President — Kevin Peacock, P.O. Box 522, Orangeville, UT 84537; phone: 435-748-2929
Vice President — Ronnie Hunt, P.O. Box 65, Teasdale, UT 84773
Secretary — Paul Jarvis, P.O. Box 571, Santaquin, UT 84655; phone: 801-754-3739
Treasurer — Leroy Loftus, 1465 E Hwy 119, Richfield, UT 84701; phone: 435-896-8913
Public Relations — Theron Taylor, P.O. Box 11, Stockton, Utah 84071; phone: 801-550-2765
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Family membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $8
• Senior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
UTA, Secretary
Paul Jarvis,
PO Box 571, Santaquin, UT 84655
We had a great campout up at Miller’s Flat. It was a little soggy from the rain, but only a few got really stuck in the mud. The shooting contest was a fun as always and the following is results:
Men’s Rifle:
1st — Kelly Farnsworth
2nd — Kevin Peacock
3rd — Richard Wolf
Women’s Rifle:
1st — Paige Farnsworth
2nd — Deanna Butler
Junior Rifle 11 to 17
1st — Justin Hunt
2nd — Bowdy Steele
3rd — Dusty Miller
Shotgun Adult:
1st — Gary Steele
2nd — Kelly Farnsworth
3rd — Richard Wolf
1st — Jody Carlson
2nd — Deanna Butler
3rd — Emily Loftus
Shotgun junior 11 to 17
1st — Bowdy Steele
2nd — Dusty Miller
3rd — Arnold Carlson
Shotgun sub junior 0 to 10
1st — Dick Steele
22 shoot
Sub junior 0 to 10
1st — Sterling Butler
2nd — Clarissa Carlson
Junior 11 to 17
1st — Kacey Farnsworth
2nd — Arnold Carlson
3rd — Kennedy Voran
Adult Men’s
1st — Ron Voran
2nd — Jeff Miller
3rd — Dusty Miller
1st — Janae Wolf
2nd — Jody Carlson
I had to leave early just as dutch oven dinners were getting done. Man, did I miss a feast.
I did stop and catch one of the most beautiful fish of my life on the way home. Other items of association news are:
The UTA has reached an agreement with the DWR on the purposed otter plan.
The two most positive points are that we will be trapping otter in 2011 on a draw basis on the Green river Drainage and the DWR has agreed to use the least restrictive trapping restrictions possible on all other otter transplant areas in the state.
We are preparing for the Furbearer R.A.C.s, which will be coming up the end of July. At these R.A.C. meetings, we will be bringing up the non-protected species issue.This could turn out to be a fairly heated topic, but we feel that we have a good chance to win this one.Watch the Web site after the middle of August and we will let you know how this turns out.
Raffle tickets will be in members’ mail soon. Please do all you can to sell as many as you can. This is one of the lifelines of our association and we depend on these sales for operating finances. We realize these are hard economic times, but we can do it if we try. Once again, there will be some very nice prizes for those that sell the most and a drawing for those that sell a bunch.
Let’s start thinking about the Sept. 12 and 13 Convention right now. Make plans to attend. It will be worth your time.
— Theron Taylor