President — Brian Mohn, 138 Farview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526; 610-562-1790; papatrees@aol.com
Vice President East — Joel Whitehead, 845 Snake Hill Road, Thompson, PA 19526; 570-756-2714; JFRED@nep.net
Vice President West — Ned Weston, 120 Swope Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061; 724-894-2239; nedweston@gmail.com
Secretary — Don Klinger, 522 S. Pancoast, Reynoldsville, PA 15851; 814-371-1170; advantage16@verizon.net
Treasurer — Donna Spittle, P.O. Box 708, Hummelstown, PA 17036; 717-239-9267; spittlefam@paonline.com
Editor — Ed Price, 3833 Old Newburg Turnpike, Union Dale, PA 18470; 570-679-2318; pricee@nep.net
NTA Director — David Shuttleworth, 5452 Tamarack Drive, Sharpsville, PA 16150; 724-962-4260; dianeshutts@aol.com
FTA Director — Mark Kasten, RR2 Box 2287, Hallstead, PA 18822; 570-278-2553; willsher@epix.net
Public Relations Director — Barry Warner, P.O. Box 223, Dallas, PA 18612; 570-675-7041; beavernbass@comcast.net
Website Designer — Barbie Breckenridge,
Membership Options:
Individual membership including T&PC — $25
Individual membership without subscription — $10
Junior, age 16 and under without subscription — $5
Lifetime membership with subscription — $300
Lifetime membership without subscription — $100
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
PTA Treasurer
Donna Spittle
P.O. Box 708
Hummelstown, PA 17036
My recent travels around the state presented me with a weekend full of new friends and memories. I started Friday afternoon and stopped at District 10’s Fall convention in Gilbert. Attendance was good and the variety of vendors entices a new segment of sportsmen to the event. I was pleasantly surprised to see Randy Schuler make an appearance. He must have been the farthest traveler coming from Alaska.
From there I hit the road traveling northwest to Emporium for the District 4 Trapper’s weekend. Travelling through the night I had no problem staying awake cautiously watching all the deer standing on the side of the road and hoping they stay there. But when the bobcat flashed across the road in front of me I was excited and my brain went into overdrive thinking about all the trap line possibilities. I enjoyed participating in District 4’s trapper school and expo, attendance was good and everybody left with their supplies and a wealth of knowledge to demonstrate good trapping ethics. I want to thank D-4 for providing the Bald Eagle fly by during my mink demo. We were all pleasantly surprised by having two eagles fly up the stream in front of the group. Saturday night was capped off with a BBQ social.
Emporium is in the heart of Pennsylvania’s Elk Country. In the early morning I’m sitting on top of the Mountain with deer feeding in front of me as the sun is rising and the mist is lifting off the valley below. I have not seen any elk yet but the day is early and I have a long drive through Penn’s woods later today. For now I will return to the trapper expo and the District 4 meeting where I presented Tom Schwabenbauer with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
I hit the road after the District meeting. I spent the day driving thru the Mountains and even took in a PGC game lands tour on SGL 14. I met several PGC employees who saw my PTA “Our Image is Our Future” tee shirt, and they told me they were trapper/members. One of them told me he just returned from the FTA Trapper College. I did get to see several groups of elk, surely a treasure of the area. This is a great time to ask for everyone to go to the PGC webpage and review the Bobcat and Otter Management plans and comment on each. We need positive responses to show our support for these plans.
Now is the time to mark your calendar for the PTA State banquet on March 8, 2014, at the Hughesville Fire Company Social Hall, Doors open at 4:00 p.m… Please Contact Joe Mast@ 570-568-0175 for tickets, and Pete Rake @ 570-437-2679 for more information or any donations you would like to contribute.
Be Safe on the Trapline. — Brian Mohn
In August, I worked at the booth for District 1 on several days at the Stoneboro Fair. I had the honor of presenting a Lifetime Achievement Award to Bill Phillips of District 1 at their Fall Meeting in September. Congratulations, Bill! I look forward to attending more events throughout the region as the opportunity presents itself.
