Pennsylvania Trappers Association Inc. November 2014 Report

President — Brian Mohn, 138 Farview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526; 610-562-1790;

Vice President East — Joel Whitehead, 845 Snake Hill Road, Thompson, PA 19526; 570-756-2714;

Vice President West — Charlie Sykes, 1265 Airport Road, Stoneboro, PA 16153;

Secretary — Don Klinger, 522 S. Pancoast, Reynoldsville, PA 15851; 814-371-1170;

Treasurer — Donna Spittle, P.O. Box 708, Hummelstown, PA 17036; 717-239-9267;

Editor — Ed Price, 3833 Old Newburg Turnpike, Union Dale, PA 18470; 570-679-2318;

NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150; 724-962-4260;

FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; 570-278-2553;

Public Relations Director — Barry Warner, P.O. Box 223, Dallas, PA 18612; 570-675-7041;

Website Designer — Barbie Bankston;

Membership Options:

Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $30

Individual membership without subscription — $10

Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5

Lifetime membership with subscription — $500

Lifetime membership without subscription — $250

Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:

PTA Treasurer

Donna Spittle

P.O. Box 708

Hummelstown, PA 17036


I hosted a trapper training school in September at the Auburn Game & Fish in Schuylkill County. We had 43 students in attendance and 14 instructors. I want to thank all the instructors who helped train these new trappers. The single most outstanding highlight of the day was watching the young instructors demonstrate their ability to convey their techniques to all the students. I watched as two brothers shared their canine trapping experience with everyone and gained the respect of even the eldest in attendance. Age does not matter if you have someone willing to teach and another ready to learn. These young instructors knew their topic well. The same scenario was underway at the water trapping station. Under the guidance of some of the best veteran trappers I watched a small group of young trappers follow other young instructors up and down the creek. I learned years ago while watching my daughters teach, that young instructors will hold the interest of the audience for a longer period of time. I want to encourage everyone to mentor a young trapper, they hold our future. In closing the trapping school, I really appreciated all the instructors who endured the day and downturn of the weather. They held the attention of the groups even through the rain. I heard someone say, “Just like trapping season”.

I attended the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsman convention with our V.P. East, Joel Whitehead. Joel represented our organization, reported to the Game and Fish committee and cast our vote. I want to thank Joel for having the time to represent the trappers.

We voted to support The Wildlife Society convention that will be in Pittsburg at the end of October. This group is made up of wildlife researchers and graduate students pursuing a career in wildlife management and they support trapping.

Don’t forget to check out our website frequently for the most current information and purchase some PTA merchandise to proudly represent our organization. Our merchandise would make a great Christmas gift. Remember how quickly Christmas comes when we get busy trapping.

I hope everyone gets out on their trapline and have a safe and productive season.

“UNITED WE STAND” — Brian Mohn


Once again it was my pleasure to help teach District One Trapping School. It was well attended. A special thanks to Dan and Cassie for allowing us to have it at their place.

We are still working on the website and hope to make it better soon. Continue to send me more dates of functions and always more pictures for your districts page.

Have a safe and successful trapping in season!

God bless. — Charlie Sykes


Last year projections indicated that fur prices would be high. This year’s projections indicate just the opposite. With the indication that fur prices will be down, we would expect to see a reduction in interest and fewer trappers looking forward to the season.

I attended our PTA/FTA rendezvous, along with a number of district events and observed trappers securing numerous traps and other supplies in anticipation of the coming season. It is always great to see trappers enthusiastic about our way of life regardless of any financial return.

During this past spring and summer I secured a number trapping supplies from a major trap supply dealer that provides a free bottle of lure or a free trap of your choice depending on the amount of your order. I am 69 years old and have been dedicated to a trapper’s way of life since approximately the age of seven. Do I need another bottle of lure or another trap? I am sure, like most of you, each year I have to purchase more lure even though I probably have a supply that would last several years. The same goes for traps; I would need a bigger shed.

