President — Ricky Williams, 278 The Oaks Ln., Blenheim, SC 29516; phone: 843-528-3195; e-mail: sc-ws-6@juno.com
Vice President — Richard Whitfield, 325 Hanks Gin Road, Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-296-0076; e-mail: rwtrapper@aol.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Freddie L. Moore, 5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621; phone: 864-261-6139
Fur Bearer Biologist — Jay Butfiloski, P.O. Box 167, Columbia, SC 29108; phone: 803-734-3609
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $25
• Family membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• Junior with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $10
• Sponsor with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $50
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $200
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
SCTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Freddie L. Moore
5160 Slater Rd., Anderson, SC 29621
Hello SCTA trappers,
By the time you’re reading this, season is in or is about to be open. I hope you have got on all of your gear ready and trapline scouting done. SCDNR has not sent out forms for the licenses yet so call Columbia if you need a license.
I was having PC problems at the writing of the last news letter and had to cut it kinda short. If you missed this year’s convention, you missed a great day. All age groups had something to do and all seemed to have a great day. I enjoyed seeing the members at the convention. As the years have passed, we have lost a lot of our old members and great personalities to the grave. We need your help in being that member that can step in and help grow our organization like the fine gentlemen have done. Jim did a demo on old Indian and trappers dead fall sets. It was good to see how the old timers worked before steel was made into traps or affordable. If you have ideas to help improve the annual meet or would like to demo a set, feel free to contact Ricky or myself before the convention to setup the time slots.
Please take the time to talk to ’coon hunters you know about our wanting an early trapping season. The legislative package we had work on in conjunction with SCDNR was killed in committee by Rep. Marion Frye. Trapping in SC is a PRIVATE land only activity. If you know this Rep., please call him and talk to him about this. The legislative package will be reintroduced this legislative session and we want to get it passed.
I hope you’ve had a good deer season and your favorite fishing hole is filled back up with water. If we get the same amount of rain in January and February we got in September through November, life is gonna be rough on land trappers. I wish you all great luck on your line. Please remember to take someone new trapping. Our sport must grow to stay alive.
Most importantly, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Remember that we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus at Christmas. I hope you enjoy spending time with your friends and family.
Remember gun safety on the line and have a great season.
— Richard