Co-Vice Presidents— Joe and Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-4511; e-mail:
Secretary — Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-451; e-mail:
Treasurer — Jim Calchera, 233 McCaffrey Rdg., Putney, VT 05346
NTA Director — Dave Perrin, 2600 Vt. Rt. 12A, Randolph, VT 05060; phone: 802-728-5935
Membership Director — Paul Ainsworth, P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652; phone: 802-635-7343
Membership Options:
• Individual adult membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Oldtimer (65 & up) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Director
Paul Ainsworth
P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652
Hello Vermont Trappers:
Hope all is well for all of you. The leaves are gone and the geese are flying, which makes it my favorite time of the year. I had anticipated having a serious amount of steel out at this point, but instead I got pinched in a big bad way by a serious trap. The serious trap is this thing called JURY DUTY, everyone’s civil duty that you have to experience once in your lives. My tour of duty is for the months of October, November and December. I am usually pretty good about doing civic type stuff, but not during the three months of the Vermont Trapping season. I gotta do it and it will not be pretty. Taking a cranky old man out of his environment at his favorite time of year, hunting and trapping season is not a good thing. But it is their choice. I politely asked for a pardon and did not receive it sooooo it will be like dealing with a bobcat with a couple of toenails in a trap, not too pleasant. What were they thinking?
There is not a whole lot to report on at this time. The folks at VTA are starting to think about the spring banquet already. In these trying times, it is a struggle to get donations for the event, but do not give up. We still have to ask for donations and get what we can. We have to thank the folks who do donate and also the ones that can’t and more importantly patronize these folks whenever we can. VTA banquet is a huge event every year and is near the top as far as banquets go. So anything we can get, we will use. If you can help in any way, be it solicitations or homemade goods you can donate, get hold of your local director and let them know.
It is, as you know, the holiday time of year also. Thanks to one of our new directors, Bruce Lang from Washington County, Santa might have come early this year. We have been checking throughout the state for some type of a medical facility that could issue preventative rabies shots to members of the Vermont Trappers Association. Most of the early numbers were in the $300 to $400 range. Mr. Lang has tentatively made a arrangement where we can receive the series of three shots for around the $150 range.
The one caveat is it will have to happen in two or three different regions throughout the state and you might have to travel a little to get these shots which is doable seeing the amount of money saved on the shots. What we need to know is to know is how many folks out there need these shots and where you are from. If you need one, please contact your local director and let him know. We will compile a list of requests and then figure out where in the state we can get these shots administered. Rabies are a big issue and $150 is certainly a cheap insurance policy against the alternative if you do not have one and end up infected. I would like to thank Bruce for his efforts to date with this project and welcome him aboard as a new director.
In closing, I would like to thank the VTA board of directors, VTA members, and everyone who supports trapping in Vermont for all of their commitment this past year. In my first year as President, we have gained new directors, which I begged for, and I thank each and every one of you. I have asked for help at fairs, banquets, auctions and fur sales and you have helped immensely. Everything VTA is involved in is a huge success thanks to the dedicated folks who make it happen on a continuous basis. And you all do it with no pay other than the self satisfaction of knowing every little bit helps and this makes the VTA a kick-butt outfit. For this, I salute each and every one of you.
May your holidays be filled with good times with family and friends, good food and all of the best for the New Year. And, as always, may your traps be filled with prime Vermont Fur. And please take a kid outdoors, it is the best gift you could ever give them.
Meanwhile, this grumpy old trapper will be doing his civic duty. E-mail me some pictures if you get a chance so I can at least get a feel for what I am missing. Thanks in advance.
— Randy Barrows
The 2009 Vermont Trapper’s Fall Fur Auction will be held at the Whitcomb High School in Bethel, Vermont on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009.
The doors will open at 6 a.m. and the auction will begin at 9 a.m. There will be a five percent commission on all fur sold. If you are not happy with the price offered, you can withdraw your fur and there will be no charge. Lots will be given out on a first come, first served basis. No green fur, please. However, if you have deer hides to sell, you can bring them and conduct business outside the building and no commission will be charged. Moose and deer antlers are welcomed at this auction and will be sold under the same guidelines as the fur.
We welcome and encourage trappers from other states to attend and sell their fur at our auction. Many do and have said that the prices they receive at the VTA auctions are much better than they could get in their home state. All that we require is that you are a current member of any State or National trapping association. Support those organizations that support you.
For more information on this auction, contact Dan Olmstead at 802-464-6344 or Bruce Baroffio at 802-485-4051.
Dan’s e-mail:
After the Fall Fur Auction, at approximately 11 a.m. to noon, the Vermont Ginseng Association will be holding their Annual Ginseng Auction. This will be a live auction. There will be a 3 percent commission charged on all ginseng sold. You must be a member of the Vermont Ginseng Association in order to sell your ginseng at this auction. Memberships will be available at the auction. You should plan on arriving one hour ahead of time to allow for check in and lot assignment.
For more information on this auction, contact Steve Korshak at 802-479-0802.