By now you may be ahead of me. I may be an old man and have lost some gray matter, but I can still envision the elation, at a young age, of having someone providing me with a bottle of lure or traps. This would be Christmas tenfold regardless of the time of year. You may not have joined in my experience of free lure or traps, but, how many half or partial bottles of lure are on your shelf? How many traps do you have that you know will never find earth or water? Why not provide that excitement to a young or novice trapper? We can talk about ethics and responsibility all we want, but if we do not demonstrate it, the message is not received. To my way of thinking, reaching out to our youth and new trappers is a critical part of our future. — Barry L. Warner


Hello Trappers,

While I sit down to write this report, I can’t help but think of how fortunate we are in District 1. We have a very supportive member base, whether it’s a trapping school, district meeting or county event – the members pull together and pitch in.

Our trapping school was another great success with 72 kids attending. Each child received a trapping school tee shirt for attending the school. I would like to thank Walter Greathouse for doing a great job in organizing this school, and to Dan and Cassie Lewis for being great hosts for the trapping school.

The fall meeting was hosted by Warren County. I would like to thank Bill Cummings and the Warren County members for making it a great day of demos and meeting. During the meeting V.P. West Charlie Sykes presented Lifetime Achievement Award to Dave Fowler. Dan Lewis received a plaque for Trapper of the Year, and Mercer County received award for District 1 County of the Year.

Derrick Cross will be heading a committee to see if we have the interest of the members to place a bid for the 2017 State Convention.

Jim and Donna Murphy presented former director Jack Crocker with a coyote print in appreciation for his many years of service.

The district purchased 3000 coloring books, 700 copies of Trap line to Fur shed, and 300 PTA tri folds to aid in education of the public on trapping.

Gun Raffle – The next gun raffle meeting will be on October 19th at King’s Family Restaurant at 2:30 PM. Every member is welcome to attend. Dan Lewis volunteered to help co-chair the gun raffle.

If any member has questions or wants to become more involved in the district, call me at 814-823-5429

Our Image Is Our Future. — John W. Chase


Hello District 2:

Hope everyone is ready & fired up for the upcoming season. Not much to report at this time. We had a good turnout at the Expo in September and we would like to thank the East Butler Hunting & Fishing Club for the use of their building. Also, a big thank you to everyone who helped and the vendors who donated items for the ticket raffles: Blose Hollow, Bob Best, Febinger Archery, Fur Taker Lures & Supplies, J & J Lures, Little Beaver Furs, and Paul’s Supply House. I plan on including in next month’s notes the dates for the meetings and events for 2015, so stay tuned! To contact District 2 our current officers are: Greg Bell, Director (724-895-3731) & Joe Fennell, Assistant Director (724-445-7976). Best of luck & happy Thanksgiving! — Brenda


Hi All,

Summer went by and I hope you found some time to work on your equipment. I know mine needs some serious attention that I haven’t given it, but pressure will make me get it done. Seems like time really flies by any more, and our season will be upon us soon.

I’ll have to report on the scholarship winners in the next issue, but thanks to all who wrote or supported a writer for us. The gun raffles at the fairs were drawn since the last report. The 4 winners were, Dave Felgar of Saltsburg, Jackie Miller of Burgettstown, Vance Delsignore of Washington, and Susan Nave of Greensburg. Thanks to all who supported us by buying tickets or helping at one of the fairs.

Our Trapper’s school was held on September 20, at the East Monongahela Sportsmen Club. I have to thank Rege Denne for lining up the spot for this year’s school. I think this is the third time the club has hosted one of our classes. Thanks to all of the instructors who spent a whole day there to insure that all who came got all the instructions they came for. I believe every student stayed an extra hour after class was over to ask questions and try their hand at fur handling. Also, we have to thank Jon Poorbaugh, who ran down between hay baling to make sure everyone had lunch. Thanks Jon, everyone thought it was great, you may have started a new school lunch menu. Last but not least, thanks to Bob Jameson who always has a gift or two or three for our students.

