President — James Lord, 19 Mallard Lane Lexington, TN 38351; phone: 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; e-mail: jlord2003@aol.com
Vice President — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-595-0986; e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com
Secretary — Lora Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; phone: 423-227-5704; e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Nancy Rogers, 235 Burke Lane, Dayton, TN 37321; phone: 423-570-8467; e-mail: nrogers03@bellsouth.net
State Organizer — Paul Antczak, 843 West Millers Cove, Walland, TN 37886; phone: 865-724-4569;
e-mail: predatorsandprey@comcast.net
FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; phone: 931-935-5602
Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354
NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; phone: 423-595-0986;
e-mail: johndanielgc@yahoo.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $22
• Junior membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $250
• Senior lifetime membership (70 or older) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Nancy Rogers
235 Burke Lane
Dayton, TN 37321
Hello TFHA members and trappers,
Trapping season is in full swing now and I hope everyone is have a great and safe season. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas as well.
Our Fur Sales are just around the corner and I want to invite anyone in the neighboring states to come to the sale also. Fur sale dates are Crossville, Feb. 6 and Bulls Gap, Feb. 20. You can make a table reservation on Jan. 23 for Crossville and on Feb. 7 for Bulls Gap.
I would like to thank Joe Hawkins for his time and effort he put into the fur training class he held. It is much appreciated Joe.
Also, it isn’t too early to start thinking about the South East NTA in GA, hope everyone can attend. We would like for you to show your support and volunteer to help at the booth and help with odd and end other jobs as well. You can contact myself or John Daniels for more information regarding that.
Trapper training classes are already being scheduled for this coming year, and Hiwassee will be getting here before long, and I’m sure John and Paul will be writing about it in their reports also. The dates are the weekend of the 26th I believe. There will be more info as we get closer.
Also, at the Fur Sales, there will be a Fur Donation table for the proceeds to go towards trapper training and to help offset the cost of expenses for volunteers for the SE NTA.
The Trapping Contest Paul is putting together should be a big hit, hope we get a lot of guys (and gals) to sign up for this, and the proceeds will go towards SE NTA expenses also.
Showing your support by donating a couple pieces of fur and or signing up for the contest will be greatly appreciated. As you all know, our association is only as great as we all make it, it takes everyone’s help to make it what it is today; and to improve and make it better depends on us all.
The Web site is coming along, a little slower now that season is in, but we will eventually get it finished. If anyone has anything they want listed on the Web site please let me know.
Have a safe rest of the season, and hope to see you all at the fur sales. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me anytime by e-mail jlord2003@aol.com, phone 731 614-2531 or the Web site tfhaonline.net. — James Lord
At the time of this writing, trapping season has been open for about a week. I hope everyone is off to a good start. I haven’t started yet. I plan to start this week end.
There was some mix up last month and my vice president report was left out. I apologize for this. Because of that oversight, I’ll hit on some of last month’s topics.
Mark Smith and Earl Crabtree’s trapper training day was met with early morning rain, changing into a day of falling temperatures. The cool weather made for an enjoyable day of telling stories around the fire. I believe every one who attended had a good time.
Our annual dist. 1 & 2 meeting was held at Cherokee State park in Oct. Attendance was down some. It seems that there was some confusion and several people thought it had been canceled. If you were one of those people, we missed you and hope to see you there next year. At the dist. 1 & 2 meeting, the 1 & 2 members voted to move the meeting next year to July. This was done as to not compete with early hunting seasons, and avoid conflict with the new fallcreek falls date. A speial thanks to Stan Myers for putting the meeting together. Also thanks to those helping with the food and doing demos.
Lora and I attended Joe Hawkins fur handling day in Nov. This event is a great place for young trappers or anyone wanting to learn or improve on their fur handling skills. Joe Hawkins, Gene Gagstatter and Paul Antzack did a great job on instruction.
Thanks to everyone who helped or attended.
Remember T.F.H.A.’s first annual trapping contest in Febuary. There are some great prizes and awards to be given. By the time you read this, trapping season will be about to the halfway mark and our first fur sale around a month away. Maybe by the time it arrives fur prices will have rebounded some.
2010 promises to be an exciting year for T.F.H.A. With the N.T.A. S.E. Convention in partnership with Ga. Our spring meetings, trapper training camps, booths at sportsman days etc. All of these events are a great opportunity to fellowship with like minded sportsmen as well as expose our great trapping heritage to the next generation. Every one’s help is needed and appreciated, so get ready to join in. I hope every one has a great trapping season and happy holidays.
See ya in the New Year!!!
— John Daniel
Hello to all trappers,
I hope the season is going well for everyone. I apologize for my mistake of info in the mailout about the call-in date for Bulls Gap, Tn. Feb. 20, 2010. The new call-in date is Feb. 7, 2010 after 8 a.m, it was conflicting with the actual Crossville fur sale that will be going on at the time. Crossville fur sale will be Feb. 6, 2010 at the Cumberland County Community Complex. The call-in date will be Jan. 23, 2010.
The Bulls Gap sale had to be scheduled before the season ending due to Tn. furbuyers licenses expiring Feb. 28, 2010. I would also like to say that I enjoyed Joe Hawkins fur handling class and to thank his wife for the wonderful deer chili that she cooked for all of us. In closing, if anyone has any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
— Lora Daniel
It’s two days before thanksgiving, my truck is loaded and the freezer and boat is on the trailer. Chance and I are headed to Meremit Lake Illinois refuge to hopefully take care of about a hundred ’rats. This is a special trip for me because Chance has never trapped’ rats in this kind of environment. There’s a lot of huts, runs and feed beds. This is just another opportunity to teach my son.
Fur actions are cut back to two this year because of the depressed fur prices. First action will be in Crossville on Feb. 6 and Bull Gap on the 20th. Take extra time putting your fur up.
Joe Hawkins hosted another fur handling day. The turn out was not the best, but the one guy that showed up got some good one on one. We got to look at it this way if only one person shows up, he needed the help and we should be there. Gene it was good seeing you.
Trapping contest is on Feb. 13 through 14 at A.E.D.C. in Tullahoma Tn. This is going to be a fantastic fundraiser for hotels at the South eastern in Ga. I’m working on some extra prizes. Maybe we can have the largest ’possum contest. Huh Jerry what do you think? There will be more on this next month.
Good trapping everyone! Hope all your chains are pulled tight.
— Paul Antczak
I hope this report finds everyone having a great trapping season. This is a quiet time of the year for the N.T.A. Everyone winding down from another busy year and getting recharged for the year to come.
Some good news, the judge in the Maine lawsuit ruled in the favor of the trappers. So, for the time being, trapping is safe there. This is a huge victory for trappers.
Rusty Johson and Chris Johnson from Ga. Pres. Lord and Myself have been working out the particulars on the S.E. N.T.A. Convention, with convention coordinator Dan Skurski. This convention promises to be a really great convention. So don’t forget to mark your calendar and make plans to attend. There are some special activities being planned that will be reported on after they are confirmed.
Montana is getting ready to do battle with the anti’s and has asked for help. I would like to suggest that T.F.H.A. come up with some kind of fundraiser to help Montana with Legal expenses.
If any one has any suggestions please let me know. My Family and I would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!
Until next time keep your boots dry.
— John Daniel