Brian Mohn had asked me to work with each district to gather information from local district events that can be shared on the PTA website. I am excited about this project, because it will help us communicate with each other; increase the usefulness of our website; and allow us the opportunity to see and hear about the events our neighboring districts are having. I kicked off the project by sending an e-mail to each of the districts last month. Two districts sent me information. I will be sending a new reminder out soon, which will ask for pictures and stories from each trapping school. I hope to see increased participation in this project, by getting a response from every district next month. Please encourage the folks in your district to send something in to represent the hard work and fun that is happening in your area.
God Bless. — Charlie Sykes
As trappers, we have a tendency to be independent. Just leave me alone to do my thing and I will not interfere with your world. That thought process today could very well annihilate our future.
Have you ever stopped to think about why we are permitted to trap? Is it because the Game and Wildlife Code gives us that authorization? Is it because the Pennsylvania legislators authorized this law? The bottom line, the people of Pennsylvania, at this point, support or do not object to regulated trapping. Therefore, it is critical for us to never forget why we are allowed to continue to enjoy our way of life. The voting citizens of our Commonwealth control our future. That said, it is up to us to assure the numerous publics that we take our responsibility very seriously. You do not have to look far to see where citizens from other states have been misinformed and misled to enact laws preventing appropriate wildlife management.
One of the primary goals of our organization is education. Education comes in many forms. Our opportunity to educate goes far beyond our trapper training events. Every day brings opportunity. The average citizen has little or no accurate knowledge of wildlife management. We do not need to communicate as professors, but we must communicate as knowledgeable, professional, and sensitive to the welfare of PA’s wildlife.
If you are not familiar with Best Management Practices (BMPs) , take the time to learn about the efforts of the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies www. HYPERLINK “http://www.fishwildlife.org/”fishwildlife HYPERLINK “http://www.fishwildlife.org/”.org studies that reveal the most humane and effective tools to manage furbearers. These BMPs are conducted by biologists, technicians, and trappers. Trappers play a key role. Trappers do the actual application of the trapping device, while the biologist or technician observes and records the result.
We, as trappers, represent the most cost effective and management effective method of managing our Commonwealth’s furbearers. The Boy Scout motto is “be prepared”. Be prepared for a confrontation. Know your facts so you can communicate knowledgeably and professionally. Never show anger. Realize there are going to be those individuals you can not convince with facts. In their world, emotion rules their life. Our communications are critical; however, never forget our actions speak louder than our words.
As trappers, we represent less than 2 persons in 1000. It is critical that we represent ourselves and our fellow trappers to the best of our ability. — Barry L. Warner
Hello members,
On September 14th we had the district trapping school at Bill Phillips house in Waterford. We had 84 students and a total of 180 people in attendance. Thanks to all the members that made this record breaking event possible. On September 28th we had the district fall meeting in Union City. Everyone seemed to have a great time watching the demos and visiting the trap supply dealers. At noon we had the District meeting. We decided to schedule a meeting for the spring gun raffle on October 20th at the Kings Family Restaurant in Conneate Lake at 2:30pm, all members are encouraged to attend. We have decided to send $500.00 to PAC/West, to assist in helping the trappers of Oregon with their fight against (TFO) Trap Free Oregon. The spring meeting will be held in Venango County on April 12th, location will be in the upcoming report when it is available. On a final note some trapping supply items were left at the park after the meeting. If you left your items give me a call at 814-823-5429 so that I can get these items back to you.
Our Image Is Our Future. — John Chase
Hi all,
Hard to believe summer went by so quick, I hope everyone is farther ahead than I am with their equipment. Seems this way every year, pressure is a great motivator. All of the county fairs are over and I couldn’t report on the gun raffle winners in the last report. The 3 Henry Golden Boy winners were Alex Ramsburg of Morgantown, WV, Chuck Schmidt of Connellsville, and Ron Shriver of Claysville. Thanks again to all who helped at the fairs and bought tickets.
