Tennessee Fur Harvester Association October 2009 Report

President — Gene Gagstatter, 565 French Mill Rd., Dandrige, TN 37725; phone: 865-621-8114

Vice President — James Lord; phone: 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; e-mail: jlord2003@aol.com

Secretary — Lora Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0486

Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Nancy Rogers, 235 Burke Lane, Dayton, TN 37321; phone: 423-570-8467; e-mail: nrogers03@bellsouth.net

State Organizer — Tei Gagstatter, 565 French Mill Rd., Dandrige, TN 37725; phone: 865-621-8114

FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; phone: 931-935-5602

Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354

NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com

Please send all correspondence to:

565 French Mill Rd.
Dandridge Tn. 37725

This is to keep all records organized.

Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior lifetime membership (70 or older) with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $100

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

TFHA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
John Curry
2911 Tazewell Pike Suite 196, Knoxville, TN 37918 phone: 865-385-4100


Hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer so far. Trapping season is getting closer. If you haven’t already checked the new regulations for season, get a copy and read them. There have been a few changes that I believe most of you will like. I would like to thank Alan and Nancy Rogers as well as Betty Stroub for a great location for the District 5 meeting that was held. Please don’t forget about these upcoming events. There will be a Trapper Training Camp at Muddy Pond on Oct. 10. For more information, please contact Mark Smith at 931-261-8727. Also there will be a Fur Handling Day on Nov. 14 hosted by Joe Hawkins. For more information, please contact Joe at 865-660-0279.

By the time you read this report, our Elections will have been held at Falls Creek Falls. I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who has supported the TFHA during my terms as President. This organization has grown over the last few years and has also moved forward in promoting trapping in this state. I am looking forward to spending a little more time on the trapline this year and hope to see all of you at some of the association’s events. I would like to ask all of you to support James Lord as President of this association.

— Gene Gagstatter


Hello all TFHA members and trappers,

At the time of this writing, our Fall Convention is still a month away. With that said, by the time you are reading this, it will have past. I missed the deadline on last month’s issue, and also was still undecided on running as the President of TFHA. But as your new President I will do my best to help all trappers in TN in any way I can. You don’t have to be a TFHA member to call me. If I can help, I will. Especially members, if you have any concerns don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me.

I mentioned this at the District 5 meeting and will again now. This is what I was going to put in my report last month. With me living in West TN, and most of our meetings and events are held in the eastern part of the state, I might not be able to get to every event. I will try, but I am sure there will be events I cannot make. For instance, this year’s convention. I apologize for not being there, but other plans had already been made. I hope you understand this as work and timing will effect my ability to be at all events. Also, I am a trapper, and might not make every fur sale due to trapping out of state; but I will do my job to make sure all is ready to go wether I will be there or not.

I would like to thank Allen and Nancy Rogers for allowing TFHA to have District 5 at their farm. Allen, Nancy and his mother along with the Lady Fur Harvesters put on an excellent event. Thank you to all that help with demos and the cooking.

Our fur sales dates and locations will be in the next issue. Due to the fur market and profitability for the fur buyers, we will likely just have two sales this year, the Crossville and Bulls Gap sales.
Last but definitely not least, I would like to thank Gene and Tei Gagstatter for all the hard work and dedication you have done over the years for TFHA and look forward to the continuation of working with you in the future. TFHA would not be where we are today with out you. Thanks.

— James Lord 

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