President — Kevin Peacock, P.O. Box 522, Orangeville, UT 84537; phone: 435-748-2929; e-mail: Kp_2805@yahoo.com
Vice President — Ronnie Hunt, P.O. Box 65, Teasdale, UT 84773; phone: Teasedale, UT 84773; phone: 435-425-3287
Secretary — Paul Jarvis, P.O. Box 571, Santaquin, UT 84655; phone: 801-754-3739
Treasurer — Leroy Loftus, 1465 E Hwy 119, Richfield, UT 84701; phone: 435-896-8913
Public Relations — Theron Taylor, P.O. Box 11, Stockton, Utah 84071; phone: 801-550-2765; e-mail: tctaylor@wirelessbeehive.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $8
• Senior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
UTA, Secretary
Paul Jarvis,
PO Box 571, Santaquin, UT 84655
Kevin asked if I would report on the NTA convention in Wyoming. I guess if one word could sum it up it would be GREAT. The Wyoming Association did a fantastic job. It was nice to have it so close to home. It wasn’t a long drive, just right. The weather was about as good as you could ask for. As soon as we checked into the room I was visiting with a couple of trappers from Nevada and Colorado. It didn’t stop until we left for home. I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend visiting with my friends from all over the West as well as making new ones. You can’t ask for more than that.
The convention made it possible for my kids to do some fathers day shopping. When you are at a trappers convention you can’t go too wrong for fathers day gifts. There were a lot of vendors and there were a lot of supplies that were available. I picked up some really good deals on some items. I don’t really need them but they were a good deal and I was weak.
I want to thank my daughter Amber and son Cody for running the UTA booth. Amber did about 90 percent of the work, while Cody and I explored the convention and watched demos. She did a fantastic job. I’m not saying this just because she is my daughter either.
At the UTA booth we raffled off a rifle. The proceeds went to help Steve Fitzwater and his family. Steve is extremely ill and his family could use the help. I am happy to say that the raffle earned $700.00. That money will really help out a trapper and his family. I want to thank all that were generous in these tough times to help Steve and his family out.
I enjoyed the auction. The action was fast and furious. Marvin Miller auctioned off his hat. Those of you that know Marvins hat know that it is a one of a kind. Truly a collector piece. I think that the hat sold for $300. The kind person that bought it gave it back to Marvin. I’m glad that they did because I don’t think that I would recognize him without that hat.
There was a dozen roses that the proceeds went to Steve Fitzwater. They were sold and given back and sold and given back and on and on. When they were all gone that dozen roses sold for around $1300.00. What a fun time.
Those of you that attended had a very nice experience. If you couldn’t make it this year try to make it next year. It will be in Oregon. I’ve never been to Oregon, so it should be quite an adventure. Hope that I see you there.
Best of Luck.
Also, thought that everyone should know that Steve Fitzwater passed away in July. The family expected it but you are never ready for a loss of a family member. I was fortunate to be able attend the funeral. It was a funeral that Steve would of proud of. He had a lot of support from family and friends.
I have known Steve for many years and I honored to call him my friend. I think the world and all of his wonderful family. They are all really good people. I will miss Steves early morning phone calls. And I will always remember our long chats about trapping and the things that are needed to keep trapping going and trappers strong. I remember one night in Montana, where we sat in a motel room, ate pizza and talked trapping for a couple of hours. One fine evening.
We have all lost a valuable man in the trapping community. I personally have lost a very dear friend. We want to wish Steves family all the very best. Our prayers are with you. We will miss you Steve.
— Stan Bassett