President — Bill Applegate, Box 883, Marfa, TX79843; phone: 432-729-3349; fax: 432-729-3623
Vice President — Dan Hepker, P.O. Box 399, Bastrop, TX 78602; phone: 512-303-1995
Secretary — Deborah Pilgrim, 1323 RR 2341, Burnet, TX 78611; 512-756-4609
Treasurer — Keith Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-675-2047
Membership Administrator — Tasha Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925; phone: 936-858-3384
Public Relations Officer — David Pilgrim, 1323 RR2341, Burnet, TX 78611; 512-756-4609
NTA Director — Mark Davis, 11919 CR 1200, Malakoff, TX 75148; phone: 903-681-4230
Membership Options:
• Family lifetime (husband & wife) — $300
• Lifetime (payable $25 monthly) — $250
• Lifetime oldtimer (age 70 or over) — $25
• Business membership — $25
• Family membership (2 members) — $20
• Single membership — $15
• Junior membership (under 16) — $5
• 1-year subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller (members only) — $10
Payments for dues are non-refundable.
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
TTFHA, Membership Administrator
Tasha Jackson, 306 CR 2717, Alto, TX 75925
The 2009 Vermont Trapper’s Fall Fur Auction will be held at the Whitcomb High School in Bethel, Vermont on Saturday, December 11, 2010.
The doors will open at 6:00 a.m. and the auction will begin at 9:00 a.m. There will be a five percent (5%) commission on all fur sold. If you are not happy with the price offered, you may withdraw your fur and there will be no charge. Lots will be given out on a first come, first served basis. No green fur, please. However, if you have deer hides to sell, you may bring them and conduct business outside the building and no commission will be charged. Moose and deer antlers are welcomed at this auction and will be sold under the same guidelines as the fur.
We welcome and encourage trappers from other states to attend and sell their fur at our auction. Many do and have said that the prices they receive at the VTA auctions are much better than they could get in their home state. All that we require is that you are a current member of any State or National trapping association. Support those organizations that support you.
For more information on this auction, contact Dan Olmstead at (802) 464-6344 or Bruce Baroffio at (802) 485-4051. Dan’s email:
After the Fall Fur Auction, at approximately 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, the Vermont Ginseng Association will be holding their Annual Ginseng Auction. This will be a live auction.
There will be a 3% commission charged on all ginseng sold. You must be a member of the Vermont Ginseng Association in order to sell your ginseng at this auction. Memberships will be available at the auction. You should plan on arriving one hour ahead of time to allow for check in and lot assignment.
For more information on this auction, contact Steve Korshak at 802-479-0802.
Hello: My husband ownes a Polar Bear coat purchased in Italy from an Italian furier during the 1970’s while he was stationed there.
Please advise if I could sell it through your next auction and the date of the next auction. According to furiers that I have contacted, the Polar Bear coat was never sold commericially in the United States. As far as I know, we may be among the few who owns a Polar Bear coat in this country. I am unable to obtain an appraisal since there is nothing that exists to compare it to. This is truly a rare one-of-a kind item. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
Lena & Freddie Carr