Till next time. — Dave Eckels


Fall is quickly approaching and with it the trapping season. I hope you are finishing up your preparations and eagerly awaiting your starting day. Please keep the district 5 fur sale in mind as your season progresses. The sale will be held in early February and selling your fur there is a good way to support the district.

Good luck and be safe this fall.

Our district officers are as follows: Bob Custer – Director, Mike Ridilla – Assistant Director, Deborah Sedlmeyer – Treasurer, and Harry Wade – Secretary.

Please feel free to contact me with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. I can be reached at (814) 686-0497 or e-mail me at Thanks for reading. — Brian Stern, Tipton, PA


I would like to thank everyone who helped with all the D-7 activities this year, If you would like to help with next year’s events and outdoor shows please let me know, We could always use some extra help. At our fall meeting we decided to put in a bid for the 2017 rondy to be held at the Clinton County Fairgrounds. If any D-7 members would like to help with the planning for this bid let me know. We also voted on the D-7 Trapper of the Year award, This will be presented at our January fur auction. Do not forget our fur auction in January. — Pete


We had a great trapper training school on Sept 6 & 7 with 47 students in attendance. Thanks to all those who helped at the school and gave of their epertise. I know the students appreciated it.

The Successful Furtaking class at my house on October 11th is overbooked. Sorry if you didn’t get in on it this time. If it goes well we’ll host another next year.

Our October meeting was held in Wayne County at Dave Costanzo’s house. I will have a report from the meeting in next month’s issue.

The Northeast Regional Coyote Hunt will be held on February 6, 7 & 8, 2015. This is a week later than previous years (this is NOT Super Bowl weekend).

That’s all for now. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable trapping season. Remember to leave the fur in the wild until it is fully prime to get the most for your catch.

And, as always, Remember: Our Image is Our Future! — Ed Price, Treasurer, District 9


Hello to all,

Another season is here. This season may provide us with a great opportunity to try some new sets and experiment with some new lures. Fur market predictions are less than ideal, and adding some knowledge to your basket may prove to be more valuable than fur.

The District 10 Trappers Fall Mini Convention and Sportsman Show was held on September 26th & 27th at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert, PA. District 10 would like to thank everyone who helped out, and all of the dealers, tailgaters, and those that put on demos for making it another great show. Without your help we would not be able to get everyone together on a yearly basis. So, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. We will have details from the show on the next issue.

The Trapper Training Day was successful, even though many people who registered ahead of time did not attend. In the future we may make some modifications to this to encourage a higher attendance.

The successful fur taking class that was in the works for November is now a cable restraint certification class only. It will be held on November 16th from 12-4pm at Mike’s Bait Shop in Nazareth, PA. You must register on the PA Game Commission website prior to attending. Seats are limited.

Looking forward, The District 10 Live Bid Fur Auction will be held on January 17th at the Belfast-Edelman Sportsmen’s Association located at 474 Sportsman Club Road, Nazareth, PA. District 10 charges 4% commission, and you must have your PTA membership card with you to sell fur. One of the great things about the auction is getting together to share stories about the season, but the best part about the auction is getting paid for your fur the same day it sells.

A district planning meeting for 2015 will be held on January 11th at the Belfast-Edelman Sportsmen’s Association. If there is something you would like to add to the agenda, or if you have some ideas about things we can do to improve in the future please let us know. Our meetings are open to all of our members and we would love to see some new faces on January 10th.

That’s it for now. Remember to take a young person in the field with you this season, and good luck to everyone.

Some dates for your calendar:

January 11, 2015 – Fur auction planning meeting. 1:00 pm at Belfast-Edelman Sportsman Club.

January 16, 2015 – Set up for District 10 live bid fur auction 6:00pm at Belfast-Edelman Sportsman Club.

January 17, 2015 – District 10 Live Bid Fur Auction – Doors open 8:00 am. Sale starts at 9:00 am. Belfast-Edelman Sportsman Club, Belfast, PA. Call Scot or Bob.

If you would like to receive District 10 information electronically, via email, please send an email to Nate Roberts at He will be happy to put you on our mailing list.

