President — Bill Applegate, Box 883, Marfa, TX 79843; phone: 432-729-3349; fax: 432-729-3623
Vice President — Dan Hepker, P.O. Box 399, Bastrop, TX 78602; phone: 512-303-1995
Secretary — Ricky Cox, 1329 CR 314, Lexington, TX 78947
Treasurer — Keith Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-675-2047
Membership Administrator — Tasha Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-858-3384
Public Relations Officer — David Pilgrim, 1323 RR2341, Burnet, TX 78611
NTA Director — Mark Davis, P.O. Box 1023, Athens, TX 75751; phone: 903-489-3080
Membership Options:
• Family lifetime (husband & wife) — $300
• Lifetime (payable $25 monthly) — $250
• Lifetime oldtimer (age 70 or over) — $25
• Business membership — $25
• Family membership (2 members) — $20
• Single membership — $15
• Junior membership (under 16) — $5
• 1-year subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller (members only) — $10
Payments for dues are non-refundable.
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
TTFHA, Membership Administrator
Tasha Jackson,
306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies would like to conduct some BMP research on traps for badgers and ringtails in Texas. If you are interested in doing some trap testing for either of these species, please contact me. This is a paying job for trappers on their traplines and technicians who work with them. The trapping will be done during the fur season and scheduling is flexible.
Please be advised that we have new procedures regarding trapping tip submissions and prizes as well as display advertising; look for them in the October issue of the Texas Fur Trails. I hope you are planning to attend the fall rendezvous in Junction as Dan has lined up some interesting demos; he has included the agenda in his report. We do anticipate that the Texas Department of Agriculture will approve continuing education credits for pesticide applicators attending the rendezvous and that general and IPM credits will be awarded.
Consider participating in the quality set contest. This is a fun and easy way to share with other trappers and beginners your favorite land set. Sign up at the registration table; we will limit the competition to the first four contestants that sign up this time. You will have up to 15 minutes to make your set at the Stevenson Community Center. Please explain what you are doing and why as you go. You may be asked some questions by the audience. Over the years, you have been most generous with your contributions to the fundraising auction. These donations have enabled the Association to achieve many goals and establish a professional image throughout the wildlife community.
We are always looking for new and interesting ideas to incorporate into our gatherings so do not hesitate to share your thoughts with any board member. You may have to remind us as it gets hectic trying to accomplish everything during our rendezvous. We really need you to bring your entire family and possibly some youth that you think might be interested in what we do. The youth are the future of our organization and they must be identified, recruited and trained now to lead the charge when the rest of us have been put out to pasture. I realize how hard it is to interest or motivate people when fur prices are low and that is one reason to focus on nuisance animal work.
Your Association has established a Nuisance Animal Control program for its members. The names and contact information of trappers willing to participate are provided to state agencies as well as individuals and companies looking for someone to help them out. We also post this list on our Web site. I have personally received work from this program. Contact Ricky Cox if you have an interest. Members, don’t forget to take advantage of free classified advertising in the Texas Fur Trails.
No news that I am aware of since my last report regarding delisting for bobcats or tag elimination for bobcats or river otters. Texas Parks and Wildlife has not expressed an interest in a state tag. We are most fortunate to have a wildlife agency that acts on science and common sense. Let them know that the trappers of Texas do appreciate the work they do for us.
Consider providing skull samples to Wildlife Services and the Texas Department of Health for rabies testing. This may help us in the future with some of the problems we are experiencing now. Dave Hastings still needs your stories, news, pictures and anything else of interest to keep the Texas Fur Trails first class. Material from all across the country is welcome. He is particularly looking for some Texas photos to be used for the covers of future issues of the magazine.
Members in odd numbered districts, be sure to mail in your district director election ballots, by the deadline, or place them in the ballot box in Junction by noon on Saturday, during the rendezvous. Share your thoughts with any board member regarding what you would like to see our Association accomplish. Many of the achievements we have made are results of membership input. If you are ready to help out with promoting and preserving trapping, let us know. We would like to put your unique talents to work for the benefit of all and future generations.
— Bill Applegate
It’s rendezvous time and I am certain we are all looking forward to seeing each other and swapping tales. Today is my day to put closure on the schedule, and it is looking like we should have the makings for a great time. Don’t forget we are also hosting the North America Trap Collectors Association – Southwest Trap Collectors Swap Meet at the same time, so bring your show-and-tell traps along.
Al Barton and I have been working to make a swap meet dream become a reality and while the going is slow, we are seeing a momentum that should take off and blossom over the years to come. I am certain everyone by now has heard Al Barton suffered a stroke a while ago. Mrs. Barton informs me Al is making positive progress each day. No doubt most every report you read in this issue will touch on Al. Keep him in your prayers — they work!
If you have an interest to put on a future trapping demo at one of our rendezvous, get with me and we’ll discuss it! Also, if you have any suggestions to enhance our rendezvous, please don’t hesitate to let me know, I am always open to new ideas.
The best doors lead to the outdoors.
— Dan
Texas Trappers and Fur Hunters
Fall Rendezvous Junction, Texas
Oct. 16 and 17
Stevenson Center
Combined with the NATCA Southwest Trap Collectors Swap Meet
Friday, Oct. 16
8:30 – 1:00 — Set-up
1 – 1:45 — Coyote by the Numbers with Mike McNiece
2 – 2:45 — Stake Pulling Strategies with Applegate, McNiece and Hepker
3 – 6 — On Line Trapping with Jimmy Brooks, David Pilgrim, Keith Jackson
6 – 7 — Supper On Site Mary Chambliss and Crew
7:30 – 9:30 — Buy – Swap – Trade – Visit & Board of Directors Meeting (open to all members)
Saturday, Oct. 17
7:30 – 9:30 — On Line Check and Pull Traps with Brooks, Pilgrim, and Jackson
9:30 – 10:30 — Quality Set Contest with Bill Applegate
10:45 – 11:30 — Fox Trapping Mark June
11:30 – 12 — Skillet Toss Ladies of all ages with David Pilgrim
12 – 1 — Speed Setting Men/ Women – Girls/ Boys with James Stone
1 – 5:30 – Lunch – Fish Fry with Billy “Catfish King” Chambliss
Rifle Drawing – Live Auction – Membership Meeting – Awards
(Membership Participation – Contest Winners – Trapper of the Year)
5:30 – 6:30 — Buy – Swap – Trade – Visit
6:30 – 7:15 — Left Overs Yummy!
7:15 – 7:45 — Clean Up – Pack Up
7:45 – 9:30 — Board of Directors Meeting (open to all members)
Vendors Welcome!
(No Table Charge)
For More Information, call Dan Hepker: 512-303-1995 or 512-321-7415
— Dan Hepker