Our trapper’s school was held on September 21, at the Youngwood Sportsman’s Club. We had 53 students show up, and except for a couple that left at lunchtime, everyone stayed through the rain and not only learned trapping, but also got very wet. Thanks to all of our instructors, who also were very wet at the end of the day, and gave up a whole day to spend teaching other trappers. I have to thank Erwin Polansky and the Youngwood Sportsmen for letting us use there club and facilities for the day also.
Our district scholarship started out very slow, but during the last week we were accepting essays, they all came in. Thanks to all who wrote essays and I’ll report on the winners in the next issue.
By the time you receive this, our fall rendezvous will be over, and the season should be in full swing so I’ll end with Good Luck in the upcoming season, get out and enjoy yourself all you can
‘Till next time. — Dave Eckels
I just got home from what I would say was a successful Trapper Trainer Weekend. We had roughly 90 sign up and I took 11 young trappers off to the side for a little one on one training. Brian Mohn and Barry Warner came up and helped start off the weekend with a short talk about ethics and the Future of our sport. Thanks to them and others like them that make the Districts work. Not much was talked about being our mini-convention is held before the O&D meeting. Stay tuned and enjoy the fall in preparation for the TRAPPING season. — Jeff
Trapping season is almost here and as usual I’m way behind on my preparations. I hope you are better prepared. I don’t have much to report this month but I wanted to touch base with everyone and wish everyone a safe and productive season.
Our district officers are as follows: Don Sager – Director, Jim Griffith – Assistant Director, Pat Wess – Treasurer, and Deborah Sedlmeyer – Secretary.
Please feel free to contact Pat Wess @ (814) 262-9455, Don Sager @ (814) 443-3185 or me with any information you would like to see in this report or any questions you might have. I can be reached at (814) 686-0497 or e-mail me at bdstern@atlanticbb.net Thanks for reading. — Brian Stern, Tipton, PA
Upcoming District 7 events–January 12: fur auction at Washingtonville, starts at 9 am. 4 % commission, you must be a PTA member to sell. March 8 District 7 is sponsoring the PTA state banquet at the Hughesville Fire Company. If you have a donation or want more information contact me. If you want tickets contact Joe Mast at 570-568-0175. On April 6 we will have our fur sale at the Hillsgrove Fire Company starting at 9 am. On August 28, 2013, member Richard Williams passed away, his obituary is in the back of this paper. — Pete, 570-437-2679 or minkman46@aol.com
Hello all. I have some sad news to start the report off with. Cliff Stitely passed away on September 8, 2013. The following is from his obituary.
Clifford R. “Cliff” Stitely, 71, of Mifflin, passed away Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013, at his home. Born March 27, 1942 in Washington, D. C., he is the son of Robert N. and Ruby I. (Alexander) Stitely of Williamsport, Maryland. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Dawn (Moore) Stitely, whom he married May 4, 1963; his daughter, Elizabeth “Beth” Stitely Bankes and husband, Howard, of Falling Waters, West Virginia; one daughter-in-law, Lora Gibson of McAlisterville; three cherished grandchildren, Nathaniel and Emily Bankes of Falling Waters, West Virginia and Ashley Gibson of McAlisterville; and one brother Edward Stitely and wife, Loretta, of Barclay, Md. He was preceded in death by his foster son, Alan Gibson. Cliff graduated from Shenandoah Valley Academy, Washington Hospital School of Radiology, and the Pennsylvania State Police Academy. He worked as an X-ray technician from 1961 to1964, for the Takoma Park Police department Canine Unit from 1964 to 1969, and for the Pennsylvania State Police from 1969 to 1994. After retiring, he owned and operated C & N Scents and Standing Stone Deer Farm. He was a Pa. Game Commission Hunter Education Instructor for 25 years, a life member of the National Rifle Association and the Pennsylvania Trappers Association, a member of the National Trappers Association, the Maryland Trappers Association and the PA Retired State Troopers Association and a charter member of the PA Deer Farmers Association.
Cliff will definitely be missed as he did many things for District 8 and the PTA throughout the years.
