Tennessee Fur Harvester Association June-July 2013 Report



President — James Lord, 19 Mallard Lane Lexington, TN 38351; 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581;

Vice President — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; 423 595-0986;

Treasurer/Membership Secretary — Laura Smith, 160 Autumn Lane, Wilder, TN 38589; 931 303-7711;

State Organizer — Wendell Reeves, 14215 95 Hwy North, Greenback TN 37742

FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; 931-935-5602

Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354

NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; 423-595-0986;


Membership Options:

• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25

• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12

• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250

• Senior lifetime membership (70 or older) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $100


Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

Laura Smith

160 Autumn Lane

Wilder, TN 38589


Hello everyone,

Spring is here finally and I hope everyone is enjoying the weather. Seemed it took awhile to get here this year as it was so coming. Of course this means our spring meet is just around the corner in May on the 24th-26th at Big Ridge State Park. It has been a couple years since we been there in the Spring and I hope to see some familiar faces and of course new comers are more than welcome. We will have a Directors and Elected officials meeting Friday evening and also a general membership meeting Saturday around 2pm to discuss the Election, future events such as Fall Creek Falls, Fur sales, and Lady Fur Harvesters position.

I want to send out a big thank you to everyone that helps with the trapper training camp we have every year at Hiwassee. Also to the FBU (Fur Bearers Unlimited) and NAFA (North American Fur Auction) for their financial support in our trapper training education programs. Our youngsters and new trappers, whether young or old, are a big factor in our future and it is important we as an organization get them started on the right foot when it comes to the laws and ethics of trapping in Tennessee. I can’t leave out the TWRA, they also support us in a big way with reading material, goods, and in a way financial support also. Officers also show their support by being at the Trapper Education events across the state.

Again, as I mentioned in last months report, it is an election year for the President and Vice President positions. Any nominations for President and Vice President should be mailed to TFHA 19 Mallard Lane Lexington Tn 38351 by June 15th so we have time to get the nominees time to respond and where we can get the ballots mailed out in time for Fall Creek Falls. Both positions must be changed due to our By-Law limitations of 2 terms.

Our fur sales did very well this year, and I must say that some of it had to be due to moving both sales to later dates after season closed. Prices had an impact as well, but we had more tables than usual, and no one knew what prices were going to be at the beginning of the season. Looking back I sure wish I would’ve known because I would have had a few more sleepless nights being out there trapping more, as I’m sure most of you would have as well.

Bulls Gap averages weren’t quite as good as Crossvilles, but still with an over all sale of over $30,000 we can’t complain too much. Here are the averages for Bulls Gap; I don’t have complete numbers for Bulls Gap, only total dollars and averages. I have all the numbers for Crossville and they are listed below. Fur dollars for Crossville totaled aver $45,000. The Rocky Top award for this season will be available to view on the website asap.


Bulls Gap March 2013

Coyote 11.48

Red fox 30.96

Grey fox 26.20

Raccoon 8.30

Male mink 19.50

Female mink 11.12

Bobcat 60.75

Beaver 11.62

Otter 72.52

Muskrat 7.20

Opossum 1.35


Crossville March 2013

Item High Avg

Green beaver 11.00 6.47

Finished beaver 34.00 18.12

Green raccoon 15.00 7.23

Finished coon 28.00 11.59

Coyote 55.00 16.90

Bobcat 140.00 81.84

Red fox 57.50 44.52

Grey fox 47.50 35.71

Mink 33.00 27.00

Female mink 25.00 16.61

Muskrat 12.00 9.52

Otter 105.00 78.87

Skunk 2.75 2.00

Opossum 5.00 .96


Thanks to everyone that pitched in to help and make the fur sales go smoother and faster than any I’ve seen. I know at Crossville, we were done and the facilities cleaned by 4pm with a total of 55 tables, so a big hats off to everyone!

If anyone needs to get in touch with me, don’t hesitate to call, email or get online with the website. 731 614-2531, jlord2203@aol.com, www.tfhaonline.net Hope to see you at a future event! — James Lord



I hope this report finds everyone doing well and still counting money from their fur checks.

The Hiwassee Trapper Training camp is just around the corner April 26th-28th. Check in will begin around 5 pm Eastern time. The class room session will start at 7-9. As in the past, camping is permitted around the pavilion area. Breakfast will begin at seven Sat. morning and the sessions will start after breakfast. We should finish up around noon Sun.

In the last newsletter I stated that our spring meet at Big Ridge State Park would be held May 18th. James and I had discussed this date and when I put out the newsletter I did not know that date was unavailable. The correct date is May 24-26. I’m sorry if this caused anyone a problem.

Our next event will be the Dist five meet at Gee Creek the date is Aug.10th. This is a great place to hold a meeting and camping is available for any one wanting to camp.

This is an election year Offices open for nomination are Pres. Vice Pres. and State Organizer. Per Bi- Laws James Lord is has served the two terms allowed for President

John Daniel Has served the two terms allowed as Vice President.

Nominations are now open James Lord will be accepting nominations till June 15th. The election will be held at our fall meeting at Fall Creek Falls Park in Oct .

Have a good spring and hope to see everyone at Big Ridge. — John Daniel

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