President — Randy Barrows, 88 North Road, Milton, VT 05468; phone: 802-893-4258; e-mail:
Co-Vice Presidents— Joe and Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-4511; e-mail:
Secretary — Deb Epler, P.O. Box 12, Chester, VT 05143; phone: 802-875-451; e-mail:
Treasurer — Jim Calchera, 233 McCaffrey Rdg., Putney, VT 05346
NTA Director — Dave Perrin, 2600 Vt. Rt. 12A, Randolph, VT 05060; phone: 802-728-5935
Membership Director — Paul Ainsworth, P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652; phone: 802-635-7343
Membership Options:
• Individual adult membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Oldtimer (65 & up) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
VTA, Membership Director
Paul Ainsworth
P.O. Box 118, Eden, VT 05652
Hello all,
Hope all is well with everyone. Hard to be that way with the weather the way it has been. We certainly have had our share of rain this early summer. It’s the first of July and it still sems like spring. Oh well, it will change, right?
Things in the trapping world are kind of slow this time of year, unless you nuisance trap. I have been up to my eyebrows in complaints , even having to turn some down. I hate turning folks down, but there are only so many hours in a day. I hate even more to harvest an animal whose worth is nill. I haved trapped some beautiful fox so far that would have looked good this fall, but the summer camp where their mom had them would not tolerate them showing up at the picnics for the kids. And skunks, bumper crops this year. Fat, healthy and full of stink. God bless them!
Summer brings hectic times for the Vermont Trappers Association. VTA covers alot of fairs throughout the state and we need help at these events. If you can cover a hour, two or a day it would be most appreciated. You do not need a P.H.D. to do these events, a basic idea about trapping or no knowledge at all, we can use your help. The only pay you get is the self satisfaction of knowing you helped when needed. It is unbelieveable the folks who will stop and chat about trapping. Even the anti’s, who will push all of your buttons as you push theirs and nothing you say will convert them.
They have their beliefs as we trappers have ours so we treat them with the respect we expect and usually agree to disagree. What surprises me is the lack of knowledge about animals most bunnie huggers have. Would not want to be one!
Mark your calenders for Sept. 12 and 13, 2009 for the 36th Annual Rendezvous for the Vermont Trappers Association in Barton, Vermont. At this event, visit with trappers, take a trapping course, watch fur handling demos, check out all the new trapping, hunting, fishing and blackpowder supplies, attend an auction, particapate in black powder shoot, pie-baking contest, skillet toss, win door prizes or a 50/50 raffle. If all of this makes you hungry, you can stick around for the Saturday night pig roast and steamship round. I have been going to this for years and if you walk away from this feast hungry, you’ve got issues. And you do not need to be a trapper to attend, everyone is invited. Who knows, if you are lucky, you could win one of the 10 gun raffles. AND, you can camp on site. So, load up the camper and head north. You will not be sorry you did.
Also, this summer, we are invited to teach trapping at the conservation camps at Buck Lake and Kehoe. I brought the issue up last summer when I noticed trapping was missing from these programs. Contacts were made we are in and I am happy. We could still use help at both camps so give me a call. You do not need to be a instuctor to teach these classes.
In September, we will be at Science on the Green at Waterbury, Vermont. This event is attended by school teachers and thier students usually around 800 in count. Anytime VTA can reach out to that many folks at one event, I will be there to promote our association. It’s a four-hour event, but in four hours, you can change a lot of folks minds about what we do.
Also, in August, the 14th, 15th and 16th in Bethel Maine is the 33rd Annual New England Trappers Weekend sponsored by Neil Olson. At this event, you can rub elbows with the best the northeast has. Their motto for this event is “We want to have a convention where you’re willing to bring your Grandmother,” so load Grandma in the car and visit this event.
That’s it for now. Enjoy your summer and hope to see you at a trapping event.
— Randy Barrows