September 6-8, District 8 attended the Carlisle Sports and Outdoor Nationals. I would like to thank everyone who helped at our booth and put on a demo. We are definitely looking forward to going next year as we expect this event to grow every year. We had our annual outdoor show the following weekend at East Waterford. We were blessed with good weather both days of the show. We had roughly 850 people attend Friday and Saturday. Thanks to the vendors/tailgaters, the crowd, and to all the help we had. I thought it was a good show. As you read this we should have already had our final meeting at Blain on October 20. It will be the third year that we will be doing the shrimp/chicken feed. At the meeting we will be discussing upcoming events for the next year. I know our next meeting will be in New Bloomfield sometime in mid-January. We will also be discussing the possibility of doing a fur sale. If you have any ideas, please come to the meetings or get a hold of me. Thanks. — Pete
By the time you all read this, trapping season will have begun. I urge everyone to wait until November before setting traps so you can get the highest prices for your fur.
We held our trapping school on September 7 & 8, and we had a disappointing 16 participants. With fur prices high, we figured we would have more showing up to learn the trade. Thanks to all of you who helped with the school, either as presenters or in the kitchen, etc. We couldn’t put on a quality school like this without you.
We held our mini-convention on September 15. We had quite a few trappers show up to purchase their trapline needs. Thanks to all the dealers who supported us. Thanks also to Barry Warner and Bill Kalinauskis for doing demo’s.
Plans are underway for our annual Northeast Regional Coyote Hunt. It will be held January 31, February 1 & 2, 2014. Weigh-in is, as usual, at the Triton Hose Co. in Tunkhannock. Dinner will be held on Sunday. A $25 entry fee will be charged for all early entries. Our feature rifle being raffled this year will be the Kimber Montana in caliber 223 with a Zeiss scope. This was a very popular rifle last year, and we have secured another for this year’s raffle. Tickets will be $5 each, or 3 for $10.
Our fur sale will be held the weekend after the coyote hunt. I forget whether it will be Saturday or Sunday. We will be charging 4% commission on all fur sold at the sale again this year.
Here’s wishing you all success on the trapline, and don’t forget our motto: “Our Image is Our Future”. — Ed Price
Hello to all. Hope everyone has their gear ready for the upcoming season. By the time you read this, the season will have started. Wait until mid-November to start trapping to get top prices for your fur.
Not much going on right now. I am writing this a week before fall convention, so I will have a report on that next time.
We need delegates for Monroe County and Northampton County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs. You would need to attend their monthly meetings and report back at our district meetings. If anyone would be interested, give me a call.
I have State Convention shirts, mugs, and mink boards left. I also have fox and coyote prints, canine books, successful trapping books, yard sticks State patches and bumper stickers. If you are interested in any of these items let me know.
Our fur sale will be held on January 18, 2014, at the Belfast Club. Doors open at 8:00 AM and lsale starts at 9:00. Set up Friday night at 6:00 PM. Please come out and support your district.
That’s all for now. Good luck in the upcoming season. — Scot Mucha – 619-863-9759
We conducted our remaining 2 trapper training schools in the month of September and all totaled; we had about 120 students between the 4 schools. Thank you to everyone who helped out in any way to make these training schools possible. Fur prices helped to generate interest but what I have seen and others too is parents with kids that want an activity to do together. They are anxious to trap some critters and enjoy the time spent together.
Our district fur sale will be held on January 11, 2014 at the Berks Co. 4H center in Bernville PA. Doors open at 7AM, sale starts at 9AM. You must be a PTA member to sell fur at this sale. All licensed fur buyers are welcome to attend. District 11 sale is a live bid auction and the final decision to sell or not is in your hands. When you ship fur to the big auction houses they make that decision for you. Just something to consider.
One more thing to think about, by the time you get this, trapping season will be open and you could start catching critters. Prime fur always sells and for better money, but to get prime fur you have to wait and there is always the possibility some other trapper might beat you to it. It’s your call. Be safe, have fun and enjoy what God has created for us. — Mike Spittle, (717) 367-2637