President — James Lord, 19 Mallard Lane Lexington, TN 38351; 731-614-2531 or 731-968-7581; jlord2003@aol.com
Vice President — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN, 37308; 423 595-0986; johndanielgc@yahoo.com
Treasurer/Membership Secretary — Laura Smith, 160 Autumn Lane, Wilder, TN 38589; 931 303-7711; ladytrapper@gmail.com
State Organizer — Wendell Reeves, 14215 95 Hwy North, Greenback TN 37742
FTA Director — Bob Beckwith, 156 Brush Wood Dr., Sparta, TN 38583; 931-935-5602
Legislative Director — Doug McKenzie, P.O. Box 284, Madisonville, TN 37354
NTA Director — John Daniel, 13740 Birchwood Pike, Birchwood, TN 37308; 423-595-0986; johndanielgc@yahoo.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to T&PC — $25
• Junior membership with subscription to T&PC — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to T&PC — $250
• Senior lifetime membership (70 or older) with T&PC — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
Laura Smith, 160 Autumn Lane, Wilder, TN 38589
Hello TFHA members and trappers, I hope you all had a great Holiday season and are having a great and safe trapping season also. It’s been a very busy year for me and this winter isn’t any different. I’m not getting much time for trapping with everything I’ve got going on but it’s a sacrifice I’ve made. Anyway, our fur sales are just around the corner and I hope I’ll see a lot of you there. The first one is in Bulls Gap at the VFW building on March 2nd. We will begin at 8 am eastern time. Our second sale is in Crossville on March 16th at the Community Complex Building at the Fairgrounds and that sale will begin around 8 am central time. You can reserve a table 1 week prior to the sale by calling John Daniel. Our goal as an association, which was also voted on at Fall Creek Falls State Convention, was to move the sales to a later date after the season to hopefully increase the amount of fur to entice more buyers so it will help the seller with more buyers to bid and in turn help the buyers by there being more fur to make it more profitable for them as well. More fur means more money for everyone. Of course if it works, great; and if not we will possibly change it back next year. With out trying change we will never improve our sales and our association. Also, we will need as many volunteers as possible at the fur sales, please ask someone what you can do to help. It may not seem like much but just transferring fur for the buyers helps a lot as well as helps speed the sale up. We can use 6-8 people just moving tables and carrying fur. So please don’t hesitate to ask or just step in and help. Take care out there and we’ll see ya down the line, and if you need to contact me I can be reached at jlord2003@aol.com or 731 614-2531. — James Lord
Another new year is upon us. With everyone busy with trapping season there is not much to talk about but here are a couple of reminders. The first fur sale will be March 2nd at Bulls Gap at the VFW call in to reserve a table will be Feb. 23rd beginning 9 :am central,call Ashton Pittman 423-457-5655. The sale begins at 9:am eastern time, check in begins at 8 eastern.The second sale will be March 16 in Crossville Tn. at the Crossville Fair Complex. Call ins will begin March 9th at 9:am eastern time to reserve a table call Ashton Pittman at 423-457-5655. Fur Check in will begin at 8:am central with the sale begining at 9.
The Hiwassee Trapper training camp will be April 2th. Our Spring meet will be held at Big Ridge State Park May 18th. To Keep up with current information check out tfhaonline.net
Hope everyone has a great final part of the season. Until next time, keep your boots dry. — John