President — Mike Renfro, 401 Norton Hollow Road, Erwin, TN 37650; phone: 423-330-8134
Vice President — Jerry Scott, 190 Mockingbird Drive, McMinnville, TN 37110; phone: 931-692-2035
Secretary — Cindy Jacobsen, 938 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188; phone: 615-672-8546
Membership Secretary/Treasurer — Cindy Jacobsen, 938 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188; phone: 615-672-8546
State Organizer, NTA Director and FTA Director — Chris Jacobsen, 938 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188; phone: 615-672-8546
Trapper Education/Public Relations Coordinator — Jackie McMurtry, 143 Pond Rd., Cottontown, TN 37048; phone: 615-672-4163
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $18
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior (16 & under) with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $12
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
TFTA, Membership Secretary/Treasurer
Cindy Jacobsen
938 Tyree Springs Rd., White House, TN 37188
Hello Tennessee Free trappers,
The fur auctions have been scheduled and the buildings have been reserved for three TFTA fur auctions this season. As a benefit for the TFTA members, there will be no commission on the fur or ginseng sold by the TFTA members at any one of these fur auctions. However for non-members there will be a 4 percent commission charged for the sale of fur and 1 percent for ginseng.
Remember, you are responsible to have your otters and bobcats tagged with the US cites tags before bringing them to the fur auction. There is no Guarantee that a TWRA officer will be present to tag otter and ’cats. We will make arrangements for a TWRA officer to be attending. Contact your regional TWRA office for information on how to obtain the cites tags for otter and bobcat.
If you are selling your fur green, please do not bring it to the auctions wet and muddy. Be sure it is clean, thawed, the fur is dry and not full of burrs.
To reserve your Table, contact Jackie McMurtry 615-672-4163.
Auction #1 – Bulls Gap – VFW Post 9683 – Jan. 2, 2010, beginning at 9 a.m. EDT. This auction will be held at the VFW Post 9683 located off Hwy. 11E. Directions: Take I-40 towards Knoxville, then take I-81 North towards Bristol. Take exit #23 (Hwy. 11E, Mosheim/ Greensville/ Bulls Gap). Keep left at the fork in the ramp. Turn left onto W. Andrew Johnson Hwy. which becomes Hwy. 11E, turn right onto North VFW Road. Follow the TFTA signs.
Auction #2 – Waverly, Tenn – Humphreys County – Jan. 30, 2010, at 9 a.m. CDT. This auction will be held at the Humphreys County Agriculture Center (next to the Farmers Co-Op) on Blue Creek Road in Waverly, TN. Directions: From I-40, take exit 143 to Hwy. 13 North. Travel on Hwy. 13 approx 12 or 13 miles, turn left on Blue Creek Road just before you get to the square in Waverly. Note that the driveway entrance has moved to the other side of the co-op. Look for the TFTA signs.
Auction #3 – Alexandria, Tenn – DeKalb County – Feb. 27, 2010. at 9 a.m. CDT. This auction will be held at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds in Alexandria, Tenn. Directions: From I-40 take exit 254 (Alexandria Exit). Turn right off the interstate. Stay straight continuing on Hwy. 53 South, then take a right on Hwy. 70 in Alexandria and follow the TFTA signs.
FALL MEETING 2010 – The TFTA is planning a Fall Meeting at Mark Griffith’s place. This will be a three-day event. Let’s get started early. Please plan on attending and helping out. It takes a lot of planning and volunteers for a three-day event. Please contact myself or any of the officers if you would like to volunteer. I’m sure trapping supply dealers are also welcome. This event will be next year in September near the end of the month. Look for more information in future issues of the Trapper & Predator Caller magazine.
FUR HANDLING and TRAPPING SEMINARS 2010: At the TFTA fall meeting, we also discussed having fur handling and trapping seminars. Consider saving any of your unwanted catch for these seminars. More information to come in future issues of Trapper & Predator Caller magazine.
I understand that beaver castor prices are on the up and up. Europe is moving away from synthetics and going back to natural ingredients in perfume. So if you are trapping beaver, hold on to the castors because there are buyers out there this season.
— Mike Renfro