President — Kim Potter, 26424 436th Ave., Bridgewater, SD 57319; phone: 605-729-2691; e-mail:
Vice President — Gary Dale Poppenga, 27961 463rd Ave., Lennox, SD 57039; phone: 605-647-2323; e-mail:
Secretary — Terry Olson, 921 North Harth, Madison, SD 57042; phone: 605-256-6311; e-mail:
Treasurer/Public Relations — John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE, Watertown, SD 57201; phone: 605-886-8501; e-mail:
NTA Director — Jerry Westphal, 17342 297th Ave., Agar, SD 57520; phone: 605-258-2142;
Tanned Fur Coordinator — Steve Peterson, 22251 448th Ave., Ramona, SD 57054; phone: 605-482-8131; e-mail:
Youth Education Coordinator — Aaron Doyscher, P.O. Box 247, Volga, SD 57071; phone: 605-627-6558
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Junior membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $13
Complete membership application on first page of
association section and send dues to:
SDTA, Treasurer
John Almquist, 521 2nd St. NE
Watertown, SD 57201
Hello all,
Guess I don’t have a bunch to share, but I feel obligated to get something submitted. Most important reminder is the spring meeting is to be held April18 at Spring Lake Lodge near Oldham. Members will get a mailing for another reminder prior to the event. We will have our skinning bee the following day at Peterson Furs which is only a couple miles away. Please feel free to spend some time to help put up the unfinished fur.
I guarantee you will learn a lot and have an enjoyable time sharing processing tips and stories from other trappers. We have had a good number of fur sales at our gun shows this year. This is mainly due to the good quality of furs you all have donated. We want to thank each of you for those donations and count on your continued participation. Nothing too exciting at this year’s legislative sessions. At least we weren’t fighting to defeat any anti-trapping legislation.
I don’t know any changes proposed for next season. We will have a meeting with GFP this spring to go over rules and regulation recommendations so if there are any concerns or ideas out there, get them to myself or one of our directors. Would like everyone to keep in mind nominations for directors this fall. We are accepted at the Outdoors Expo event in Huron again this summer. Volunteers for demos and working our tables will be needed. Dates and more information have not been sent to me yet, but I’ll be keeping you informed. Hope you all have a good spring.
Take care.
— Kim Potter