Texas Trappers and Fur Hunters Association December 2008 Report

President — Bill Applegate, Box 883, Marfa, TX 79843; phone: 432-729-3349; fax: 432-729-3623

Vice President — Bill Turnbow, 511 N. Arizona, Shamrock, TX 79079; phone: 806-256-3039

Secretary — Debbie Pilgrim, 1323 RR 2341, Burnet, TX 78611; phone: 512-756-4609

Treasurer — Keith Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-675-2047

Membership Administrator— Tasha Jackson,  306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-858-3384

Public Relations Officer — Cody Dowling, P.O. Box 444, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 903-625-0325

NTA Director — Mark Davis, P.O. Box 1023, Athens, TX 75751; phone: 903-489-3080

Membership Options:
• Family lifetime (husband & wife) — $300
• Lifetime (payable $25 monthly) — $250
• Lifetime oldtimer (age 70 or over) — $25
• Business membership — $25
• Family membership (2 members) — $20
• Single membership — $15
• Junior membership (under 16) — $5
• 1-year subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller (members only) — $10
Payments for dues are non-refundable.

Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
TTFHA, Membership Administrator
    Tasha Jackson,
306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925


No news that I am aware of since last month regarding delisting for bobcats or tag elimination for bobcats or river otters. We are very optimistic in obtaining some relief for keeping live bobcats and mountain lions this coming legislative session. If successful, the law will take effect September 2009.

Representatives from the North American Fur Auction conducted a fur handling demo and answered questions about establishing a fur pick-up route in Texas at our rendezvous last month. Putting up your fur is not as difficult as many people seem to believe and it allows you to take advantage of multiple markets. Dried fur gives you more opportunity to command higher prices. We have been scheduling fur-handling demos at each rendezvous for quite a few years.

The attendance at the rendezvous in Junction was good; however we did not see the number of youngsters we would like to. Quite a few trap collectors were present, sharing their traps and knowledge. It was very nice to have a good number of volunteers help with all of the work that needed to be accomplished. We are most grateful to each of you. We still have a lot to accomplish between rendezvous and if you are willing to help in some way, please contact any board member.
Those of you who helped out with the skull collection for the rabies assessment, you are most appreciated by the Wildlife Services and Texas Department of Health. Your association appreciates you too as it helps us build and maintain good relationships with these and other organizations, entities and legislators.

We all must work together to reach our individual goals. I have been informed that skull collection efforts will continue through the upcoming fur season. Please consider helping out. We plan to share more details in the January issue of the Texas Fur Trails. The spring rendezvous will be in Jacksonvill,e just south of Tyler, next April. Dan Hepker won the vice-presidential seat in the recent election, probably the result of his campaign ad in the October issue of the Texas Fur Trails.

Dave Hastings still needs your stories, news, pictures and anything else of interest to keep the Texas Fur Trails first class. Material from all across the country is welcome. He is particularly looking for some Texas photos to be used for the covers of future issues of the magazine. Bear in mind that members are entitled to free classified advertising in the Texas Fur Trails. If you are ready to help out with promoting and preserve trapping, let us know. We would like to put your unique talents to work for the benefit of all and future generations.

— Bill Applegate

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