President — Randy Barrows , 88 North Road, Milton, Vermont 05468; phone: 802-893-4258; e-mail: critrgitr@msn.com
Co-Vice Presidents— Joe and Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-4511; e-mail: jdepler@vermontel.net
Secretary — Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-451; e-mail: jdepler@vermontel.net
Treasurer — Jim Calchera, 233 McCaffrey Rdg., Putney, VT 05346
NTA Director — Dave Perrin, 2600 Vt. Rt. 12A, Randolph, VT 05060; phone: 802-728-5935
Membership Director — Paul Ainsworth, P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652; phone: 802-635-7343
Membership Options:
• Individual adult membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Oldtimer (65 & up) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Director
Paul Ainsworth
P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652
Greeting Vermont Trappers. Hope all is well in all you are doing. My position as President will Expire in September and there are some topics I need to cover before that time. So here goes.
As many of you have read in these venues in my past writings my goals as President were to make our membership grow, increase the amount of directors for the VTA, find a avenue for cheaper rabies shots. After much whinning about these issues things started to happen. Number one, membership is kind of stagnant as we hover around the 700 member mark. We grow a little and then fall a little, but Vermont is the only state in the United States who has more members than there are licensed trappers! This is a fact we are most proud of. Secondly, we have grown in leaps and bounds director wise. If my count is rifgt we have gained 10 in two years. My thanks to Al Fortin, Mark Fuller, Herve Cote, A.J.Kreis, Mike Dewey,Steve Tarbox, Bruce Lang, Dan Lagis, Brian Webb and Cale Pelland. I salute you folks for stepping up to the plate.
A special note on directors, Dan Lagis is only 16 years old and is a director. Thanks Dan as it is refreshing to know someone is going to carry the torch when the older fellas hang up thier traps for good. Also I want to thank each and every director for all they do year after year. You are the best.
On the rabies shots, I just threw it out and Bruce Lang ran with it. Call Bruce for details but he made us a honey of a deal where you do not need a second mortgage on your home to get a shot. Thanks for your help on this Bruce.
So as you can see two out of three of my golas came to life with the help of the great ladies and gentlemen who help run the VTA. I need to personally thank one person in perticular. This fine man worked me hard to become President back two years ago when I had my doubts and talked me out of stepping down last winter when I felt I needed to. This man is a wealth of information on trapping issues and is I feel the hub of the VTA. This man was available day and night to answer any questions or help resolve any issues. This man is Brent Teillon and I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart.
On thanking people, last but not least, I want to thank my lovely wife Diane for her support and my kids too. Being a trappers wife and kids can be trying at times, long days, smelly days, amazing scents, well you get the idea. Thanks for all you have done and your support.
Please do not forget to attend the Rendezvous September 11 and 12, 2010 in Barton, Vermont or any of the fairs in your region. Also, The New England Trappers Weekend in Behtel Maine August 26, 27,28 2010 .
There also will be a Advanced Trappers Course Sept. 17,18,19 2010 at Buck Lake . I will be holding a home study class September 25th 2010 in Milton if anyone is interested . So if you are interested in trapping please sign up and we will get you on your way.
Again thanks to everyone and I hope to se you at a fair or show this summer and fall.
— Randy Barrows