United Trappers of Kentucky, Inc. June-July 2010 Report

President — Stacy J. White, U.K. Cooperative Extension Service, Bell County, 101 Courthouse Square, Pineville, KY 40977; phone: 606-337-2376; cell phone: 606-521-1705;e-mail: sjwhite@e-mail.uky.edu

Vice President — David Kriege Jr., 3513 Cowie Ave., Erlanger, KY 41018-1608; phone: 859-342-8109
Financial Secretary — Dave Dykes, 152 Mapleview Ct., Mt. Washington, KY 40047; phone: 502-538-3290
Executive Director — Chet Hayes, 3951 Neises Rd., California, KY 41007; phone: 859-635-3102; e-mail: lhayes@fuse.net

Membership Options:
• Class A Kentucky trapper including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family Membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $35
• Associate Membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Youth Kentucky trapper including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $15
• Lifetime Class A Kentucky trapper — $250

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
UTK, Financial Secretary
Dave Dykes
152 Mapleview Ct., Mt. Washington, KY 40047

Spring is always a busy time at the Extension office in Bell County. When the sun shines this time of year people get the itch to plant something. If there has been anything positive to come from the downturn in our economy it is the fact that more folks are growing some of their own food.

We have seen a tremendous increase in gardening and food preservation questions coming through our office over the last few years. I am reminded of the old saying, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime“. How true.

UTK has also been busy this spring. Several members in the Ninth District worked a booth at the Southeast Kentucky Sportsmen’s Expo at Corbin in March. We made contact with many who stopped to look at our furs and traps. Our demos during the two day event were well attended. There were also several trappers who came by and talked with us.

UTK participated in a training program for Hunter Ed instructors from across the state on March 27 and 28. The event was held at Camp Earl Wallace on Lake Cumberland. We were very well received. See Chet’s report for more details. Steve Pickard and I presented a half-day trapper education program in Bell County. This event came about due to people questioning me through my office about coyote, beaver and groundhog control options.

Most people don’t know how to deal with wildlife problems that confront them this day and time. There was a time not too long ago when every farmer had a few traps hanging in the barn to handle problems that would arise. We have lost a lot of common sense over the years. That is a shame.

I just travelled to Pleasant View Elementary School in Whitley County to talk Kentucky furbearers with two classes of very young folks. One of our hunter education leaders has a daughter in one of the classes and requested the program. I had to gear down my presentation somewhat. This was the youngest group overall that I have encountered. Some were quiet and bashful, but most were not. We underestimate the comprehension level of some of these youngsters. They answered several questions correctly and remembered most of the details that I had given them during the presentation.

Our spring meet has not happened as I write this report. Details from that will come in the next report. I am looking forward to a good time in Morehead. I have a few applications for the Fergeson Scholarship that we have offered to wildlife management students. Soon we will award those scholarships and Jim’s dream will become reality. Until next time, have a blessed day and enjoy life. Remember, yesterday is gone, tomorrow my never come, today is all we have. Do something that will count in the end. — Stacy J. White


Once again, the deadline for this report comes just before our Spring Fling at Cave Run, so news of that will appear in the next report. I am confident the event will be a success for UTK.

UTK was well-represented at Camp Wallace on March 26-27 for the statewide Hunter Education Workshop. The main subject was trapping and how to teach it in Hunter Ed Classes, along with follow-up workshops. Friday night was classroom work with power-points, discussion of furbearers, traps and equipment.

On Saturday morning, the Hunter Ed teachers were split into groups and rotated between stations where water trapping, snaring and dry land trapping was demonstrated for the various furbearers. After lunch, skinning and processing for furbearers was covered. Hands-on participation was encouraged and many of the Hunter Ed folks worked up the pelts of muskrat, bobcat, raccoon, otter, mink and beaver along with the UTK instructors.

Food and lodging was provided, and the food was superb. Special thanks go to the following UTK officers, directors and members for a great program: Jay Geiger, Dave Kriege, Eddie Covey, Steve Pickard, Robbie Hoover, Greg Bickel, Stacy White, Kevin Hughes, Mick Craig. Hope I didn’t miss anyone.

After this workshop, hopefully our folks will get busy and attend Hunter Ed classes to teach and introduce trapping like we’re supposed to be doing. If each of you will contact me, I will help you get started. This is an important part of the work UTK is committed to. It is one of the primary duties of each officer and director.
Until next month. — Chet Hayes

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