Stay safe. — Scot 610-863-9759,


We have just finished the last of 4 Trapper Training schools in the district for this year. We had approx. 100 students between the 4 schools which is a little less than normal. We ONCE again had 4 generations of Spittle’s work together at the Dauphin County school. Each student is given a new 1 ½ coil spring trap and a strip ticket for some trapline accessory – trowel, sifter, lure etc… We are trying to give Luke, the youngest Spittle, more responsibility so this year not only did he bring the lunch and help serve it, he drew and called out all the ticket numbers. We are planning to get him some trap-line experience this year so he can soon teach one of the trapping stations. A big Thank You from the district to everyone who gave of their time and talent to make our trapper training schools a success once again.

Our next district event will be our fur sale at the Berks County 4-H center in Bernville on January 10, 2015. Doors open at 7AM and the sale will start at 9AM.

I hope all of you got a chance to see the 2 articles in the Game News with Ferris Dissinger. They were both written by Joe Kosack. The first one appeared in the August 2014 issue and the 2nd in the September issue. The first one was all about Ferris and his 40 years in the fur business. The second article was all about fur and fur handling. Both articles were well written and some well-deserved recognition was given to Ferris. If you haven’t read these, I hope you get a chance to. I also hope if you have read these articles you’ll take the advice from a man that knows what he is talking about and wait to start trapping ‘till the fur is prime and then also handle it properly.

I will fill you in on what happened at our Oct. Middlecreek mtg in next month’s column.

Have a happy & safe trapping season. — Mike Spittle, 717-367-2637


Greetings from the southeast. It appears as though trapping season is officially upon us. Kind of makes you feel like a kid at Christmas, no? Hopefully everyone’s traps and gear are in order, and all of your hard work and dedication will soon be paying off. While we’re on the topic of hard work, I’d like to personally thank everyone who had a hand in making our pig roast/trapper training school weekend such a success. A very special thanks to Dave Rodgers, Rick Ameisen and Steve Senn for all of their continued efforts in preparation for this event. None of this could have been accomplished without you guys.

While I was not in attendance, you can be certain I was there in spirit. There’s not much that would normally keep me away, however, I was fortunate enough to draw a bull moose tag this year for the September hunting season in the great state of Maine. A special thanks to professional/master guides Dean Paisley and Randy Bossie of Dean’s Den located in New Canada, Maine. These gentlemen, along with their small friendly staff, work tirelessly to cater to their clients in any way possible during their stay. Thanks to them, I was able to successfully and safely fill my tag and make memories that will not soon be forgotten. They are a top notch lodge and guide service that definitely exceeded this hunter’s expectations, and I would highly recommend making arrangements to stay with them on your next moose hunting or bear hunting/trapping adventure. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for all of you outfitters in Maine with the bear referendum going to vote soon on November 4th. Vote no on Number 1!

The pig roast/trapper training school weekend was a big success for District #12. We were able to raise just about $1,100 throughout the course of the weekend. There were a total of 90 people enrolled in Saturday’s training school, 37 of which were kids. Yet another strong year for youth attendance at the school. Thanks again to all who volunteered time to share their knowledge and provide demonstrations. The cable restraint class was once again filled to capacity on Sunday with 35 students. We were even able to squeeze in another 6 students that missed the initial registration. District #12 would also like to thank Don Sagar and all of District #5 for donating two limited edition art prints that we were able to raffle off and send home with two lucky winners. There was also a raffle for a very nice coyote pelt donated by District #12’s very own Henry Fitzgerald. Thanks for your contribution, Henry, and it’s a good thing that 1.5 coil spring held him! The three 50/50 winners from that weekend all deserve some recognition and thanks as well. All three winners donated their 50% right back to the district and we are certainly appreciative.

Finally, I would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to District #12 member Wilmer Kline. We hope that you are feeling better soon good friend. Best of luck to everyone in the upcoming season. Be safe and trap hard! — Joel DiLorenzo

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